
Journey to become the world greatest swordsman

Emielwray · Fantasy
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Welcome to the crew

Hey get back here Mace give me back that sword officer's he's at it again Mace is stealing again this is our hero Mace he looks just like his father who sadly past away he has big brown eyes a straight nose and black hair with a slim muscular build. Mace stop right there shouted the officer's while Mace is running thru the food Market and while he's running thru the market he's stealing food at the same time and while he's doing that he's also eating it MACE POV

wow this food is yummy got to lose these officer's tho ok there's an ally way all I have to do is run in there and maybe I can escape I ran down the ally way and in a few minutes I lost them as I was walking to my house I saw someone selling a chain with a red stone in it wonder if I can steal it nah I just escaped from some officer's I'm too tired to do this again but then again that does cost alot of money and I can sell it for even more ok then time to steal it I walked over to the man and ask him how much for it he told me 5,000sen(dollars) which I could sell for atleast 8,000sen so I just pulled out my sword and started to threaten him then he just started to laugh and he said let me introduce myself the names Proton I shouted Proton as in captain Proton the 4th greatest pirate to ever walk on this earth he shakes his head yes I then asked him what's he doing selling jewelry in this small town he then said boy I'm looking for a new swordsman and then he ask me if I can use a sword and of course I lied and said yes but that was a big mistake because then he said I should fight him and now I'm holding a sword against the 4th greatest pirate to ever live.

3 PERSON POV And the fight began Captain Proton ran at Mace at full speed so fast Mace couldn't do anything other than just taking a elbow to the stomach then Proton jumped and kick him in the face and said I thought you were a swordsman man I'm not using any weapons and I'm still winning what kind of swordsman are you? Mace then gets up and says I'm going to be the one to beat you and then Mace runs towards Proton as fast as he could but Proton is too fast Proton dodged the attack and knees him in his stomach but Mace still didn't give up for about half-hour later Mace was very tired and Proton was still standing without a scratch he then looked at his feet and said you got heart boy you aren't a good swordsman man but I like your attitude of never giving up welcome to the Proton pirates Mace jumped up and said really? Proton replied yes boy Mace got up with a shocked face Mace started singing I'm going to be a swordsman man I'm going to be a swordsman no your not your going to be a shiphand laughed Proton Mace drops to the floor crying why me why me Let's go it's time to meet the crew new shiphand. you don't have to say it over and over again ok said Mace Proton laughs and said ok shiphand let's go but what about the swordsman ask Mace captain Proton responded with oh right well find one at the next island which is shipwreak Island Wait Proton said Mace Captain Proton shouted captain Proton to you there's the ship let's go shiphand

3 DAYS LATER Mace met the crew but he only talk to 3 crew members Zari-the cook who has red short hair a straight nose and small green eyes and a big muscular body Levi-the sniper with black long hair big green eyes and a straight nose and a slim muscular body then there's Sema-the doctor a girl with red hair with blue eyes and a straight nose and a lean figure. Zari was a bit of an idiot Levi is always happy and Sema let's just say abusive


ok let's see so if I just sneak into the captain's cabin I can steal that red rubie chain thing the captain was selling but why was he selling while looking for a swordsman well It doesn't concern me as i was about to find my way to the captain's cabin I hear someone say going somewhere shiphand and by that alone I knew who it was it was captain Proton oh hey captain how are ya I'm going to clean the bathroom now he then shouted stop right there tell me what you were going to steal I then shouted nothing he then said ok but if I find out your not telling the truth your gonna die I then shouted I wanted to steal the red chain thing he then said ok then I'll give it to you If you can clean this ship by yourself in less than 2 hours I then said to him that's impossible he then replied with its only impossible because it hasn't been done before so you can be the first but as soon as he said that we hear a cannon fire and the ship rocked from side to side and then there was shouting and shooting then me and the captain look at each other then ran out on deck and there was a full scale battle going on when I looked at the other ship I started shaking it was the Nalman pirates the worlds number 1 pirate crew I'm so lucky I'm not the swordsman then suddenly Captain Proton shouts hey you shiphand get a sword your my swordsman for the day lets teach the Nalman pirates that we are the ones who should be Number 1