
Journey Through the Multiverse

The second life of the man who managed Wield the Power of God. Mostly will go to Anime, Manga, or Eroge. Prett much following canon... I already get used to reading fanfic following canon kinda normal and non-canon basically porn-focused novel anyway not story-based. Warning: I just lazy to write new chap, pretty much already do when I feel like it, suck grammar, only writing whatever comes to mind you have been warned If there any similarity that proves that I got some influence from that fanfic and novel that read. AN: Gonna be Harem if you don't see the tag, kinda waste of multiverse if you don't have a harem... well i guess i just have too many waifu to be included lmaooo Disclaimer: I don't own any character or world that will be used and cover image, except OC

FinzRaizer · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

New Power and New Beginning

The man called Tendou Kamiya who supposed to died woken up on pure white space where he can't find anything other than pure white. After taking a look of surround he started to see his own body that already healed to his prime.

"It seems you already awoken from your rest time. Welcome to one of my territories!"

" Who are you? What have you done? from the last time I remember I already died from using every last of my lifeforce and strength to give to the winner of the trial I created."

" Don't think too much about it. For my name... I already live very long enough the point I don't even care anymore. Too put it simply I AM GOD and not just some random God. From all kinds of God from many universes, I'm Rank 1 too put it simply I'm the strongest. which make me very bored since most of them solved by others who lower than me. The reason you're here, pretty much you caught my interest so decided to revive you to another world."

" Seriously? Well, I guess it's already expected for me to catch the attention of higher up if they really exist anyway. So is there important information I needed to know before going to another world you said ?"

" Well, I'll give you a system that will let you view your status and managing your own ability. Besides that I'll give you 3 power roulette chances, the result will be random. So everything is up to your luck. Before I forget to tell you, everything you do in your past life will be accumulated and become your new skill. Just check it yourself"

" Let me see for a while. 'Status'."


Name: Tendou Kamiya

Race: Human {God}

Age: 17 {Forever}


Strength: A+

Endurance: A

Agility: A+

Magic: EX

Luck: EX


Unique Skill :

Game Master Authority (New) :

The ability that acquired through making the whole world into part of massive scale game where everything will be decided through the game itself. Game Master Authority allows the user to do anything he wanted as any gamemaster does. The skill composed of Create, Edit, Pause, Re-Start, Reset, Invulnerability and Delete.

Personal Skill :

God-Slayer (New) :

The ability that acquired through killing God. The skill increases the damage dealt with the opponent that has divinity.

Golden Rule {Wealth & Body} (new) :

As someone who surpasses the limit of human and achieving Godhood user won't have any monetary problem and will have a perfect body which incarnation of God itself.

Mystic Eyes of Death Perception (new) :

As someone who understands the concept of the dead and rules over the life itself, the user achieving the state where the user can decide someone living on a whim. Mystic Eyes of Death Perception is one of the highest grades among the many superpowers designated as Mystic Eyes. Regardless of being organic or inorganic, it reads into the primary factor of death in "living" things and visualizes it as a phenomenon that can be interfered with. The world observed from the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception is a landscape of endings filled with "lines of death", and a proper mental structure would have difficulties in daily life while facing this.

The World (new):

The user is the man who walks the path of the heavens, the one who will rule even the God itself. "I am the world. Whenever the world exists...so will I! " The world will revolve around the user.

" Well, that's quite a good skill I have for a starter." The man reading the skill information he has decided what course of action he takes.

" If you already finish inspecting your own skill, hurry up and start the power roulette!"

" Okay, Let's start spin the roulette and go to another world already.but before that I'll use my Game Master Authority skill to increase my luck and alter roulette percentage." Light like blessing started surrounding Kamiya before he started to spin the roulette 3 times.

"What !"


New Skill:

Eyes of the Lord (new) :

The ability used by Adam, The Father of Humanity, the first and original man created in the image and likeness of a God. He is the man of File No.00000000001 and was referred to as the "'Hope of Humanity".

These Eyes Allow users to perfectly emulate any move user saw regardless of its speed and power. Upon activation, the Eyes of the Lord would allow User to avoid and perfectly counter any blow with an exact copy of his own. These Eyes allow the user to react to and counter a blow entering into the zeptoseconds. A punch said to surpass even time itself.

Manipulation of Boundaries (new):

This ability wield used Yukari Yakumo is a legendary youkai who is able to manipulate boundaries.

This ability allow the user to do anything put under the influence of this ability. This power allows the user to control the boundaries "between any and all things". This Ability also includes the ability to manipulate the boundary between fantasy and reality (what is and what isn't), turning one into the other and blurring the border between them. It allows users to bring anything into existence, including impossible things - especially impossible things, as fantasies care little about reality's limitations. Fantasies can be brought to life as independent existences, or infused into reality in more subtle ways. Users can also turn aspects of reality into fantasies, making them vanish as having never existed. By combining these two aspects, they can remodel existing things to their liking, or replace them with something entirely new.

When using these capabilities at full power, the border between fantasy and reality becomes so thin that it might as well not exist. The affected area is no longer bound to reality and instead becomes an extension of the user's soul, a place where fantasy and reality are one and the same. In this impossible realm, unbounded by any rule, anything is possible, and things like "Heaven" and "Hell" are no longer just metaphysical concepts.

New Equip :

Annihilation Maker (new) :

One of the thirteen Longinus, Sacred gear that having world-class powers that could destroy the world. The Annihilation Maker gives the user the ability to make a countless number of creatures. The creatures are created based on the user's imagination. As such, the more powerful the user's imagination, the more powerful the creature is upon its creation.

" Well, that's that really good skill and equipment for starting gacha, since there are no re-roll available. Now, all that left is just how I'll go to another world you mentioned earlier."

" There no need for me to send you anymore, you can just use the ability you just got. Since your Manipulation of Boundaries allow you to travel to another dimension, also I don't really care which world you visit anyway just leave it to your fate."

" So... this is the end huh.. see you later Kami-sama. Since I feel we will meet again."

Kamiya used the power of the boundary to create a portal and leave through it.

"So he already gone huh... what you said about we will meet each other again is true. The only one that can satisfy my boredom is only you. Since the only one who has a chance to defeat me is me> So become stronger my alternate past self."


In the park that surrounded by tree space boundaries opened up, and the man walked out of those space boundaries. The moment the man walked out, the boundary started to disappear. The first thing the man does is checking surrounding and founding a high school student of average height with short spiky brown hair, with two short locks of hair behind his head, and light brown eyes got killed by a young woman with violet eyes having a slender body. She had long silky black hair down to her hips and possessed two black feathered wings.

"It seems supernatural being exists in this world since I see someone with a black wing on her back. Not sure I'm lucky or not the moment I arrived in another world I found some man got killed by his girlfriend. I guess I need to leave this area and starting to find a good apartment for rent. Since I still young I guess I also need to go to school huh..." The man leaving the park without catching other people's attention and start finding an apartment and school through the internet.

Just get some power and arrive at DxD

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