
Journey Through the Multiverse

The second life of the man who managed Wield the Power of God. Mostly will go to Anime, Manga, or Eroge. Prett much following canon... I already get used to reading fanfic following canon kinda normal and non-canon basically porn-focused novel anyway not story-based. Warning: I just lazy to write new chap, pretty much already do when I feel like it, suck grammar, only writing whatever comes to mind you have been warned If there any similarity that proves that I got some influence from that fanfic and novel that read. AN: Gonna be Harem if you don't see the tag, kinda waste of multiverse if you don't have a harem... well i guess i just have too many waifu to be included lmaooo Disclaimer: I don't own any character or world that will be used and cover image, except OC

FinzRaizer · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Kabbalah Dragon

[ Initial Y-Series starting up ]

Machine-like sound can be heard from the automata which just starting up. The two automata start to stand from the creation table and walk toward the Kamiya. Each one of them taking the hands of Kamiya and started sucking his finger.

[ Starting Master Authentification ]

[ Tendou Kamiya authorized as Master ]

[ Unlock Emotion Control Circuit ]

[ Wake Up Independent Though ]

[ Authorize Expression Of Opinions ]

" I am Unit-1 of the Initial-Y series. RyuZu"The One Who Follows"Yourslave."

" I am Unit-2 of the Initial-Y series. AnchoR"The One Who Destroys"Trishula."

" Until our last gear stops turning, We swear to stay by your side become your extension, Master and Creator Tendou Kamiya. Unto you, We vow absolute submission and loyalty."

Both automata girls RyuZu who have beautiful smooth silver hair and golden eyes, followed by little girl AnchoR who has black hair in a bob and has bright red eyes. The started to kneel in front of their master and creator.

" Happy Birthday!!! Today is the day two of you created and started functioning, As much I want to celebrate my genius self that managed to create two masterpieces in a span that doesn't reach 1 day. I already tired, so let's postpone the celebration party later after I took some rest. Ah... don't forget to clean up this room first, after that two of you can do whatever you wanted as long you guys don't leave the house. If you need extra information feel free to use the internet. I already inputted some basic information to your database. see ya!"

Leaving two automata behind he got his bedroom and take some rest since creating two of them to the perfection within 1 day takes a lot of concentration.

" It seems master already go to sleep, let's start cleaning this room and house, after that we can search for more information that will help to serve our master and start preparing food for our master when he wakes up."

" Yes, RyuZu onee-chan."

Two of starting to do their task after decided their course of action they will take. With the capability given by their creator, they managed to clean up the whole house within an hour. After that, they connected themselves to the Internet in the Laboratory room, checking information about the world they reside in right now. After compiling all the data they can gather, they started to prepare the dinner with ingredients left in food storage.

While the girl cleaning and preparing for the food, Kamiya goes into his inner world one you can call Reality Marble. Everything he sees inside this world shaped from his experience in the past until present. The world he arrived covered by some kind of boundary which he though comes from his ability of Manipulating Boundaries. The place he saw was like a paradise that covered by nature itself, at the same time rich and full of many kinds of energy, unlike other places. He hears the melodious sound of nature from plants and creatures in this place. He also saw many kinds of a beast from what he had created in his past game and the mystical beast he never saw and created before this place. There one thing that stood different compared from others he saw in this place which is Mythical Giant Tree which has a shape that reminded him of the tree of life Kabbalah. From all his information he has from all this he had the only thing that connected to life is soul equipment Sacred Gear Anhilitation Maker. It seems soul inside the weapon mutated when connected to me who wields the power of Adam's father of humanities that eat the Forbidden Fruit which resulting soul inside sacred gear evolved into something that has a relation with life itself.

"Greetings, My Partner and Master that allowed me to evolved and gained new form."

From the Tree, Big white dragon can be seen. The dragon has a beautiful white scale that shines and from her body can be seen many different color crystals that giving it majesty presence. The Dragon flying toward me, the moment dragon arrived in front of me. The dragon transformed into a beautiful woman that wears a beautifully elaborate dress with flower ornaments around her bosom and in her hair. The dress she wears shown a radiance similar to the Northern Lights. Behind her, there is a distorted halo embedded with ten stars.

" Why don't you introduce yourself first, since I only know you're an existence that exists inside my soul, though most likely you come from sacred gear I gained Anhilitation Maker."

" I don't have any name since before I become your sacred gear I don't have any form or true existence just a mere concept. The first time I gain true form and free will is the moment I connected to you, my wielder. So feel free to give me the name you see fit."

" Let's see since you come from a mythical tree that looks like a tree of life itself, I guess I'll name you Kabbalah Dragon and for your living name when you want to materialize outside of this place will be Mio, Takamiya Mio."

" Thank you for giving me a new name, Master"

" There no need to call me master Mio, just call me Kamiya since we are a partner that shares our lives."

" Is that so, Then I will call you Kamiya."

" Mio, by any chance is there any change you feel after you become like this?"

" Yes, there are some changes like I gained new ability other than creating creatures. Ain Soph Aur the ability that creates flower constantly emits particles of light that instantly kills every one that comes in contact with it. Henet which Summons a small palm-size flower bud that releases a concentrated energy beam of particles from Ain Soph Aur. Anything that comes in contact with the energy beam will instantly die regardless of any defense. Ain Soph(Samsara of Paradise) ability creates a huge tower decorated with flowers and branches that pierces the sky and reshapes the surrounding landscape, giving it a monochrome, chessboard-like appearance that allows you freely manipulate the laws of reality. Finally trump card, Ain. An ability that instantly illuminates the entire world with light before erasing whomever or whatever she desires from reality."

" Well, another strong ability I get. Now I wonder are Gods in this world creating any being above me other than one that one transport me into this world."

" Well, I don't think there are any being that created by Gods that can stand equal to you other Great Red(Apocalypse Dragon), Ophis(Infinite Dragon God), and Trihexa (Emperor Beast of Apocalypse)."

" So at least there three worthy opponents that I can fight within this world. Let just hope I can get some entertainment until I managed to meet three of them."

The man giving a huge smile, which shows his happy feeling there are others who strong enough to become his opponent. After that, They talking to each other until Kamiya woke up from his sleep.

" Good Afternoon, Master Kamiya. It seems you have a good sleep. I and AnchoR already prepared a meal for us to eat, we waiting for you."

" Good work from two of you let's start dinner. After this, I want to walk around the town knowing more about this town and investigate something that will take my interest."

After finishing his dinner Kamiya started walking around the town and by chance, he saw Issei with Occult Research Club from Kuoh Academy near an abandoned building. So he decided to erase his presence and start following them to know what they're doing at night. From his hiding place, he hears Occult members talking with others.

" Oh yes. I will also explain the traits the servants have."

" Explain? The traits servant have?"

" Devils, who are the maser, give traits to those who will become their servants. Yes, it's probably about the time I explain about it and also about the history of Devils."

' It seems the group starting to talk about some information about this world in Open, Allowing others to listen closely. Well, I guess they never thought there will be someone outside who can escape their detection ability. Their detection is a low-level category though. Well, there no demerit for me to continue listening to gather more information. After all, everything will be boring if using my abilities. '

" Long time ago, there was a three-sided war between the Devils, the Fallen Angel, and God with its Angel followers. All three sides had a large army and they fought for almost eternity. As a result, all three sides lost most of their troops and the war finished several hundred years ago with no side winning."

" The devils were no exception. Big Devils with peerage who commanded about 20 or troops lost most of their underling because of the war. They lost so many that they couldn't even form new armies."

" I heard that most of the pure Devils passed away in that war. Even after that war there still a problem with each other race. So the Devils decided to use a system developed by 1 of Great Maou Beelzebub-sama. And that is Evil Piece."

"Evil Piece?"

" Devil with peerage decide to use the traits of human's game "Chess" to their Servant Devils. The devils who are masters are a [King]. In our case, that is me. From there, they created 5 special traits that consist of [Queen], [Knight], [Rook], [Bishop], and [Pawn]. These thing starting to become popular and they started to compete against each other to the point they started creating "Rating Game" where High-class Devils started to play a game like that of chess against each other. These game started to affect their social position."

' So they are nothing more than old being that just trying show off each other of the toys they get. Also the position surely full of hierarchy and full of corrupted high class that keeping their status. They're devil after all, I can expect something like that.'

" Buchou, what are my roles and traits? And what piece am I?"

" Ise, You are-"

" I can smell something disgusting. But I can also smell something delicious. Is it sweet? or is it sour?"

" Stray Devil Vaizor. We are here to eliminate you."


Abnormal laughter can be heard. A topless woman appears from the shadow. But the woman's body is floating. The next thing that appears in the body of a gigantic beast. It's grotesque being with an unnatural form having a woman's upper body and lower body of a monster. It's holding a spear in both of its hands. The lower body of the monster has four fate legs with sharp claw and having a snake tail.

'It seems I manage to found some sample to experimented on tonight as well.' Kamiya started to activate some kind of gadget he hid in his pocket. The gadget creating some kind of digitize boundaries without others knowing they're inside the boundaries itself.

" Leaving your master's side and rampaging as you please definitely deserve death. In the name of Duke Gremory, I will Gladly eliminate you!"

"You are cunning for a little girl! I will rip your body apart and color it in red just like your hair!"

' Well, the existence of Stray Devil means there are a lot of problems with Evil Piece itself and their Master is just too useless and to sucks to become the king. This means devil society still very flawed. They are devil anyway, you can't expect anyone to be honest since humans also like that. Though I hope they like a demon with to deceit at all and go to the point which makes them easier to make contract with.'

The Occult Research Club started to fight Vaizor. While Rias the club president still lecturing about the trait of the piece while letting her peerage fighting Vaizor one by one.

' They are playing too much with the opponent. I guess that stray devil is weak. The explanation of piece also kinda oblivious as [Knight] Increase Speed, [Bishop] Increase Magic, [Rook] Increase Physical, [Queen] All Stats.'

After few more minutes finally, they killed Vaizor, though Rias kind of useless after Issei who doing nothing. Since pretty much she takes a lot of time to charge her power and throw it the level it's easy to dodge if you have enough speed. The destroyed Vaizor started to vanish after received the Power of Destruction from Gremory. The fragment left of Vaizor goes inside into gadgets that activated by Kamiya.

' I guess It's time for me to leave since I already get information and sample of this so-called stray devil. Also with Eyes of the Lord, I managed to learn the ability to wield that thunder and power of destruction. Unexpected harvest from this outing.'

Busy, I used my free time to read other books, play a game, watch anime and finally I got Sick bwahaha!

I want Date A Live Character but... I'm to make date planning in Date A Live. So.. let's just create it and leave their past since it's just too much pain especially Kurumi that will be shown on Date A Bullet ... damn Yoshino Mom sure MILF material

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