
Journey: The Destructive Incarnate

In the Stellar sea of stars, a giant tree stood, rivers made of countless white streaks flowed throughout its giant body travelling toward its root. Those rivers were made of souls going through the process of rebirth, but among those countless rivers, a certain stream travelled directly toward the stem of the tree. In that specific river, a soul flowed like every other; nothing special about it would have remained as such. Suddenly the space it inhabited collapsed as a brilliant golden glow travelled out of that distorted space. The soul unable to escape got showered by that golden glow, its spiritual body absorbing it. Unable to handle the magnitude of the power contained in the golden light, the soul started to tear up. But somehow it managed to absorb it all, but it came at a cost, as the single soul split into two, one being thrown out of that river. Passing through another river, it made its way toward the root, whereas the other part continued on its way. A soul who got the body to handle the power of the golden glow after rebirth but didn't have it, and a body that had the power but couldn't handle it was created. But fate works in mysterious ways as after the death of one body, the soul finally reunited making someone whole. Neo was the part that got the power but couldn't handle it, this gave him a fate worse than death. He couldn't use mana, in a world filled with mana and where the strong ruled. But his family didn't give up on him or shun him, so to help them even if a little he chose the path of a scholar. Knowing that he had the talent to be a mage but couldn't use mana always ate away his heart. Then on the fateful day when he was four, the soul finally reunited, becoming one. All the talent he had finally burst forth, as Neo was born anew, now with memories of 30 years worth of life and the vast amount of knowledge he had collected in this life. So with that, how will he change this world, how will his existence affect the world, and will he be swept away by this world? It is for you to find out as you follow his journey. ... Here are some additional tags. Crafty MC, Strong Female leads, Yandere

youareme · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Ch.9 A little fight


Waking up with the grown I look at the ceiling of the training ground, from what I can feel from my back I should be lying down on the bench near the ground. Turning my head a little I can see my sister and Sir Vayu sparring against each other.

Guess, my sister is as hardworking as ever, taking a deep breath I stand up and then make myself comfortable on the chair. Drinking some water from the containers near the bench I look at their spar.

Both are fighting at a level higher than me and aren't even using their full power, after all, it is just a physical clash and they haven't unleashed their specialized elements.

Standing up from the bench I stretch my body a little and pick up the sword lying on the ground next to the bench. Doing quick little motions with the sword I can say that my movements are quite sloppy.

From my calculation, it should take about a year to reach the current level of my sister, give or take. As for the reason I will reach that level faster than my sister, I have my previous life memories to thank for that, after all, it gave me quite a lot of battle experience.

Closing my eyes I check the mana flowing through my body, by now I have replenished all the mana I had spent and the amount I have has also increased due to my rank advancement. I would have reached this rank a few years back if not for my illness.

Well, there is no use crying over spilled milk, so I guess I can only make plans for my future development. And as my thoughts finished the battle also ended with the victor being Sir Vayu.

"Oh, you have woken up." 

Sir Vayu says as he looks at me. Hearing his question I nod my head and give him a smile.

"Also, we will have to talk about that matter in the future." 

Sir Vayu continues as his face gets a little red, understanding his words and knowing what it means for my plan I give him a victorious smile and nod my head.

"haa, haa," 

Sister catches her breath as she silently listens to our conversation.

"Well, then sir Vayu why don't we have another spar."

I ask him as I walk toward the center of the ground where he is, sister looks at us then walks out of the ground and catches her breath while sitting on the bench.


He replies as he points his sword at me, seeing the signal I also point my sword at him and we both are ready to start the sparring match.

Just then I heard the sound of winds being cut to shreds as I could see a figure rushing toward us at great speed. Knowing the impending danger I back out from the ground as I appear next to my sister.


With the sound of a crashing meteor the figure lands in the middle of the training ground where I was initially standing, the training ground collapses as Sir Vayu jumps to the sky to dodge the attack.

"Vayu, Vayu my old friend I didn't think you would cheat me like this."

The familiar voice of a man shouts as the dust created by the crater is cleared by the sheer wind pressure created by the shout.

In the middle of the crater stands a man, I am familiar with after all he is my father, Nexus Goldenheart, and the duke of this duchy.

He gives a toothy grin to Sir Vayu as his silver hair flutters in the wind and his blue eyes glow due to the mana circulating throughout his body.

"Oh, how so?"

Sir Vayu asks as his mana bursts forth, wind starts raging around him as if they are being controlled by his will and his eyes glow with a green glow. Even though he spoke the words in such a calm voice he channeled his mana into the training sword in his hand.

The sword glowed with green light as cracks started to appear in it, unable to handle the mana passing through it.


With a loud shout, he does a vertical slash as a huge sword blade made completely of wind is released, with a screeching sound it tears through everything in its way even the space itself.

Although I am too weak to see the full extent of the attack he released, but looking at the tears in the fabric of space-time his attack made I can safely say that it is very dangerous.

A colossal wind blade charges toward my father as it even cuts the ceiling of the training room itself, a building reinforced by so much attack that it has never been damaged in the last few centuries was simply sliced through by that wind blade like a hot knife through butter.

"Why, you ask? It's simple did you forget the promise that if I have a son I will teach him myself."

Father shouts as he puts his hands forward and simply holds the attack coming toward him, putting some force in his grip he completely destroys that attack.

"But Neo was the one who asked for my training."

Sir Vayu replies to my father's comment as he looks at my father with a smug smile on his face, from the looks of it they had some kind of bed going.

"Is that so."

My father replies with a smile as he cracks his knuckles.

"Then let me see if you are worthy to teach my son."

As those words left his mouth he pulled his hands back and with full force did a simple punch, but due to his strength, it was devastating as a colossal fist made due to the sheer pressure of his attack charges toward Sir Vayu.

"If you say so, duke."

Sir Vayu says that a sword made of wind is created in his hands, even though he is a lot weaker than Father, he is also not the one to back down.

As he prepares to block that attack with his sword, a wave of cold wind travels through the entire training ground but it doesn't affect me and my sister, so it can be said that the one who did this attack is very skilled.

Looking at the ground that has been frozen with the attack of my father that has also stopped on its track due to also being frozen. Looking at such a display of strength me and my sister couldn't help but marvel at their sheer might.

"Geez, stop bickering like kids in front of the children."

My mother's voice sounds as she appears right behind both of us, hugging us from behind she looks at Sir Vayu and my father. She too is truly strong as I wasn't even able to notice her approaching us and looking at the face of my sister I can be sure that she also hadn't noticed it.


Father tries to say something but is cut off by Mother in the middle of his sentence.

"After all my son is going to be taught by me."

Mother says as she gently pats both of our heads.

"Now, that's cheating."

My father complains as he looks at Mother.

"Yes, Alice after all Neo asked me to train him."

Sir Vayu also pitches in as he also voices his complaint.

"Don't care."

Mother replies immediately ignoring both of their words. It seems I have understood the reason for this small scuffle and that is me. So before Father and Sir Vayu could say anything and let the situation escalate more I voiced out my opinion.

"There is no need to fight over it, after all, I can train under all of you."

I reply as I look at all of their faces, making the most cute and determined face possible I look at my mother's eyes.

"But, son it will be too taxing on your body."

Mother voices out her worries as she looks at my face with a gentle but worried expression, but I don't yield and continue my words.

"But mother what kind of Goldenheart I will be if I am afraid of some hardship."

I say in a loud voice as if announcing it to the world.

"HAHAHA, well said my son."

Father bursts out laughing as he praises me with great happiness in his voice.


Mother tries to say anything more but by giving her my puppy eyes which also held determination she finally yielded.

"Ok, but if you are injured come to Mama understood."

Mother says as she looks at my face and to assure her I nod my head and reply.

"Understood Mother."