
Death and Birth

A man with long purple hair opened his golden eyes while laying on a king-sized bed.

"Good morning, beloved," said a woman with scarlet hair.

The woman was laying her head on his unobstructed chest. Her index finger was making a circular motion against his chest.

The woman wore her birthday suit. Her whole body was sticking on the man's body like she was hugging a body pillow.

"Last night felt so good. Are you experienced in this type of thing?" the scarlet hair woman asked.

"No, baby. I swear you are my first time" The man then moved his body so that he can hug her body.

"Do you want to do it again, Irene?"


A man with short wavy black hair suddenly woke up from his sleep while sweating all over his body.

"What the fuck was that?" He blurted out a curse word.

He noticed that his 'little brother' was standing proudly behind his pants.

"Did I just dream about Irene? Why was it so… vivid? And who is that man with Irene? He felt strangely familiar."

The man was confused because the woman that was in his dream was supposed to be a fictional character from an Anime that he liked.

He looked at his alarm clocked and notice it was still 5.00 AM. He needed to attend class at 9.30 AM.

*Knock* *Knock* His door room was knocked and a female voice heard soon after,

"Kei, are you up?"

"I'm up mom," Kei said.

"That's unusual. Aren't your class is supposed to be at 9.30 AM?"

"Yes, but I feel like I want to get up early so..."

"Ohh, okay then. I'm going to work"

"Be careful on your way, mom," he said before his mom stepped away from the door.

He got up from the bed and prepare his things before going to the bathroom.

'That dream was weird. How can I dream about a waifu that clearly?' he shamelessly thought to himself.

As you may have guess, Ray is an otaku and he was not afraid to say it out loud. He quite liked Fairy Tail franchise. But when he saw Irene, he instantly fell in love.

Irene Belserion, a scarlet haired woman, hailed from the destroyed Dragnof Kingdom in Fairy Tail anime.

She was the queen of her kingdom until she left it due to her becoming a dragon and betrayal.

After finishing his bath, he went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

It used to be his mom that prepared breakfast for the two of them. But because she has been busy lately, he needs to cook breakfast himself.

It's not that his cooking is lackluster. Hell, if he were to be compared to a 5-star chef or higher, he will win by a large margin.

His knowledge of everything related to cooking just can't simply be compared with anyone.

But cooking is just a hobby of his, not a passion. So he enrolled in Computer Science instead.

He always liked technology. He once watched a video about how some jobs can be easily replaced by Artificial Intelligence.

From that point on, he wanted to be an Artificial Intelligence engineer.

His penultimate dream was to combine his knowledge of cooking with technology and make a restaurant that can run automatically without a single human intervention, at least that's the case when it comes to cooking and serving food to customers.

After what he thought was "just cooking a simple omelet" that can even make every chef puke blood when they knew what he thought, he went to the sofa in front of a big smart TV and watched some anime while eating breakfast.

After eating breakfast, he washed the plate and went to his university.

It was still 7.30 AM. He decides to just walk.

Being healthy is important, he thought.

The walk took him an hour, but instead of him feeling tired, it was a refreshing feeling instead.

He waited in front of the class while reading some fanfictions that the author decided to update in the middle of the night, at least in his timezone.

"Yo, it's unusual to see you this early." a man came near him.

"Shut it, Jason. It's also unusual for you to be here this early."

"Well, I kind of forced to wake up early. My mother was…." and Jason started blabbering things that Kei started to continue to read the novel once he realized what Jason was doing.

"Anyway, you brought food?" Jason said while a little drool can be seen coming out from his mouth.

"Wipe that drool bro, that's gross. And no, I don't."

"Aww man, what a waste," said Jason while he wiped his drool off his face.

They continued to talk until it was 9 AM.

More of his friends can be seen entering the classroom. A total of 28 students attended the class.

Both Jason and Kei got inside the classroom and sat on the nearest chair.

"You did the individual project, Kei?" A woman's voice can be heard from behind them.

Kei turned around and said, "I did. What? You didn't finish it yet, Jasmine?"

"Too bad for you, I already finished it," said Jasmine.

"What project?" said another man as he sat down next to the woman.

"Don't tell me you forgot, Mike. The due date was supposed to be today," said Jasmine

"No, I forgot."

"You are in so much trouble," said Jason

They were laughing at Mike's demise.

Kei, Jason, Jasmine, and Mike were friends from middle school. They were always together when attending schools.

They ended up enrolling in the same university with the same program that when they were in high school.

There was one time where their relationship almost ended because some of them were competing for Jasmine's love, until they realized that Jasmine already had a boyfriend, now ex-boyfriend.

After they knew that, they apologized to each other before forgetting about it some weeks later.

The lecturer came in, a man with round glasses and wearing a batik, black pants and dark brown burgundy shoes.

"Please send your project on email 1 hour after class." said the lecturer.

Almost all of the students were complaining about the submit time. But the lecturer paid no heed and continue doing what he was doing.

The project was about making a functional cashier program that supermarkets are using.

Some of the students brought their project on their flash drive or hard drive, some of them left them at their respective computers at home, and some of them just completely forgot, like Mike.

The class started, as usual, the lecturer that everybody called "Mr. Annoying" behind his back, just read back aloud a prepared powerpoint presentation before 'shooing' everyone away, not forgetting to give another assignment that they need to finish 3 days after they finished the class.

The class was finished at 11.00 AM. Since Kei and co still need to attend class at 1.30 AM, they decided to go to Mike's boarding house to rest for a bit.

After the 1.30 AM class was done, they went to a supermarket to buy some ingredients before forcing Kei to cook for them.

They bought many ingredients because they have learned their lesson.

That day, the sun was almost set and Kei was forced to cook by his friends. But they didn't realize that when Kei cooks, a lot of people in that boarding house can smell the aroma that came out from the dishes.

All of them decided to just give the food to everyone that came to the kitchen in that boarding house before buying other ingredients so that they can eat.

It was just simple fried rice that Kei cooked, but the aroma and the taste of the fried rice were out of the world. Some of the 'freeloaders' that ate his cooking said that Kei should've just made a restaurant.

Since Kei only cook for fun, at least for now, he said that he didn't want to create a restaurant and just cook whenever he liked.

Kei's mother also said something similar, and he replied with the same answer.

His hard work on finding all the information about cooking when he was just a child can be considered as someone that was learning about gastronomy in universities.

He also experimented with ingredients a lot. So it is a given that he can cook at least with the quality of a 5-star restaurant.

As they came back from the supermarket, they heard people becoming rowdy

"Hey, are you sure about that?" said man 1

"I swear, it was a girl that was run over by a car. She's still breathing when she was taken by an ambulance." said man 2

"What really? I saw a lot of blood on the street. I mean people also took pics and it was already on Instagram" said man 3

"That fast?! Man, the internet can't be stopped huh. It was kind of gruesome so I think it will be taken down immediately." said man 2

"What was that about?" said Mike

"Probably this..." said Jasmine looking at her phone with a dumbfounded and fear across her face.

The picture was a girl, laying down on her pool of blood. She was laying down in an uncomfortable position, Kei and co immediately noticed that she cannot move her body.

Her body seemed "twisted". Her torso was facing towards the right while her lower body was facing almost towards her left. They can see that her bone was sticking out of her lower left leg.

Her face was in a disbelief expression. Her face told them that she seemed to be too dumbstruck to even feel the pain.

If they looked at the picture closer, they can see a nail almost pierced her right eye.

The nail was probably because of some men throwing around nails on the road so that vehicles can stop by their shop and 'repair' the pierced tire. What the men didn't know is that his action almost cost someone's right eye.

"This is very… gruesome," said Jason.

Seeing something similar in a film is different compared to seeing it in front of your eyes. Jasmine almost threw up her stomach content.

Jasmine closed the Instagram app and told them to go back to Mike's boarding house.

Kei was silent. It's as if the picture somehow resonates with him.

He shuddered, his face went pale, his fingers were vibrating.

His friends looked at him and can say that Kei was in a state of fear. Something that they never saw. They were panicked at first until Kei said that nothing was wrong. They didn't believe it in a single second.

So they keep their guard up to reach any dangerous reaction from not just Kei, but also their friends.

Kei instinctively knew that he will end up the same way as the girl, broken down on the road.

It was a very scary feeling.

He kept it at the very back of his mind and continuing his business.


A week has gone by. He was holed up in his room.

He almost always has the same dream as that night.

Though it was a nice dream to have, some of them were not.

The dreams were about him either fighting or being killed by a large 'abomination'

Whenever he dreamt something like that, he woke up in a state of fear.

It felt like death was closing in on him.

And whenever he was in that state, he never went to his university classes.

His friends sometimes went to his house. They realize that Kei's condition is getting worse day by day. It was frightening to see one of your friends sitting in a fetal position while trembling on the corner of the bed.

After he was done taking a bath, he immediately went to the university. He didn't even cook breakfast since he didn't feel like doing it.

The sun was still rising from the east. The cold morning wind grazes his face.

He was walking to his university. He wore an earphone and walk normally on the sidewalk when suddenly.


A truck hit him hard.

The hit didn't register in his mind because it was so sudden. He did feel like his body was hit by a baseball bat but 1000x stronger.

He saw the orange bluish sky and the pavement of the road at the same time. It felt like hours to him but in reality, it was just 2 seconds.

He 'skid' down the road. His skin was scraped, he was bloodied.

When he stopped, the truck ran over him. At that point, he felt pain like nothing that he ever experienced.

He felt like both of his lungs were pierced, his ribcage was broken into little pieces, both of his arms were 'flat' because he was run over by the tires of the truck.

The truck immediately sped up and left the scene.

Because it was still early in the morning, there were only a few people. They were standing at the side of the road, looking at the bloodied and crushed body of Kei.

They thought he was dead, but he was still alive. But he wished that he died immediately.

He can't breathe because his lungs were full of blood, he can't feel anything but the pain from all over his body. It felt like his brain is going to overload from the pain signals.

He wanted to scream, but he couldn't. He wanted to move, but the pain was restricting him from getting up.

Even without the pain, his body condition will not even let him walk for the rest of his life or doing anything by himself for that matter.

In people's perspective, he will not survive. And they were right.

There were still some people calling an ambulance, but it was too late.

His sight darkened, accompanied by a pain that he didn't want his greatest enemy to feel.

He can't think of anything. His brain was shutting down because of how much pain signals were coming from all over his body.

No memories were playing on his brain, just emptiness.

And 3 minutes after the incident, Kei died from asphyxiation and internal bleeding.

By the time the ambulance arrived, they already shook their heads, signaling that it was already too late to save the poor Kei from death's grasp.

They still picked up his body and drove the ambulance to the hospital.


Some days later after Kei's death, his friends were mourning him.

His mother cried so hard that on the 6th day of his death, she can't shed a single tear anymore.

She received a huge sum of money from a renowned restaurant. The sender said that it was an emergency money if something ever happened to Kei.

Even though the late Kei already said that he only treated cooking as a hobby, it didn't stop him to take a job as a chef in that renowned restaurant.

The reason was that he wanted to see how chefs cook and he needed experience.

The chefs, at first, underestimated him. But when he started to cook, they can't stop drooling from the sight.

When they wanted to pay a salary to him, he just said, "Keep the money for an emergency if something were to happen to me."

His mother rejects the money at first, but with their 'insistence', she eventually took the money.

The amount of money was around 2 billion Rupiah, about 150.000 USD.

She asked them how her son has this much money as an emergency, they just said that it was only his salary.

Her mother immediately donated the money in her son's name.

Soon, the world know about Kei and his name helped people to have a better and healthier life.

People all around the world were in gratitude to Kei. When they realized that Kei was dead, they were sad. But they spread his name to their families, to their friends, to their social media, etc.

A year after his death, he was known as a 'Saint' by everyone for helping people to live a better life.


Somewhere on an endless void, a single dot of light can be seen growing bigger.

The bigger this dot of light, the brighter it will be.

If Kei's friends and his mother saw this light, they will instinctively know that the dot of light is Kei, more specifically, his soul.

Instead of turning into a human body, this dot continued to grow bigger.

After a while, this dot stopped growing. In its place, the void started rumbling.

It was a peculiar sight. An endless black void, 'rumbling' like a building when an earthquake struck.

The void was supposed to be something that people can't even enter and a place where everything starts.

Anything in the void should've been impossible to be 'disrupted'. But the reality said otherwise.

The energy in the void was absorbed into this dot of light, Kei.

It was wisps of purplish-black 'wind' going to and entering Kei's soul.

When the purplish-black 'wind' finally stopped, his soul started to form into a person.

The more defined his form is, the less likely people will notice him as Kei.

Kei has black short hair with brown eyes. Instead of that, he has purple hair with golden eyes that immediately turned into blue.

Kei didn't immediately wake up. Instead, he was like a robot that was in sleep mode. Until someone 'woke' him up, which is a very small chance that it will happen, he will be in sleep mode forever.

Fortunately for him, there's someone saw him there.

It was a woman with white hair and blue eyes. She was wearing a white outfit similar to a bikini that leaves almost nothing to the imagination.

If Kei saw her, he will immediately recognize her as Black Heart from Cyberdimension Neptunia 4 game.

Black Heart or people may sometimes refer to her as Noire, is a Goddess from that game. In the original Hyperdimension Neptunia, she's a Goddess that governs Lastation, one of the cities in Hyperdimension Neptunia.

"How can someone be in here?" said the woman.

"He must be someone's special. The void even trembled in his presence." She went near Kei and touch him before 'teleporting' into a more beautiful environment.

The scene changed from a black void into a peaceful flower garden.

The smell from the flowers instantly woke Kei up.

"Am I in heaven?" said Kei.

He thought he was in heaven because of how beautiful the garden and a beautiful woman was sipping tea in front of him.

"Ara, you woke up?" said Black Heart, or Noire.

"Eh? You are Black Heart from Neptunia!" He exclaimed.

"Neptunia? What is that?" Noire tilts her head in confusion.

"You are not Black Heart?"

"Well, people used to know me as Black Heart or Noire depending on the form that I use. I'm more interested in how you know my name."

Before Kei can explain anything, Noire told him to sit in the chair.

When he was seated, he told her why he recognized her.

"So, a game called Hyperdimension Neptunia has 4 Goddesses, and one of them use me as one of the characters."

"Yes. Though you now resemble the Black Heart from Cyberdimension Neptunia game instead."

"That's interesting. I never knew people from earth knew me and even use me as one of the characters inside a game."

"Are you mad?"

"Of course not. I'm quite happy that people knew me. It has been a long time since someone can recognize me." Her face suddenly turned sad.

Kei knew something must have had happened in her past. It was not his place to ask such things, so he didn't ask.

"Anyway, enough of that. You are supposed to be reincarnated in your world now. But because of your 'unique' energy, the world rejected you in fear of it being destroyed by your presence."

"Unique energy?"

"When you were unconscious, you absorbed energy that was supposed to be impossible to absorb by anyone, even me. There was another being that can do the things that you did, but that being was nowhere to be found."

'Though it seems like he was dead and you are his descendant.' Noire added in her thought.

"Can you tell me about this being?"

"He's a Dragon God. He WAS the strongest existence in the whole multiverse until that 'thing' came to life and started to create chaos all around the multiverse. It took almost all of the Dragon God's life force just to seal that thing. After that thing was sealed, the Dragon God was nowhere to be found."

'Until now,' Noire added in her thought again.

When she was explaining it to Kei, her voice sounded very sad. Even her face looked very sad.

It took Kei's whole being to resist asking questions. He knew something was up when the 'thing' was being sealed.

"Let us talk about something else. So, since you're supposed to be reincarnated, now that you cannot, do you have anything that you want to do?"

"Can I still be reincarnated somewhere else?"

"Well, you can. I can reincarnate you in any world."

"Can you reincarnate me in the world that was supposed to be fictional in my world?"

"Hmmm.. Let me check your memories first to know what you are talking about."

Suddenly, Kei felt something invade his mind. He became dizzy and nauseous.

The feelings were gone a few seconds after.

"Sorry about that. I was enjoying watching myself in your memories."

She lied to him.

When she started to try and read his mind, she was blocked by something before being 'guided' to another section of his memories.

It was full of his memories watching anime, reading manga and light novels, playing games, etc. But nothing about his daily life whatsoever.

It was like something protecting him from her 'invasion'. She already had some assumptions on this case but she decided to just let it go.

"If you mean about those 'fictional world' in your memories, those exist. I can send you to one of them right now with some bonuses from me."

"Umm... I wanted to be reincarnated in High School DxD world."

"I can do that. Want any bonuses?"

"Well, a personal dimension might be a good idea so that I can train myself. I want to have Yamamoto's Zanpakuto and probably Shinigami abilities. Lastly, I wanted to have a strong bloodline."

"I can do all of that. I will give you this orb that I experimented with in the past. You can summon almost anything except intelligent living beings that haven't touch this orb. You will go into this orb with your whole body so that you can train your body too. You can even control the time dilation all you want with no repercussion whatsoever. Also, you won't age when entering this orb so rest assured."

Noire took out an orb before 'pushing' the orb inside his soul.

"Wait, what-"

"Let me finish. This 'Yamamoto Zanpakuto' that you were talking about. I will take it directly from the world that it belonged to. Though this will confuse you a bit, at least for now, I will take his broken Zanpakuto in the timeline of the original 'manga' in your memories."

She took another broken looking katana and gave it directly to Kei before continuing

"According to the spirit inside the Zanpakuto, you will be tested once you were old and strong enough to contain some of its power. Well, you will know it in time."

The broken looking katana suddenly gone from his hands.

"And the last one... Fufu... I will make it a surprise."

'Not a surprise since you are his only descendant. So you already will get the strongest bloodline. Though I hope you can unseal it fast enough.'

"Any questions before I sent you?" Noire asked.

"Is this okay? I mean I get to be reincarnated, given an OP dimension for my use, and strong bloodline."

"Well, those are some bonuses from me. I want you to have a good second life since I can see that you don't want to part with life just yet."

What she said was a half-lie.

Though it is obvious that Kei still wanted to live, the reason that she even gave him those 'bonuses' was that she can sense a foreboding.

She knew that the seal placed by the Dragon God is breaking. She wanted Kei to be strong as fast as possible so that 'thing' can be destroyed once and for all.

Kei's potential is so high that he even passed the Dragon God himself.

So she hoped that he could help her in defeating that monstrosity.

She felt really bad to use him like that, so that's why she gave her the most precious orb to him.

She already says it all. She experimented with the orb with her other 'late' friends that were killed in the sealing process.

Neptunia, Blanc, Vert, and even their respective sisters were killed in that process.

The experiment of theirs was successful, resulting in that orb that contained what essentially another separate multiverse that is powered by the energy in the void.

Since the void has an infinite amount of energy, they used that to charge the orb.

The orb was going to be used for training purposes as well, but all of the Gods except her were already dead by the time the orb was fully recharged.

Since then, she continued to experiment with the orb. After a while, she finally found a way so that the orb will constantly take energy from the void.

It was already 100 million centuries since she completed the experiment. The separate multiverse is now over-saturated by the energy that when someone entered the orb, they will be strengthened by 100x just by entering the orb.

Though when entering, they will feel so restricted that they will need to control their inner energy, whether it is Reiryoku or Mana, from flowing out just so that they can move freely.

So by the end of their first session entering the orb, they will be able to control their inner energy masterfully.

"Thank you, Goddess," said Kei with his most sincere gratitude.

He knew that the orb is important to Noire. Despite that, she still gave him the orb-like she was gifting him a birthday present.

When the orb entered his soul, he can sense the energy that came out from the orb.

It felt very warm but relaxing at the same time.

"Don't thank me, Kei."

"No, I will give my gratitude because I know that orb is important for you."

"Well, if you think it like that then you are welcome."

"I guess this is it. Can I see you again in the future, Goddess?"

"Just call me either Black Heart or Noire and yes you can see me again if you are strong enough."

"Okay, Noire-sama."

"Hahaha, stop it with the formalities."

"...Yes, Noire" He was embarrassed.

"I'm going to send you now. See you soon, Kei," said Noire

"See you soon, Noire." is the last thing he said before disappearing from the flower garden.


A soul was hovering around a woman that looked like in her late 20s.

She has purple hair with green eyes. She wore a loose green dress that covered her from the chest and to her legs.

She was sitting on a red loveseat, reading a thick book.

The hovering soul was trying to read the cover of the book, but 'he' cannot recognize the alphabet.

'He' wanted to explore the room, but he cannot be more than 2 meters from the woman.

'He' felt some kind of connection with the woman. Like what a boy feels when he saw his mother.

The soul was none other than Kei.

After some time, Kei felt a pulling force that was trying to pull him to his mother.

He didn't resist this. Instead, he let go and just follow wherever the pulling force wanted him to go.

Kei already knew that he will occupy the unborn child inside this woman, so he took one look at his new mother before his sight changed into darkness.

When Kei entered the unborn child's body, his mother felt recharged all of a sudden.

She felt weird. It was not long ago when she felt so tired that she just wanted to lounge at the family's library.

And now, she felt like she can even destroy a mountain with one punch.

Though her 'powerup' felt good, she panicked and called her husband.

Not long after she pressed a red button, a green magic symbol suddenly appeared in front of her.

2 seconds had passed and now a man can be seen on top of the green magic symbol.

"Are you okay?" said the man that looked like he was in his 40s.

He has a darkish green hair with blue eyes. He wore clothing that made him look like a royalty.

"I feel weird. Before, I feel really tired that I just wanted to read a book at the library instead of doing anything. Now, however, I feel like I can do anything. Like there's some kind of a powerup happening."

"Do you want to check it with a doctor?"

"Can you check it instead? I feel like if someone knows about this, something bad will happen in the future."

"Okay, honey. Stay still, okay?" The man put his palm on her back.

He tried probing inside his wife, trying to find the cause of the sudden energy.

When he finally checked her womb, he can feel a huge life force coming out of a small unborn child.

Though he cannot exactly 'see' the child, he can feel the mana flowing out of the child.

It was the child's mana that was giving his wife energy.

When he knew that his wife was pregnant with their third child, he was really happy that he suddenly hugged her.

"Eh? What happened?" His wife, Belona Astaroth, asked in confusion

"Congrats, honey. You are pregnant!" said her husband, Devon Astaroth.

He was really happy that he didn't feel the same energy that 'recharged' his wife was also entering his body.

After that, it was a wild night for both of them but a nightmare for their bed.

They essentially have sex for almost 3 days straight if not for the maids knocking the door, telling them that their first son, Ajuka Beelzebub, was visiting.

Ajuka didn't know how to react when he saw his parents were practically glowing with a sour face.

"Is it a bad time for me to visit?" said Ajuka.

He knew that he was interrupting something. It felt awkward for him to even ask but he needed to do it.

"Its okay, son. So, what is the purpose of your visit?" his father asked him back.

"Can't a son visit his parents for once? I mean, I was engrossed in my hob- *ahem* -work that I can't visit you guys in the past year."

"Of course you can, honey." said his mother.

"Yes, of course. Why don't we have a heartfelt dinner with just the three of us?" said his father

"Three of us? where 's Diodora?"

"I don't know, probably meeting his friends again," said Devon.

"Well, let us eat then," said Ajuka.

When they entered the dining room, they saw the table were full of dishes.

Ajuka, with a surprised face, asked his parents what's going on.

They only said, "We will tell you later."

And so they ate. The table was full of dishes that can even feed more than 10 people for a week. So it's a given that they felt full even before they finished all of the dishes.

"So, what's the occasion?" said Ajuka while drinking wine from his wine glass.

"Well, I wanted you to know that you will have another brother or sister on the way." said his father

Ajuka, with an even more surprised face, dropped his wine glass.

It took him a whole 10 seconds before he can finish processing the new information.

Ajuka looked at his mother and asked, "Is that true, mother?"

"Yes, it is." said his mother with a smile on her face.

They began to celebrate the coming of Ajuka's brother soon.

What they didn't expect that it took almost everything of Belona to gave birth to Kei.

So the mana that was used to energize Belona almost ran out. If her mana truly ran out, then she will be in front of the death's door.

It is supposed to be impossible for the simple devil to gave birth to a Dragon God safely, even if the bloodline itself was still sealed.

The orb that was given by Noire helped the process. It continues to nourish Belona with the purest energy, easing her pain and regenerate her stamina and mana.

Though, if Belona knew that the energy was supposed to ease her pain, she will shout "LIAR"

Why? It was because the process was really painful, even though she gave birth to a third child.

If she were to describe it, it was a pain that feels like you are being ripped on a cellular level before being healed just to be ripped again.

10 hours of labor. It was already a miracle that Belona didn't surrender herself to the pain.

With the painful sensation still lingering, she felt a familial love like no other towards her new third son.

This guarantees that his mother will spoil him rotten. And a lot at that.

"Give...*pant* me...*pant* my baby..." Belona was struggling to even say a word.

"But we need to wash-"

"I don't care! Just give me my baby!" Belona almost shouted towards one of the nurses.

The nurse doesn't have any choice but to just give her the baby.

The baby has strands of purple hair with blue eyes.

When Belona received her baby, she holds him like a mother trying to protect her son from a kidnapper.

With love and joy, she said, "I will name you, Kei Astaroth."