
Journey Starts from SAO

For every 100 power stones you bestow, I will reward you with a bonus chapter. ............................................... Arthur awoke in the immersive world of Sword Art Online, but his journey took an unexpected turn when he unlocked a proficiency system, granting him unparalleled mastery over skills. With his swordsmanship already at the pinnacle of LV7, Arthur embarked on an adventure where each level-up could grant him abilities from across anime realms. As he navigated through various anime worlds, facing formidable foes like the One-Eyed Owl, Arthur realized he possessed an extraordinary system beyond his wildest dreams. Prepare for a thrilling multi-world odyssey where Sword Art Online meets the fiery intensity of Tokyo Ghoul, seamlessly blending virtual reality and daily life into an unforgettable saga of power, prowess, and peril. ................................ If you want? You get to read the next chapters before anyone else! Just go to pateron get chapters in advance : patreon.com/THE_TRANSLATOR498. Hey everyone, Thanks for checking out this translated novel! Just a heads up, I’ve done a lot of editing on this version. I’ve removed some toxic stuff and made the story more positive overall. I’ve also made some big changes to the story itself. So, if you’re familiar with the original, don’t expect this to be exactly the same. There will be new twists, different character developments, and maybe even a different ending. My aim is to make the story better and more enjoyable for a wider audience. So, while you might recognize the basic plot, expect some surprises along the way. I hope you enjoy this revamped version as much as I enjoyed working on it! Thanks for your support and happy reading! Original Novel:刀剑神域之老子是挂逼

LORD_INDRA_ · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 20 Evil Eye User?

"For our hero! Hooray!!!" Diavel pointed to Arthur, who was leaning against Argo.

"Hero! Hero! Hope Swordsman!" The players' faces were filled with excited smiles as they looked at Arthur. Indeed, they were proud to have cleared the first level, but witnessing Arthur's feat of single-handedly challenging the boss was even more worthy of boasting about.

"Uh, Argo, let's move on quickly," Arthur shook his head, feeling a sudden panic at the players' enthusiastic attitude.

"Aren't you their hero? Why not enjoy the treatment from heroes?" Argo teased.

"Let's not. Let others have the spotlight," Arthur shook his head.

"Spotlight?" Argo blinked, not quite understanding what that meant.

"Hmm?" Just then, Arthur's gaze suddenly turned to a corner, where two players wearing cloaks were observing from afar. One of them was Asuna, but as for the other, Arthur didn't know who it was, but perhaps the informant beside him had some information.

"Argo," Arthur's voice was low.

"What's up?" Argo asked puzzledly.

"In the one o'clock direction ahead, behind everyone, do you know that player in the black cloak?" Arthur asked softly.

Argo looked over and her mouth twitched. "Are you an idiot? How could I recognize someone wearing that kind of gear!"

"Is that so?" Arthur deeply looked at the person. He had a feeling that he knew him.

"However, I did pay attention to his battle just now," Argo said. "He's a very skilled player. He times each sword skill release very well, and his teammate, although seeming like a novice, is learning very fast. They'll definitely become experts in the future."

"I see." Arthur nodded.

"Everyone, since we've cleared the first level, let's ascend to the second level together and see what the scenery there is like!" Arthur smiled.


December 16, 2022. After spending one month and sixteen days trapped in Aincrad, the players finally cleared the first level boss.

This news, once released, injected a dose of heart into the players who felt hopeless and despaired in the starting town. With the game having only begun for a month, over two thousand players had already died, a fact that could not uplift anyone.

However, now that news of the successful clear had spread, it excited the hearts of all players. Since they had taken the first step, could the next one be far behind?

Moreover, the intentionally released information from Diavel and the players who participated in the clearing, all players knew that the boss had been soloed by the renowned Hope Swordsman among ordinary players. This was even more exhilarating.

The outskirts of the starting town, West District.

A black-haired girl swung her single-handed sword with all her might, barely managing to kill the heavily injured wild boar in front of her.

"Phew, finally succeeded," the girl wiped away nonexistent sweat and was about to ask her companion how they were doing when she noticed her staring at something absentmindedly.

"Hey, what are you looking at, Black Cat-chan?" The girl put away her single-handed sword and ran to her companion, who was completely shrouded in a cloak, asking curiously.

"Just got some news. The boss of the first level has already been cleared," the girl called Black Cat's tone was quite complicated.

"Really? The foolish mortals dare to steal the prey of the Evil Eye User," the girl stroked her chin, covering her right eye with one hand, her tone deep.

"Oh-ho..." Black Cat suddenly let out a strange laugh. "The Evil Eye User, huh? With your strength alone, you're not enough to reach that person. He is the target of the fallen saint, Black Cat. Watch closely, Evil Eye User. I will defeat him and reclaim my honor."

"Hehe, even though you're my dear friend, I won't compromise on this matter," the black-haired girl drew her single-handed sword.

Not far away, a player who had just left the starting town to train glanced nervously at the two seemingly unhinged players on the hillside. He swallowed hard, thinking, Did I come at the wrong time?

### Floor 2: Urbas

Several days had passed since Arthur and his team had ascended to the second floor. In a quaint Western-style restaurant, Arthur sat across from Argo.

"So, Argo, you still haven't found any information about that player?" Arthur asked, munching on his food. Over the past few days, he had tasked Argo with investigating the player in the black cloak, but frustratingly, there were no leads.

"Yeah, it seems like he's a solo player. Maybe he joined the raid just for fun," Argo nodded.

"Alright, please keep an eye out," Arthur nodded back. While Kirito, who should have been teamed up with Asuna, had disappeared, a new, powerful but mysterious player had appeared, and something about him felt eerily familiar.

"But why are you so fixated on this player?" Argo asked, puzzled by Arthur's persistence.

"Well, he just seems really familiar," Arthur said, fiddling with his knife and fork. Checking the time, he stood up to pay the bill. "Argo, let me know if you get any news. I'm off to grind some levels."

"Got it," Argo nodded, a hint of a smile on her lips, both resigned and grateful. As strong as Arthur was, he still pushed himself hard, eager to escape this world.

The second floor was a mix of grasslands and rocky terrain, similar in size to the first floor. Being in a tropical region, the climate affected players, leading most to adopt lighter clothing, with some female players showing off more than usual.

Arthur walked down the street, cloaked to avoid unwanted attention, even though he had stored his White Rose Star in town. Many players recognized his face, so to avoid trouble, he endured the stifling heat under his cloak.

Thankfully, things would get better outside the town.

Arthur headed west, toward the second floor's danger zone, where the monsters were stronger—perfect for leveling up. Crossing the plains crowded with other players, Arthur reached the desolate area where monsters' levels were significantly higher, making it risky for most.

But Arthur was not most players.

In this desolate place, players were scarce. Arthur removed his cloak, instantly feeling relief from the oppressive heat. He cheered, stowing his ordinary sword and equipping his prized White Rose Star.


If you want? You get to read the next chapters before anyone else! Just go to pateron get chapters in advance : patreon.com/THE_TRANSLATOR498