
Journey Of The Uchiha In Another World

“No matter what you do from here on out, know this… I will always love you.” Those were Itachi's last words to his brother, he had no more regrets, he could finally rest in peace next to his parents and friend. But that's not what happened, after undoing the Edo Tensei, Itachi was reborn in a world completely foreign to him, a world where people cultivated what they called the Profound. A world that was many times more dangerous than the one he previously belonged to. ... Discord -> discord.gg/36CgwcdSTq The cover art is not mine, If you want me to take it down, notify me.

PacificDream · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

Chapter 16

Itachi quickly left the sect. He chose not to go directly to Heavenly Sword Villa, this was because he felt that he could get to know the outside world better before settling into another sect.

Itachi had a route that he intended to follow before going to Heavenly Sword Villa. His route consisted of going north, he wanted to see with his own eyes the Endless Sea that separated the continents. Going to the far north would also allow him to get closer to Heavenly Sword Villa, after all that sect was situated in the north of the continent.

Since he wasn't in a hurry, he decided to walk slowly, as he could focus on his cultivation, while making a few stops in smaller towns. He left without many resources from the sect, so he would have to accept quests given by small towns and villages to be able to buy supplies.

"I wonder what is on top of this world?" Itachi thought looking up slightly at the heavens.

He knew that currently the cultivators of the Sovereign Profound Realm were the pinnacle of cultivation in this world. But in the books he read in the sect, he knew that there was a level above the Sovereign Profound Realm, but this level above has not been reached for a few thousand years.

"I wonder how strong the cultivators of the Sovereign Profound Realm are." He thought.

The strongest person he had seen to date was his mother, who was in the Emperor Profound Realm. But he knew that to a cultivator of the Profound Tyrannical Realm or above his mother was nothing but an ant.


A whole month had passed since Itachi had left the Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace. Currently he was staying in a city that was located north of the continent.

This city was called Red Cloud City, a city that was considered large due to its population of two million people. This city was ruled by three large clans, and apparently these three clans are at war right now.

The three clans felt that they could no longer coexist with each other, so they chose to go to war. Initially there were four large clans, but one of them had already been destroyed leaving only three.

"Wars seem commonplace in this world." Itachi thought.

In front of Itachi was a crowd of people watching a battle between a group of ten people against a group of twenty people.

These two groups were from different clans and right now they were fighting to show their greatness.

Itachi had just left the hotel where he was staying and ended up encountering this battle scene. He felt that these people who were fighting were idiots for not realizing that this fight was hurting innocent people around.

Due to the fighting of these two groups many merchants' huts and stores were destroyed. And for a family to have their business destroyed was the same as decreeing their death.

The two groups didn't seem to care about the people around them and continued their battle.

A burly man wielding a spear looked at the other group with disdain and with one swing he threw his spear in the direction of the man from the other group. But, the man from the other group deflected the spear with a sneering smile on his face.

The deflected spear flew in the direction of a child who was nearby and could not dodge it in time. But the two men who were fighting didn't seem to mind this. And in fact, they didn't care about these commoners around, to them, these people were just ants that could be killed at any moment.

Itachi, seeing this, felt he couldn't stand still. He remembered the war times when he was still in the shinobi world. He knows the suffering that ordinary people go through due to war.


With a sigh he disappeared from where he was standing scaring the people next to him. Soon he appeared in front of the two year old boy.

Without much effort Itachi took the boy in his arms and jumped on top of the roof of a store. He wasn't stupid to stop the spear in the middle of the crowd, that would only make him draw unnecessary attention.

The two-year-old boy's eyes were wide open as he saw that he was saved by a boy only a few years older than him.

"Thank you for saving my life! Big brother is really strong!" The little boy said.

Itachi was still holding the boy in his arms because he feared that the boy would get loose and fall off the roof they were currently on.

"Where is your family? I will take you to them." Itachi said calmly.

The little boy hearing that Itachi would take him back to his family gave a smile and pointed in the opposite direction of where the battle was taking place.

Looking at where the little boy was pointing, Itachi shook his head. The little boy he had just saved belonged to one of the three clans. And how did he know that? The little boy was pointing to the territory that one of the three clans resided in the city.

"Since I promised I would take him back, then I will keep my promise." He thought as he jumped from roof to roof toward the territory of the little boy's clan.

"Big brother, what is your name?" The little boy asked as he faced Itachi who was holding him by the arms.

"Uchiha Itachi." Itachi said calmly.

Since he was no longer in the Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace he would not need to omit his name from the shinobi world.

"Big brother, you really do have a strange name." The little boy said with a smile on his face. That name is so unique that he would hardly forget it.

Itachi did not answer him and continued to jump over the rooftops, but his speed seemed to increase more and more. Since he started moving towards the little boy's clan, he felt that he was being followed, and his pursuers were some of the people who were fighting earlier in that group.

"Looks like they have this little boy as a target..." Itachi thought.

Everything seemed to fit, he remembered the expression the man who threw the spear had when he had thrown his spear. Itachi realized that from the beginning that man had not targeted the other group but this little boy.

"If I am not mistaken, then this little boy must be the son of someone important." He thought.

Itachi tried to hide on the rooftops, but he realized that his pursuers seemed to have some device that allowed them to know his location, or more precisely the location of the boy in his arms.

"Being involved in this kind of plot is really funny..." He shook his head as he thought.

The ordinary people who were on the ground walking around could only see a few shadows passing by on the rooftops while hidden cultivators perfectly saw the scene of a four-year-old boy running away from pursuers who were in the Nascent Profound Realm.

"My eyes must be malfunctioning." A fifty-year-old cultivator rubbed his eyes as he said those words.

The scene of a four-year-old boy running away from cultivators while he had no cultivation at all was simply unbelievable to him.

"Grandpa, what are you talking about?" A little girl said as she approached the old man who was rubbing his eyes.

"It's nothing my granddaughter, come, let's go inside."


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