
Journey of the Moonlight Swordsman

When a popular game and reality became connected, the world changed. Dungeons began to appear everywhere, and humanity quickly started to lose their territories. Fortunately, though, with the dungeons, the people that played this game received powers from their in-game characters, and this enabled humanity to fight back. The story follows a player who’s called Finn, and he is one of the weakest players there is. After being met with misfortune all his life, he went into a dungeon to earn some money for his rent, but because of his terrible luck, he found himself being chased by monsters. Due to a miracle, he barely managed to escape, only to stumble upon a huge door that even titans could walk through. The moment he pushed it open, he was given another chance to change his terrible past, but that was not the only thing he received after he opened that mysterious and sinister door... -------------------------------- Hello! This is my first ever novel, and I have always loved reading novels that made me feel an emotion, be it a sad one or an excited one. So, while writing this novel, I wrote some of the chapters with the sole purpose of making the reader feel the same emotion that I felt while writing it. Sometimes, I had to stop writing to wipe my tears away. ;-; Anyway, I hope you enjoy my first novel!

Munux · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
106 Chs

Tyrant's downfall

After the guards left, Marquess Harry went back to his bed.

He tried to fall asleep, but he was afraid that as soon as he closed his eyes, Levy would jump on him and bite him to death.

So Harry kept looking around his room in fear, but after two hours of nervousness, his tired mind finally took over and he unwillingly fell asleep.


Minutes later, Harry opened his eyes, only to see his wife feasting on his innards. There was blood everywhere, and his wife was smiling.

Terrified, he tried to call for the guards, but he couldn't speak. Harry also tried to run, but he couldn't move.

The shock that he was feeling stopped him from realizing that he couldn't feel pain, so after almost losing his mind, he blinked, and the image of his wife devouring him disappeared.

Harry quickly looked around his bedroom, but his wife was still asleep, and his body was intact.

The only thing that was abnormal was that he was covered in cold sweat, and he could feel his heart racing, but those were just signs of him waking up from a nightmare.

He also looked at his bedroom window, but there was nobody there.

After discovering that it was just a nightmare, Harry tried to calm down, but he couldn't stop his body from shaking.

The scene of his wife eating him alive that he just saw was so vivid that he didn't dare fall asleep again and he decided to stay awake.


In the morning, his wife woke up and found her husband hugging his knees while shaking. He had black circles under his eyes, and he kept mumbling something to himself.


She was starting to get scared of him, so she called out his name, but instead of answering her, he flinched and quickly jumped away.

"N- No please! Don't eat me!"

Covering his face with his hands, Harry kept shivering on the ground, not daring to look at his wife.

If his wife cared about him, she would go up to him and start to worry about him, but her even calling out to him was a miracle by itself, so she just shrugged her shoulders and went downstairs to eat breakfast.

Harry slowly got up and also dressed himself.

Normally he would get dressed by a maid that he would molest while she was dressing him, but he was so on edge that he was scared of his maids wanting to eat him too.

Slowly going down the stairs, he wasn't in the mood for food, so he drank a glass of water and wanted to go to his garden, where he normally felt at peace, but he was stopped by his butler.

"Marquess. Today is the noble party that the third prince will attend. Are you ready to depart?"

'Party… Why did it have to be today…'

Harry wanted to say he didn't want to go, but if he refused and the third prince, with whom he was in an alliance, decided to stop supporting him, then he would be in trouble, so he didn't have another choice but to go.

"A- Alright. Get the carriage ready."

He shakily nodded his head, which surprised the butler a little since he had never seen his master afraid of something, but he didn't want to risk angering Harry and decided not to ask what was wrong.

"It is already waiting for you outside, Marquess."

The butler then bowed and gestured towards the door, leading to the outside.

Harry nodded before walking outside and entering his carriage. He tried calming down with deep breaths, but his hands didn't stop shaking.

His family also went with him because they were all invited, but they ignored Harry's weird state and looked out the window.

Riding the carriage through the noble district, Harry saw some noble ladies that were taking a walk, and looking at them, he suddenly saw how they began smiling at him with blood all over their mouths.

He quickly closed his eyes in fear, but when he opened them again, he noticed that the ladies weren't looking at him and that they didn't have any blood around their mouths at all.

Being on edge all night and not eating two meals made Harry's mind turn hazy, which made him see hallucinations.

After that, he would sometimes see others look at him with a smile, but upon blinking, everything went back to normal.

Soon, Harry arrived at the noble party.

It was being held by a Duke, and he was outside the mansion welcoming the incoming nobles.

When Harry walked by the Duke, the Duke tried to shake Harry's hand, which was already very nice of him because a Duke had more power than a Marquess, but Harry only flinched, and after apologizing, he ran inside the mansion where the party was being held.

The family of the Marquess followed behind him because they didn't want to anger him by making him wait for them.

Next to the Duke was his daughter, who had a confused expression on her face.

"What is wrong with the Marquess, father?"

She asked with a voice as sweet as strawberry ice cream.

"I don't know, and I don't want to know. I hope that trash went crazy so that I don't ever have to talk to him again!"

The Duke spat out these words and went back to greeting the guests.

Marquess Harry was hated by the Duke because he once tried to force himself on the Duke's wife, and the Duke almost cut his head off when he found out.

Fortunately for Harry, the third prince stopped the Duke, and Harry just had to hand over a part of his territory as an apology.

From that day, the Duke started to hate Marquess Harry to the core of his soul, but he couldn't go against the royal family, so even if he wished for it, he couldn't kill him.


Entering the party, Marquess Harry quickly found a table where his friends were sitting. While his family went to a different table to not bother him.

Baron George and Baron Theodore were his two friends, and they were also the two nobles who had previously met with Levy and, together with the Marquess, created a plan to ruin him.

Harry sat down at the table, and the two Barons stood up to greet him with a smile, but he just waved his hand to dismiss them and began glancing around.

The barons noticed that something was wrong with him today, but they didn't want to anger him by asking, lest he stop being friends with them.

They talked to him only because he had more power than them after all.

"Hello sirs. May I offer you a snack? This meat is normally very hard to come by."

A young butler with blue eyes and blonde hair walked up to Harry's table. He was holding a tray that had multiple plates on it. On these plates was raw meat with poured blood around it.

"Oh? What kind of meat is it if it's so hard to come by?"

Baron Thedore looked at the handsome butler and asked.

"Human, of course."

Answering his question, the butler had a serious expression on his face.


The Barons didn't expect this response, so they first sat there and looked at the butler in silence.

"...Pfftt!! Hahaha! Good one, young man!"

But then they burst out laughing at his joke, but Harry didn't share their joy.

Feeling cold sweat on his back, his heart started to race. He looked at the butler in fear, and the butler stared back at him with a smile.

"What is it, sir? Oh, don't worry. It is not human meat. That was just a joke."

Suddenly, Baron George waved his hand at the butler, gesturing for him to come closer.

"Of course it was! Give me a piece!"

He grabbed one plate and stabbed the meat with a fork. Bringing it to his mouth, he bit into the juicy meat and let its blood fill his mouth.

When Harry saw this, he felt his stomach churn and quickly got up to leave.

While he was getting up, he bumped into the butler, but he didn't apologize and ran to the bathroom.

Inside the bathroom, he washed his face and took deep breaths to calm down.

"It's okay, Harry. Just breathe."

He kept talking to himself, but suddenly he heard a voice inside his head.


"Who's there!?"

Harry quickly looked around, but he didn't see anyone.

'Tell everyone what you have done. Only then will you feel better.'

Hearing the voice again, Harry realized that it was someone talking inside his head, and he started to fear that he was going crazy.

'Confess, and I will disappear. Confess, and all your guilt will disappear with me.'

The voice kept repeating itself, and Harry was starting to lose it. The more he listened to the voice, the more he thought about its suggestion.

Because his mind was still very tired and vulnerable, the voice drilled itself into his brain, and Harry realized that confession was the only way forward.

"If I just confess, it will go away. Everything will be okay… I just have to confess."

Harry kept mumbling to himself, and his gaze started to resemble that of a crazy person.

Leaving the bathroom, he entered the party again.

The others were still chatting, and Harry even noticed that the prince had a blush on his face while he was chatting up a beautiful girl with brown hair, but she was expressionlessly looking away, probably uninterested in what he was telling her.

Harry then walked up to the stage that overlooked the entire party.

There were some musicians playing, but when they saw him, they stopped because they thought he wanted to make a speech.

Once the music stopped, all the nobles looked at the stage, where they saw Harry glancing around.

When Harry got up on the stage and looked at the nobles all staring at him, he got cold feet.

If the voice in his head was telling the truth, then he just had to confess, and everything would be better, but he was suddenly too scared to speak.

Looking around, he noticed that there was a person in the corner of the hall, and he was wearing a hood.

The person slowly lifted his head, revealing his face to Harry.

The hooded person was Levy, and he was mouthing the word "confess".

When Harry saw this, he fell to his knees and started shouting with his face on the ground and his hands together like he was begging for forgiveness.

"I have something to say to you all!"

All the nobles and servants looked at him.

"I have poisoned Baron Levy, making him go mad and eat his family! After that, I imprisoned him in the slums, where I poisoned him to death!"

Gasps sounded all around the hall.

"Together with Baron George and Baron Theodore, we plotted to destroy his family! But you all should be thanking me instead of shaming me!"

A smile emerged on Harry's face as his voice resounded throughout the hall.

"I know how everyone hated Levy and his family! We were all jealous of his family because it didn't have any problems, and so I did all of you a favor by taking care of them!"

Harry looked up, expecting to see the nobles nodding and praising him, but instead they were all frowning or looking away in disgust.

The two Barons that Harry had called out were already trying to secretly leave the hall, only to be caught by the guards.

Meanwhile, the third prince was frowning while looking at the stage because he needed Marquess Harry's support in the race for the throne, but now, everything had gone to shit.

'This idiot!'

The prince already knew about everything, but he chose to ignore it because Levy was a low-ranking noble. But now that everyone had heard it, he wouldn't be able to cover it up anymore.

He wanted to shout at the guards to lock Harry up, because that way he could then secretly sneak him outside the prison or help him by convincing his father, but before he could say anything, the beautiful noble girl next to him opened her mouth.

"How disgusting. He should just die."

Her voice was beautiful, yet the words that she spoke were extremely cold, not befitting of her breathtaking face at all.

When the nobles around the prince heard her, they decided to get into the prince's good books by supporting the noble girl who he was trying to flirt with.

"That's right! He should be publicly executed!"

"Guards cut his head off!"

"Kill him!"

Noticing what was going on, the Duke that had always hated Harry also joined in, which made everyone who was still on the fence about killing a noble agree with Harry's execution.

Every noble in the hall was shouting for Harry to be executed, and the prince knew that it was too late, so he did the only thing he could do in this situation.

"Guards! Go up to the stage and cut his head off!"

Going with the crowd.

If he were to disagree with the crowd, he would disappoint a lot of nobles that supported him, and because of that, he had no other choice but to sacrifice the Marquess.

On the stage the Marquess was looking at the crowd with a shocked expression.

"What do you mean... kill? I helped you all! Why are you not thanking me, you ungrateful fucks?!"


Hearing the noise of heavy armor, Harry looked to his side and saw a knight holding a sword above his head.

Harry's gaze then slowly climbed the knight's body until their eyes met, and Harry's eyes widened in shock.

The others couldn't see the knight's face because of the helmet covering it from the side, but Harry could because he was looking at his face from below.

"N- No way. It is you again... H- How?"

Harry began to stutter when he saw the knight's face because it was the person who had been haunting his life recently.

Levy smirked while looking at the kneeling Harry and opened his mouth.

"This is for my family, you dirty scum."



Harry stretched his arm out to seek help from the nobles, but a quick vertical strike severed it, and his head went with it.

His head rolled on the stage, but before his brain fully shut down, he could still see the crowd.

Nobles were cheering, and even his family, whom he expected to be sad, was jumping in joy, probably because they just inherited his wealth.

Harry wanted to cry but he couldn't anymore.

'I did it for you all…'

With this last thought, his vision slowly turned dark, and his brain finally stopped functioning.
