
Journey of the Moonlight Swordsman

When a popular game and reality became connected, the world changed. Dungeons began to appear everywhere, and humanity quickly started to lose their territories. Fortunately, though, with the dungeons, the people that played this game received powers from their in-game characters, and this enabled humanity to fight back. The story follows a player who’s called Finn, and he is one of the weakest players there is. After being met with misfortune all his life, he went into a dungeon to earn some money for his rent, but because of his terrible luck, he found himself being chased by monsters. Due to a miracle, he barely managed to escape, only to stumble upon a huge door that even titans could walk through. The moment he pushed it open, he was given another chance to change his terrible past, but that was not the only thing he received after he opened that mysterious and sinister door... -------------------------------- Hello! This is my first ever novel, and I have always loved reading novels that made me feel an emotion, be it a sad one or an excited one. So, while writing this novel, I wrote some of the chapters with the sole purpose of making the reader feel the same emotion that I felt while writing it. Sometimes, I had to stop writing to wipe my tears away. ;-; Anyway, I hope you enjoy my first novel!

Munux · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
106 Chs

Learning self-defense

Finn had already managed to win a tournament, and he had defeated a martial arts master named WhiteTiger.

So he had proven to be the strongest player, and the gods even praised him.

But this powerful player was currently being absolutely destroyed.

Finn rushed at David, but as soon as he threw a punch, David deflected it with the back of his hand and counterattacked by uppercutting Finn's jaw.


The strike connected, and Finn flew through the air.


After falling to the ground, Finn felt his breath get knocked out of his lungs, and he had to shake his head a few times because that strike made him see the stars.

Slowly getting up, he felt a metallic taste in his mouth, and after spitting on the ground, the crowd noticed that he had spat out blood.

David wanted to ask Finn if he wished to give up, but before he could speak, Finn ran at him again like an enraged animal.

The only technique that Finn knew and could use in this situation was his Vital hit technique. He had copied it from a wolf, and with Loki's help, he learned to somewhat use it.

It predicted the opponent's movements and then enabled Finn to strike at his weak spot.

Finn utilized this by moving his right shoulder, which made David dodge, but Finn didn't use his right arm to punch and instead used it as bait to throw a punch with his left hand into the direction that David was dodging.

David was slightly surprised by Finn's tactic, but it wasn't something he couldn't defend against, so he quickly redirected Finn's strike to the side and tackled Finn to the ground.

The boxing part of the fight was already difficult for Finn, but being on the ground with an ex-special ops soldier turned the difficulty from hard to hell.

Finn didn't really know what had happened after that.

He just knew that David had somehow grabbed his neck with his arms into a chokehold, and after Finn's face started to turn blue, he quickly realized that there was no way for him to win, so he tapped out.

"*Cough* *Cough*"

David slowly got up and cracked his neck while Finn was on the ground coughing.

"Good fight."

His voice was calm, but the corners of David's mouth kept twitching because he was happy that he had gotten to release his anger for losing to Finn, who just wanted to learn from their fight.

"So how is he?"

Jonathan, who was watching David bully Finn asked when he saw that David was leaving the ring.

"Well… He has all the qualities that he has already shown us: strength, agility, stamina… But from the way he fights, I can tell that he isn't used to fighting in hand-to-hand combat."

Crossing his hands, David began describing how he felt about Finn's fighting prowess.

"You are right. He uses a sword and daggers in the game."

Jonathan nodded his head, not surprised by David's perfect analysis.

"That explains it then. I also saw him use an interesting technique, but he wasn't that great at it, so I easily saw through it."

David nodded his head while giving his evaluation, and Finn, who was also listening, felt his heart sting.

This "interesting technique" cost him blood, sweat, and tears. Mostly tears because Loki kept electrocuting him.

He was proud of himself for learning a combat technique that a wolf had used, but because he forgot to practice it after he got his weapons, he wasn't that great at performing it.

"So, what is your final verdict? Can he protect my daughter?"

Jonathan looked at David, who was wiping his sweat with a towel.

"He is strong enough to beat up gangsters, but if he meets a trained special forces soldier while he is on a date with her, he will lose."

David answered Jonathan with a serious expression.

'Why would I meet a trained special forces soldier when I go on a date with Sophie?! Do soldiers like that just casually stroll around the city or what?!!!'

Finn was in disbelief when he heard what David had said, but Jonathan nodded with a very serious expression.

"I see."

'What do you mean "I see"?! Don't just listen to him and tell him how rare it is to meet a special forces soldier!'

Jonathan turned to look at Finn, who was bewildered by what they were talking about.

"You will join my bodyguard team, and David here will personally train you because I want you to be strong enough to protect Sophie."

Finn was already planning on asking David to train him.

He did have some problems with becoming a bodyguard because he didn't have that much free time, but he could talk to Jonathan about it, and they could probably change it into a part-time job.


The other bodyguards were happy that Finn would be joining them, and David looked at Finn, who was exiting the ring.

"There are a lot of martial arts techniques, but I will be teaching you Krav Maga. I assume that you don't know any of the moves, so let's start with learning to defend yourself."

David first taught Finn how to deflect and redirect hits.

The other bodyguards already knew all of this, but they still joined in to refresh their memory of it, and it even helped most of them.

While they were training, Sophie and Jonathan left the gym because they had things to do.

Jonathan had to deal with work, and Sophie wanted to log into Second Life and set sail towards the Elvish continent so that she would be there once Finn logged in.

Finn learned that he could redirect punches by moving his body and pushing them to the side with his palms.

He still didn't know how to counterattack after redirecting the punch, but just learning how to redirect them took him hours, and when it was evening, David ended the training session.

"You are a fast learner. Next time you are here, I will teach you how to counterattack. Once you know how to defend yourself, I will start teaching you how to punch and kick properly."

Finn knew that learning how to fight wasn't something he could do in a day, but he was happy that David was a good trainer and that enabled him to learn quickly.


After saying his goodbyes to the bodyguards and changing into his comfortable clothes, Finn exited the gym, where Klaus was waiting for him.

Klaus led him into Jonathan's office because Finn said that he wanted to talk to Jonathan about something before he left.

Inside the office, Finn explained that he wanted to work as a bodyguard but only part-time because he still had things to do in the game, and Jonathan agreed.

After leaving the office, Klaus led Finn to the elevator, and when Finn informed him that he knew how to get to the rooftop, Klaus left and went to tend to his master.

Finn then called the elevator and waited for the door to open.


With a quiet noise, the elevator arrived, and the doors opened.

He wanted to step inside, but he stopped himself when he noticed that there was someone already inside.

"Umm… Hi Estelle."

Sophie's gorgeous mom was standing in the elevator, wearing a tight black dress that was hugging her body so hard that Finn could see her hourglass figure.

"What a coincidence, Finn."

She smiled, but she actually didn't mean what she had said.

Estelle was waiting for Finn to use the elevator while he was in Jonathan's office, so she kept riding up and down, waiting for Finn to get on.

If Finn knew that, he would be creeped out by her stalker-like behavior, but luckily for her, he was clueless about it.

Finn still believed that after he raised his voice at Estelle, she had lost interest in him, so he nodded and entered the elevator.

The doors closed, but before he could press the button that would take him to the rooftop, Estelle grabbed his hand.

"Is there a problem?"

Finn turned around and looked at her.

"When I saw you get all sweaty during those exercises in the gym, I got really excited, so you should take responsibility."

Estelle looked at him with a red blush on her face, as she seductively licked her lips.


This made Finn speechless, and Loki was nodding his head with an "I knew it" expression.

"No. I am dating Sophie, and I don't want to have that kind of relationship with you, so no."

He firmly rejected her, but she didn't give up and tried jumping on him to hug him.

After being taught how to deflect his opponent's attacks, Finn avoided Estelle, making her fall back first to the ground. Luckily, her fall was cushioned by the soft elevator carpet.

But because the elevator wasn't that big, he dodged into a wall, which made him lose balance and fall on top of Estelle.

Holding himself up with his two arms, Finn looked down, and right below him was Estelle, who was looking at him while breathing heavily with a blushed face.

Suddenly, she grabbed the back of his neck with both of her hands to stop him from getting up.

"Let go of me, woman!"

Finn tried to get out of her grasp, but he could only use one hand because he needed one of his hands to stop him from falling on her.

While they were struggling, they didn't notice that the elevator started moving.


Feeling horror from the sound of the elevator doors opening, Finn slowly turned his head to the side where he saw Sophie, who was planning to go see him off after she had logged off on the ship heading to the Elvish continent.

But when the elevator doors opened, she found Finn lying on top of her blushing mother.

Sophie furrowed her eyebrows, and Finn knew that the way she was glaring at him meant that she was about to kill him.