
Journey Of The Last Orc

In the past, this world was very peaceful where the three great races. the human race, the Orc race, and the elf race lived side by side with each other. Until one day a great war broke out, the reason for causing the great war was still unknown . The casualties due to the war were great, both from the human race, the elven race and the orc race. Of all of them, the Orc race was the worst affected, their race was almost destroyed and just few Orcs left. The condition of the Orc Nation was very bad, the youth of their race had died in battle, while the babies disappeared mysteriously. In that desperation, a baby was born to the leader of the remaining orc race. On the same day an orc ran towards them "Please, save this child" The orc brought the baby orc, they all welcomed the presence of another baby who would become their hope. Shortly afterward the orc carrying the baby pass away.

Oosma_kappa · Fantasy
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22 Chs

The Mighty Orc

Julia and Gorr rushed to Chara Village, along the way Gorr observed Julia. Gorr said to himself

"This human is very different from the characteristics that Barsmith described"

Barsmith had explained to Gorr that humans have black hair when young and will turn white when they age. But Julia had blonde hair and blue eyes. In the middle of their journey Gorr remembered about the behavior of Chara villagers to Gorr before, they seemed very unable to accept Gorr. As for Julia, she didn't seem to mind asking Gorr for help.

On the other hand, Julia was very disturbed because Gorr had always glanced and watched her. In her deepest heart she was very scared and wanted to escape from Gorr immediately, but if she ran away who would save her village. Gorr is the only hope for Julia right now, she will trust Gorr until her village is saved.

When the two of them were getting close to the village of Chara, Gorr suddenly asked Julia

 "Hey Julia, the first time you saw me. You didn't run away because you were scared, instead you asked me for help. What happened at that time?"

 "We'll talk about that later."

From their current distance came a male voice shouting accompanied by the resigned cries of Chara's citizens.


Hearing that voice they both accelerated their pace towards the village of Chara, in front of one of the houses there was one of the bandits pointing his sword at someone there. Someone who looked old he just shook his head every time the criminal bandit asked

 "We haven't gotten anything really"

The old man said slowly and stammered. Seeing that person, Julia immediately prepared to run towards him "GRANDPA" that's what Julia said when she saw the old man. Gorr who saw Julia's behavior immediately held her body. Julia also rebelled and shouted towards Gorr.

 "Let go of me, that man over there is my grandfather, I'm going to go save him."

 "What can you do? If you go there, both of you will die?"

 "Then what are you planning to do, Mr. Brillian?

Gorr silent for a moment, he looked around and he found a stone the size of a human fist, without thinking Gorr took the stone. On the other hand, the criminal bandit seemed to be very angry with Julia's grandfather, he could not hold back the anger caused by Julia's grandfather who did not want to open his mouth.

One of the criminals threw his sword at Julia's grandfather, everyone screamed including Julia. The moment when the bandit's sword was swung, a stone with incredible speed flew towards his head. The blow was so hard that the bandit was knocked unconscious with severe head bleeding.

Everyone was shocked to see the incident, as were Skarr and his group they were both shocked and curious as to what had just happened. Skarr's gaze searched for the origin of the stone, when his eyes looked towards the village entrance gate how surprised he was. Gorr was already standing there and beside him was Julia, the girl he had been chasing.

While the conditions were already tense, Gorr also started a conversation

 "I thought you went to the Forbidden Forrest to meet someone there, but seeing what you did to this village, your goal is not a good thing"

Hearing Gorr's words, Skarr remained silent. Soon he laughed, a very mysterious laugh that clearly said that something bad would happen soon. After laughing Skarr began to say something to Gorr

 "Yaaaa you're right damn Orc, I'm not here to chat with your Orc friend. I'm here to take control of the Forbidden Forrest and Chara Village. But when you came I revised my plans and I brought you a gift"

While Skarr was talking, his subordinates took out a magic box on the ground. Magically the box turned into a drum, and inside the drum was a very scary creature.

 "This is a gift for you bastard"

 "Where did you get that?" Julia asked Skarr

 "HAHAHAHAHAHA, you want to know?"

---- (Flashback)

After encountering an orc in the Forbidden Forrest, Skarr was thinking of how to get him out of that place. If he forced himself to fight against the Orc, it was certain that he would suffer serious injuries even if he could defeat the Orc.

In the midst of his confusion someone called Skarr's name from outside his room. Skarr told the man to come in, the pia was a member ordered by Skarr

to find information about Chara Village. The information he provided was very detailed and helpful to their group. Skarr began to talk about what he had encountered while exploring the Forbidden Forrest. Skarr's subordinates looked incredulous at what Skarr was talking about.

 "What? An orc?"

 "Yeah, that's it."

 "So we're just going to give up?"

 "Of course not Skarr never gives up, I have a plan"

 "What is it?"

 "We will fight the Orc with force as well"

Skarr's subordinates were confused by what the boss was planning. On the other hand Skarr seemed to be performing a ritual to summon something, soon a portal appeared, Skarr a mysterious creature appeared in front of Skarr. the creature asked Skarr about what he wanted to buy. It turns out that the creature is one of the members of the Black Market.

The Black Market is a place where all things are sold including slaves, rare animals poisons and all kinds. Skarr asked for something balanced against ORC


Back in the present, Skarr's subordinates opened the Gate, a huge, terrifying creature came out of it. A huge ape that had the strength of 100 ordinary humans was Kumorilla (Absolutely a Gorilla).Gorr looked confused by what he had just seen. Gorr's head was now thinking of one question, how could such a large creature fit in the box?.

While Gorr was digesting what happened, Kumorilla let out a scream, such a powerful scream that it brought Gorr back from his reverie. The Kumorilla in front of Gorr had now entered battle mode, as he repeatedly punched its muscular chest. Gorr also taunted the animal by doing the same thing Kumorilla did. This angered the animal and Kumorilla jumped up and attacked Gorr.

Gorr withstood the animal's attack with relative ease, as the strenuous training he had undergone for three months had clearly paid off for Gorr. The two of them pushed each other, with Gorr getting the upper hand and putting Kumorilla on the back foot. The animal released its grip on Gorr's hand and hit him right behind the head. This made Gorr a little dizzy, Gorr managed to hit the animal but he didn't feel any pain at all.

While Gorr was struggling, Komurilla attacked Gorr relentlessly. Gorr withstood all the attacks from the ape. On one occasion he managed to grab Kumorilla's hand and throw it towards the tree. The force of Gorr's throw made the tree fall.

But the animal was still able to stand, seeing that the animal in front of him was a threat Gorr took out his axe. With one breath Gorr used the Power Slash Style, but the impact of the Axe was avoided by Kumorilla. The trees and several houses there were cut into two parts due to Gorr's attack. Seeing his residence cut off, a voice came out from the crowd.

 "Watch out for your attack, you bastard, you're destroying our house."

 "Damn noisy, fighting that creature is not an easy fight. Hah, you guys." 

The battle started again, this time Gorr led the way, he succes to make Komurilla injured using the axe he had. Scars poured from the gorilla's chest caused by Gorr. The attack made Komurilla very angry, he now attacked Gorr brutally. But Gorr managed to block all the attacks launched by the animal. When he got the chance Gorr hit the scar on Kumorilla's chest with force making the mighty animal feel tremendous pain.

Not only that, Gorr slammed the big animal and punched its face into the ground, after the attack Komurilla did not move at all. Gorr won the fight against Komurilla, but the problem did not end there. The criminals were already preparing to attack Gorr simultaneously.

Gorr received many cuts on his body, as long as he was attacked Gorr remembered how hard the barsmith beat him first now their attacks were completely tasteless. Gorr counterattacked the criminal gang, Gorr grabbed the head of one of the group and turned it into a weapon.


Gorr's voice sounded very powerful, while the criminals who attacked Gorr screamed in pain and even some of them screamed in fear. A Green Monster was destroying their group alone. It was a horrible scene.

Gorr finished finishing off Skarr's subordinates, Gorr looked at Skarrr. Seeing that all his subordinates were defeated, Skarr prepared his sword to face Gorr. They faced side by side, their two eyeballs connected with each other.

 "You're amazing, I didn't expect the Orcs to be this strong"

 "That's because I've survived in hell for three months"

Skarr laughed softly at Gorr's answer, then he continued his sentence.

 "Then, what are you going to do with That power? That power will be wasted if you're still like this. Join me and rule the world together"

 "To hell with ruling the world, I've already determined my destination when I left that place. So go far away bastard"

 "Hah, the Orcs are very stupid. Well if that's your choice then that means death"

Skarr held his sword, he was getting ready to make an attack. After a moment Skarr began his attack

"64 Puncture Of Death"

Skarr moved quickly and stabbed Gorr's body 64 times within 3 seconds, after which he returned with a crushing blow.

"Blink slash"

Skarr moved very quickly through Gorr's body, after which a slash was seen on Gorr's front body. Hearing the sound of blood dripping to the ground Skarr smiled, he turned to Gorr and said

 "You should have wheezed... euhmm"

Before Skarr could finish his sentence Gorr had already grabbed Skarr's mouth and slammed him to the ground

 "Apparently you can use mana"

Gorr raised one hand up in preparation to punch Skarr

 "Alright then, I won't hold back"

"Earth Crusher Punch"

BRUAKKKKKK a very powerful attack was used by Gorr, He then stood up and said

 "I already told you .I've Survived three months in hell"

