
Journey Of The Last Orc

In the past, this world was very peaceful where the three great races. the human race, the Orc race, and the elf race lived side by side with each other. Until one day a great war broke out, the reason for causing the great war was still unknown . The casualties due to the war were great, both from the human race, the elven race and the orc race. Of all of them, the Orc race was the worst affected, their race was almost destroyed and just few Orcs left. The condition of the Orc Nation was very bad, the youth of their race had died in battle, while the babies disappeared mysteriously. In that desperation, a baby was born to the leader of the remaining orc race. On the same day an orc ran towards them "Please, save this child" The orc brought the baby orc, they all welcomed the presence of another baby who would become their hope. Shortly afterward the orc carrying the baby pass away.

Oosma_kappa · Fantasy
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22 Chs

New Hope

An excitement occurred in the royal palace of Amarta, Commander Theo, a soldier who earned the nickname "Beast Of Humanity" because of his strength in the field, was now badly injured after entering the battlefield.

 Hearing the news that his colleague was injured, the troops to the highest general decided to visit Theo in the hospital. When they opened the door to Theo's room, they were shocked to see that Theo was no longer in his bed. One of them asked the hospital guard

 "Where is that bastard?"

 "Sorry Commander, we don't know. We just did an examination on Commander Theo. But it seems he ran away when we brought him a meal."

One of the men looked angry, seeing his colleague unable to contain his rage. Someone who had been looking around calmed him down.

 "Calm down, they never took care of someone like Theo. I'm sure he'll be back tomorrow"

 "But he's hurt."

 "I said calm down."

That person gave off a very strong aura that made everyone in the room fall silent. Meanwhile, that person walked towards the window.

From behind, a woman in armor followed him.

 "He must be going to that place, right?"

 "Of course where else would that old bastard go"

 "Then we can ensure his safety"


Inside the Forbidden Forrest Barsmith was seen playing with the animals there, in the midst of his excitement playing around someone suddenly came towards him in a hurry. Barsmith immediately prepared to attack


He was shocked, never in his life had he seen Theo injured like this since the great war between the three races occurred. Seeing his friend injured Barsmith rushed to help him and took him home.

 "I told you that you are oldman now, retire and accompany me here"

 "I can still fight Damn it"

 "Then how do you explain this wound?"

They both fell silent, then the barsmith concocted medicine from herbs that grew in the Forbidden Forrest. After finishing concocting the Barsmith asked Theo.

 "So, you fought with that monster right?"

 "Right, I didn't expect him to be so strong"

Barsmith sighed heavily before continuing the conversation.

 "So what happened on the battlefield?"

Theo tell Barsmith the conditions of the battlefield.

"Our troops had the upper hand in the fight, but an object flew in and took down the monster. The power he had was terrifying, just by himself he was able to devastate the troops we had.

 Inevitably I had to go down to the battlefield, I managed to finish off their entire army. While our troops were successfully destroyed by him. I ordered the uninjured troops to retreat. And made conditions one on one"


 "The two of us fought, I was almost able to finish him off. Until that masked man attacked me with black fire"

Hearing Theo mention black fire and masked man ,barsmith remembered the story of Gorr where Arcxtala Village was burned down by people who used black fire and a mask.

In the midst of the silence Theo said to Barsmith

 "Isn't this the right time for you to return to the battlefield?"

 "Sorry, but it's time for me to rest"

While they were enjoying the atmosphere of the forest at that time, a bird came to them. The bird carried a letter, Barsmith took the letter.

After reading the letter Barsmith looked very happy, then he said to Theo

 "This is the perfect time for the new shoots to show their abilities."

Theo took the letter that Barsmith read, he then read the letter. The letter says

I met an Orc, looking at his abilities it seems that you have trained him. I'll keep an eye on him from now on


After reading the letter Theo laughed very loudly.

On the other hand the opponent faced by Theo was lying helplessly, it seemed that the injuries he received were much more severe than Theo. It wasn't long before someone came up to the man.

 "What a shame, with all the power you've received and still injured this badly"

 "Shut the fuck up!!!, I didn't expect that old bastard to have such amazing abilities"


 "Never mind, no one thought that person would come, right?"

The masked man came to break up their argument, without saying a word the man left them. Feeling that things had calmed down Lawan Theo asked the masked man

 "Who is he?"

 "He is Lutvins a commander of this kingdom, his record is very good on the battlefield and he has high hopes for you."

The masked man noticed the wound of his partner, it was a severe wound. Showing how terrible Theo was when fighting.

 "Don't be too discouraged, your opponent was Theodore Strangtamp the former top general of Amarta. In the past, only the Orcs could scratch his body."

 "Shut up, it's all because I'm still too weak"


 "How much longer are we going to walk, I'm tired bastard"

Gorr looked exhausted because he had been following the carriage of Arubus for a long distance. Besides Gorr, the horses of their group also looked exhausted.

 "Hmmm? Well, let's rest here."

Arubus who realized his horse was exhausted decided to rest there. Seeing that it was getting dark, they also decided to camp there for the night.

Gorr gathered firewood, while Arubus prepared the food ingredients and the cauldron used for cooking. When it was ready Gorr wanted to light the fire by rubbing the two woods, seeing this Arubus laughed at Gorr.

 "Hahahahaha what are you doing? Are all orcs stupid?"

 "Damn it! What do you mean, how else to start a fire?"

Arubus took out a small box from his pocket, and showed it to Gorr.

 "Behold the genius of man"


Flames shot out of the box and onto the firewood, in the blink of an eye their campfire was lit. Gorr was amazed to see the tool owned by Arubus.

 "Wow, what is that thing, how can a box produce fire?"

 "Hehehe the concept of this thing works almost the same as your necklace, this thing stores mana then when pressed it will release fire magic"

 "Did that person also make it?"

 "That's right."

The moon had risen to give light to the world at night, Gorr and the Arubus entourage ate the food prepared by the Arubus coachman.

As usual, Gorr enjoyed the cuisine of mankind that was full of flavors. After dinner, everyone did their own thing.

Arubus entered the carriage and forbade anyone to enter until he came out. The coachman cleaned up their leftovers, Lucas went into the forest while Gorr would just stand guard around there.

Because he was bored, Gorr followed Lucas into the forest.

Beside a beautiful lake Gorr saw Lucas practicing, Lucas kicked a tree and then performed a slash that cut all the leaves that fell from the tree.

Seeing this amazing thing, Gorr approached Lucas.

 "An amazing attack, are you practicing?"

Lucas was very surprised by Gorr's arrival, he thought someone was stalking him. Knowing it was just Gorr Lucas was relieved and replied

 "I'm perfecting my technique"

 "Your attack already looks very perfect"

 "Not yet, I haven't perfected my skills yet"

The atmosphere became awkward because Gorr did not answer anything Lucas said. To break the awkwardness Lucas asked Gorr

 "Aren't you practicing?"

 "Oh yeah, seeing you train makes me want to do it too"

Gorr headed to a rock around the lake. Gorr picked up one of the boulders and did his usual physical exercises.

Lucas was very surprised by the way Gorr was training.

 "What are you doing?"

 "training, orcs can't use mana so I have to maximize the physical strength I have"

Lucas was simply dumbfounded at Gorr's way of training. They had both completed their personal training. Gorr asked Lucas

 "Why are you training so hard Lucas?"

 "To earn money to support my younger siblings, by becoming stronger, my name will become famous and I may be summoned by the kingdom."


 "You're alone? Why are you traveling? It's been a long time since an orc has appeared in the human world."

 "To take revenge"

The awkward atmosphere enveloped them again. Gorr, who realized he had made the atmosphere awkward, began to find an atmosphere

 "By the way, the people from Dark Owl yesterday weren't bad either"

 "They are? They're just subordinates and there's still someone stronger?"

 "Really? No wonder they are so famous"

 "But Dark Owl's group is not the best"

Hearing Lucas's words Gorr became very surprised by Lucas's words

 "What? They're not the strongest?"

 "There is another group, they are called Exkhaban"


 "The best mercenary group in the world, rumor has it that there are only eight of them. But just eight of them can destroy anything."

Gorr was so interested in Lucas' explanation, he didn't even move from his spot. Lucas continued his explanation

 "But they don't necessarily accept all jobs"

 "Then who are the members of Exkhaban?"

 "No one knows."

They both stared at the lake reflecting the moon. Suddenly a Crocosart attacked them from the water. Gorr managed to hold the animal's mouth with his hand while Lucas slashed it in half.

Having finished with the Crocosart, Lucas came back and said

 "But there are rumors say, that person is one of the Exhaban members"


 "The strongest swordsman. The Man Above Heaven. Skardal Amashura."

