
Journey Of The Last Orc

In the past, this world was very peaceful where the three great races. the human race, the Orc race, and the elf race lived side by side with each other. Until one day a great war broke out, the reason for causing the great war was still unknown . The casualties due to the war were great, both from the human race, the elven race and the orc race. Of all of them, the Orc race was the worst affected, their race was almost destroyed and just few Orcs left. The condition of the Orc Nation was very bad, the youth of their race had died in battle, while the babies disappeared mysteriously. In that desperation, a baby was born to the leader of the remaining orc race. On the same day an orc ran towards them "Please, save this child" The orc brought the baby orc, they all welcomed the presence of another baby who would become their hope. Shortly afterward the orc carrying the baby pass away.

Oosma_kappa · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Happy Village

After years of war between the three races, everyone has built their own communities. The humans built their kingdoms and established their own ecosystems. The Elves returned to the forest and disappeared like dust in the wind.

Then the Orcs who were hit the hardest chose to retreat to a forest and form a village there. The current condition of the Orcs was not good, a sad expression was drawn on their faces, in the midst of this despair an Orc stand in front of the Orcs while carrying two baby boys.

"Raise your heads, our hope is not completely Vanished. These two babies will be the hope of our race".

All the orcs looked up at the two babies, a look of hope on top of the suffering they had endured. After they braced themselves and saw hope an Orc shouted

"Alright let's Train them to become strong Orcs, LONG LIVE ORC NATION !!!!"

Several years after the incident, the baby Orcs have now grown into active children. They were both named Gorr and Xork, it was their leaders who chose the names for them.

Every day Gorr and Xork played and practiced fighting, from their training it seemed that Xork had extraordinary talent and focus compared to Gorr who preferred to play around. One day they were arguing about who would get the bigger hunt someday

"I'll get the bigger result in hunt than you"

"Don't talk nonsense, That will be me"

"You don't even know how to slam me to the ground, you won't be able to Gorr"

The villagers broke up their arguments when it became too far, but they mostly laughed at the behavior of the two orc boys.

As the years passed, Gorr and Xork grew into dashing young Orcs. Xork was getting more and more extraordinary with the training he had undergone so far, while Gorr although not as strong as Xork but the warmth he brought made all the villagers love him. On that day Gorr had finished his routine training, he was waiting for his father's return from hunting. He felt strongly about the tradition here that required him to be 20 years old to be allowed to go hunting.

In the middle of his wait an Orc came up to him

"Hey Gorr. Calm down damn it your dad will be fine, he's a good hunter"

"Shut Up, he's been sick for a few days. he's been weakened, I should be the one to replace him for hunting".

It was only natural for Gorr to be worried that at his prime age and with the training he had undergone, he felt that he was very fit to replace his father's hunting duties, on the other hand Gorr's father was aging and often sick. In the middle of Gorr's conversation from a distance an old Orc approached them.

"When you are 20 years old you will definitely go hunting, it's not long now be patient Gorr"

"Hmmphhh don't you remind me of those nonsensical rules old man"

In the midst of his worries, a middle-aged orc was seen pulling a Mathmorr (Elephant-like monster). The orc was already limping, the look on his face was already starting to look sad and exhausted, seeing the middle-aged orc Gorr ran over to him

"Wow, it seems that today's catch is big dad"

While smiling, the orc replied

"This is for the celebration day the day after tomorrow, for today we eat Basor" (Bison-like monster)

Gorr looked happy as he untied the basor that was connected to the mathmorr. Then he lifted it up while pointing at the house

"I will take one of these basors to the kitchen, for the rest you can ask Xork for help."

Soon another young orc approached Gorr's father, he looked dashing and more dashing than Gorr, he was Xork another young man from the orc village. Apart from Xork the old orcs and other orcs who came to welcome Gorr's father. Xork lifted one of the basors while the other orcs helped lift Mathmorr.

"LONG LIVE ARCXALA" The orcs shouted while lifting the Mathmorr, Arcxala is the name of the orc village.

The sun was setting, a sign that moonlight would take its place to illuminate the world, at Gorr's family residence they were chatting before the celebration held the day after tomorrow. Gorr approached his father and said

"The day after tomorrow is my 20th birthday, you promised to tell me everything about this village, right?"

"Well, what do you want to know?" Gorr's father smiled while patting his brother on the shoulder?

"Why are the only young men in this village me and Xork, where are the other young men? Where are the young female Orcs? How do I get married? There's no way I'm marrying Xork, right?"

Hearing Gorr's words, Mrs. Gorr laughed as loudly as she could.

"HAHAHAHAHA that's right, are you interested in Xork he looks great isn't he? Mrs. Gorr teased her beloved son


"You'll find out later, but for now I'll just give you this."

Gorr's father gave him a very beautiful crystal necklace, Gorr looked confused after receiving the necklace, he looked at the necklace carefully

"What the fuck do you want me to marry this necklace? Seriously?"

"No you fool, it is a necklace that has protected this place for many years, it is a symbol of the leader of Arcxala Village who always protects and nurtures the village, are you ready to accept it my son?"

The tone of Gorr's father began to get serious, the look in his eyes could not be deceived he really wanted Gorr to lead the village after his birthday celebration. With eyes as sharp as daggers Gorr agreed to his father's request, the crystal necklace was gripped tightly.

The next morning Gorr was seen swinging his axe as a form of training for hunting and self-defense, Xork saw it and approached Gorr.

"Still practicing? Do you think you can surpass me?"

"Shut up asshole, even though I can't surpass you but my father has chosen me as the next leader of the village."

Xork fell silent at Gorr's words

"(Why? Why was he chosen? I'm stronger than him, I'm more capable of protecting the village than him)", in the middle of his silence Xork picked up his axe and prepared to spar with Gorr.

"Let's train together, so we can both protect the village together."

The two orcs who will continue their story are tough orcs, the battle looks dominated by Xork, his expertise in swinging the axe is extraordinary, far compared to Gorr who only uses basic movements, and relies more on his strength. "KLING KLANG," the sound of their axes is getting louder accompanied by their orc groans, Gorr looks exhausted but Xork is still in good condition. Xork swung his axe from above, Gorr anticipated the attack but it turned out to be a trick, Xork quickly changed the direction of his swing so that the axe handle of Gorr was cut.

"That's it Gorr, I'm still superior"

"As always your skills are beyond reason Xork."

The villagers' applause signaled the end of the duel.

Gorr went to the rock where he usually rested after training, he pondered whether he deserved to be the leader of the village, can I protect the village? While I am still very weak, that was the content of the young orc's head. In the middle of his daydream, he remembered the series of duels he had with Xork in the past. Of all these fights he never once won when dueling with Xork. In between the memories, Gorr's Father proud face could also be seen even though his only son had never won a duel. In the afternoon, Gorr returned home and saw his father waiting for Gorr's return.

"Why is your face so gloomy? Didn't you practice today?

"I lost, father, once again I can't beat Xork."

Gorr's father tried to calm his son while whispering

"I chose you not because you are strong, in this world it is not strength that is a requirement for leaders"

Gorr looked confused, what is the strength that is a requirement to lead, the father smiled while inviting Gorr into the house. That night Gorr couldn't sleep at all, remembering his defeat against Xork which constantly frustrated him "how do I win from him huh" said Gorr in the silence of the night.

The celebration began with the orcs feasting on Marmoth meat, the sound of the orcs' laughter sounded very melodious in Gorr's ears, the sound of laughter was like a musical masterpiece that could never be replaced.

"Hey Gorr, let's eat this fruit, I got it from the forest" said a very old orc.

"Try this too Gorr"

Gorr was very loved by the residents there, the warmth and smiles he always gave made the residents feel proud to have a young man like Gorr. In the middle of the party, Gorr's father climbed up, a big rock.

"My Orcs Family of Arcxala village, along with Gorr and Xork's 20th birthday I declare my retirement as the leader of Arcxala village, and will choose Gorr as my successor, if anyone has any objections, please raise your axe."

Xork was eager to raise his axe, but since none of the villagers disagreed he decided against it. With the silence, Gorr's father asked him to climb onto the rock and the inauguration began.

"I declare you Gorr as the leader and protector of Arcxala village"

"LONG LIVE ARCXALA" shouted all the villagers.

Gorr raised his hand and said

"Let us restore the glory of the Orc nation, LONG LIVE ORC, LONG LIVE ARCXALA".

The shout was greeted enthusiastically by the Orcs there.







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