
The Beast Attack

As this happening, the Ship detects the surge of the energy from the Beast, and hurriedly reports it to the crew of the ship, as this  being reported the crew soon panic and debate on what to do next as the panic grew and grew someone suggest;

"We should sacrifice the consciousness of the ship to activate a barrier that can Shields us from the beast powerful attack"

As the idea heard  the panicked group somehow, settle and think about it but as someone is getting ready to speak, the ship suddenly said

"Warning incoming attack"

As the ship conscious draw the power and radius of the beast attack they stunned and horrified, and hurriedly and anxiously shout:

"This... This is even stronger than we expect and very vast we need, to activate the Barrier no matter what and try to escape the beast's attack"

As the word came out they immediately activate the Barrier and embrace for the impact of the attack, while they hurriedly and desperately trying to outspeed the incoming attack of the beast, but due to ship battered and horrible conditions, it cannot outspeed the wrath of the Destructive Energy that the beast bestowed upon them, but even though the ship failed to outspeed the wrath of the beast attack, it managed to activate its barriers in the nick of time. As the crew of the ship desperately clinging to the ship and praying to their goddess Astra, but despite their prayer, the goddess seems no favor in them, as the crack in the barrier appears at an alarming rate they desperate and hurriedly find a tool and an energy source to try and replenish the barrier and reduce the rate of cracking in the barrier, as an hour has passed the barrier collapse at the same time the wrath of the beast Stop.