
Journey of Kai Ookami (A Naruto Fan-fiction)

Raised in an orphanage in Konahagakure, Kai Ookami had nothing to his name except the drive to become the strongest Shinobi of his time and to have a family he can call his own. Such a dream though would not come easy. Join Kai on his journey to greatness and watch as he unknowingly changes the fate of the Shinobi world. A/N Yo. This is a fanfic I am doing on the side to keep myself occupied. I am focusing on my first fanfic and this is just something I put together while thinking about what it would be like to be reincarnated in the Narutoverse. Updates wont be super consistent but I can promise at least a chapter a week. MC has no knowledge of whats to come he just wants to pursue his dream. I do not own any of Naruto besides my OC, also the cover is not mine. If you own the art and want me to take it down just get in touch.

Legacy_24 · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 14 - Processing

A full day passed before Kai finally woke up. He looked at his surroundings in confusion until all the memories of his fight with Mizuki came crashing back.

Kai was in a bed in the Hospital, he looked around and saw a passed out Naruto sleeping on his legs. Kai could only let out a sigh of relief seeing that Naruto was ok.

Kai became lost in his thoughts 'I killed someone... I actually killed someone. Big sister Shinko warned me that the life of a Ninja was not all sunshine and roses. She told me to expect a life surrounded by violence if I want to be the strongest Ninja ever.'

Kai looked at his shaking hands and clenched his fists as tears ran down his face and silent sobs shook his body as he tried to reign in all his emotions.

'Today will be the last day I shed a tear for an enemy. This world is not a game, I took a life but if I didn't I would have lost my best friend' he thought.

Slowly Kai got a handle on his feelings and entered a meditative state to try and understand what he was feeling right now. He felt sadness that he snuffed out a life, he felt pride that he beat a chunin even if the chunin was completely caught off guard he could use ninjutsu.

Kai felt relief that Naruto was unharmed. Yet the strongest feeling inside him was disgust. Disgust at himself for almost dying before he became the strongest Ninja ever.

Kai exited his meditation and thought upon his feelings. 'Sadness, pride, relief, disgust my emotions are controlling me right now and an emotional ninja is a dead ninja'.

After a few deep breaths Kai felt his tense muscles start to relax. He knew he only did what he had to for the safety of his friend. Even if he hates that he killed someone he knew he had to push past that if he wanted to become the strongest Ninja ever.

At this moment Shinko walked in the room and saw Naruto asleep on Kai's legs but Kai had woken up. Shinko let out a relieved smile and quickly walked to her Otouto and caressed his cheek with her hand.

"How do you feel Otouto?" she asked. Kai looked at her and his sobs returned. "I don't know Shin-chan. I am happy Naruto is ok but I killed someone to ensure it. Should I feel proud of what I did or disgusted" he said sullenly.

Shinko rubbed his head and said "Don't keep thinking about it, I told you this would happen eventually. Personally I couldn't be prouder of you. You beat a stronger enemy and stood up for Naruto. To me there is nothing to be sad about you won on all fronts. Process what your feeling but move on ok Otouto"

Kai numbly nodded and went back to his meditation. Shinko smiled at the sight of her little Kai as she got lost in her thoughts 'I am sorry you had to deal with this so soon Kai but you did a great thing and I couldn't be prouder'

Shinko picked up Naruto from where he fell asleep and took him into her embrace as she sat down on a seat next to Kai. She held him close as she let Kai continue to process everything he was feeling. Naruto snuggled into Shinko's embrace more bringing a smile to her face.

After a couple of hours passed Naruto woke up and found himself in Shinko's arms. With a smile on his face and twinkling eyes he looked up at Shinko and said "Big sister Shinko, you really give the best hugs." Shinko laughed and ruffled his hair. Naruto turned and saw Kai was awake and meditating. Immediately he jumped from Shinko's arms and tackled Kai to the floor.

Kai woke from his mediation to find himself on the floor with a sobbing Naruto holding him tightly. Naruto looked at Kai and said "Thank you for protecting me Kai-kun I promise next time I will protect you, believe it".

Kai smiled at Naruto and hugged him back. Kai whispered to Naruto I am just glad your ok Naruto. Lets get stronger together so we can always protect each other."

Naruto nodded his head and got off Kai. The two boys stood and grinned at each other, countless thoughts of getting stronger running through their minds. Shinko saw in their eyes that they had taken another step in getting stronger and smiled.

Another hour passed and once the Medic nins cleared Kai they headed back to the apartment. Shinko treated them to a feast before they went to bed early both tired from everything that happened.

The next morning Kai and Naruto woke up and completed their usual morning routine before heading towards school. Along the way Kai received a lot of looks from the civilians around them. Some in awe and others in anger. Kai couldn't understand why people were mad at him. All he did was defend his friend.

When the reached the door of the classroom everyones attention turned to them. The room was completely silent but then Kai was tackled by a blur. Afraid he was being attacked Kai prepared to defend himself but saw it was Ino who jumped on him.

Kai looked at Ino and saw tears in her eyes as she hugged him. Kai had no idea how he was supposed to respond to a crying girl in his arms so he just did what Shinko would do when Naruto or him were upset and rubbed her back gently as she cried in his arms.

Finally after getting her emotions out Ino looked at Kai and mumbled out "I am glad your okay Kai". Kai gave her a weak smile and said "Don't worry about me I am fine, I was just exhausted from Chakra exhaustion and passed out.

The rest of the class seeing him smile got past the tension of their arrival and started to bombard him with questions. Kai however was not feeling up to all this attention and Ino could see that clearly so she shouted at the class "Shut up and give him some space"

Kai have her a grateful smile and went to his usual seat followed by Naruto. Sasuke was already at the table and greeted the duo normally. "It is good to see you back Kai, when can we start training together?" Sasuke said. Kai looked at Sasuke dumbfounded but let out a weak chuckle.

Kai said "Shinko said I have to take it easy for a few days but you can join us once I am allowed to start serious training again." Sasuke nodded his head and took out his journal and wrote down "Shinko says its best to rest a couple days after Chakra exhaustion".

Aruka walked into the class and saw Kai was back. He gave Kai a small smile welcoming him back. Class went on as usual but Kai was acting different than usual. Shikamaru noticed this straight away and thought 'Kai isn't acting like his usual happy go lucky self. This is to be expected but its going to be troublesome if it continues.'

Ino also noticed this but put it down to being drained after everything that happened, but she couldn't help but be concerned. 'I like confident and happy Kai, I hope he will be ok' she thought.

Naruto of course noticed the change in his best friend immediately and did everything he could to cheer him up but all he got for his trouble was a weak smile from Kai. 'Damn you Mizuki, your lucky your dead or I would beat you for hurting Kai-kun like this.

Class continued but Kai remained stoic throughout it and looked out the window for the majority of the day. When class ended for the day Kai and Naruto left together without saying much to their friends who could only watch worried about the duo.

This routine carried on for a week, Kai was no longer the confident and loud boy from before but seemed much more withdrawn than before and consistently zoned out and got lost in his thoughts.

The only time Kai seemed to put any energy into anything was when he was allowed to train properly again. Kai seemed to be more driven than ever before and it showed as he would collapse at the end of every session panting from overtaxing his body.

Everyone around him could only watch in concern but they knew he must be processing killing someone and left him be. Their worries however did not diminish.

Yo. I am back guys. I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and as always leave your thoughts below.

Legacy_24creators' thoughts