
CH. 20 Mary Geoise Part 1

{Time Skip - One Week}

Upon the recent news of Roger, the Pirate King being capture and his execution. The world was in uproar as many from civilian to noble, from pirates to marines are interest in this topic. However, something unexpected happens.

About a week after the news of Roger being capture and execution. The new era of pirates has started. The World Government and Marines also releases a shocking news to stops the uproars of the pirates .A new Admiral has been appointed by the Marine itself and the World Government. This news one again caused an uproars in the sea. Many were shocked and surprised about the news.

Organization, famous pirates or even civilian are interest and they were all trying to finds more information about the news of the new appointed Admiral. Many went into the sea and finds their connection for the information of the new Admiral.

Slowly as time passed, rumor also starts to spread around the world. Some says that he defeated a famous pirates. Some says that he destroyed an evil organization. Some even says that he was on par with the Hero of Marine, Garp.

Rumors flows throughout the sea. It caused many interest to peak, it cause many to cover in fear, and it also caused many to encourage themselves to be brave and challenge the sea as it is going to enters the new era with the boost of pirates and marines.

"GAHAHAHAHAHA!" laughed an old man as he held a newspaper in his hands. "Look what they wrote about you! Hahahaha!" laughed the old man again as he throws the newspaper to the man besides him.

"Some of them are now considering you to be the new light of the next era! GAHAHAHAHA!" Hitting the table as he laughed. "Nonsense" said a voice as it was filled with disdain. A hands slowly moves forward and grabs the newspaper as it slowly burns up into ashes.

"Oh! my!" said a voice and closes the newspaper to looks at the man by the old man. "You are famous now, Admiral Ryu!" said a man in yellow suit or Kizaru with a surprised yet not very surprised attitude.

"I know" sighed the man or Ryu as he took the newspaper and moves it to his side. "well, what can I do then? If a man is going to be famous. Then nothing can stops him" said Ryu and smiles slightly as he looks around the room filled with high ranking position officer.

"Hmph! Disgusting!" A man in red flower suit mumble as he heard the words of Ryu. Hearing what the man in red suit has said even though it was very quiet. Ryu turned and looks at the man or Akainu with a smile.

"I don't care about what other say, but it can't come from a man who was defeated from a single punch." said Ryu as he looks at Akainu with a smile. "What did you say!" shouted Akainu as slowly his surrounding area begins to burn.


"STOP!" shouted a voice as it was supports with the sounds of a table being hits. Hearing the sounds of the man, Akainu calmed down and slowly he sits down, even though their was still some displeasure in his action.

Seeing that Akainu has stops his action. The man or Sengoku sighed and looks around the room as there was Garp, Akainu, Kizaru, Aokiji, Tsuru, Zephyr, Ryu, and others highs ranking. "You all, should know what is happening to the world right now" said Sengoku as everyone nod.

"I will issue a commands to everyone to go and makes sure that each sides of the sea stay calm!" said Sengoku and looks at the others around him, and everyone nod again as slowly they were assigned to their post and work.

However, after assigning work to the others. Senogku looks at Tsuru and Ryu, who was the only two in the room. "We are going to Mary Geoise. The Gorosei want to meet you, Ryu!" said Sengoku as he sands up from his chair and signal them to follow him.

'Gorosei' thought Ryu as he wondered what the points of meeting with them. However, he shrugged and follows Sengoku and Tsuru as he knew that by going to Mary Geoise, he is one steps closer to the one of the ingredient to make the Century soup.

{Mary Geoise}

After a few hours of riding the sip from Marineford to Mary Geoise. Ryu has now reached Mary Geoise as he looks around the place. "What a view!" said Ryu and smiles as the scene in front of him can be describe with only a few word.

Either beautiful or amazing, as the scene was very nice to looks at. The clouds was arranged in a nice order and there was also the sun which was floating in the sky. "Ryu!" called a voice and it brought him back from his sightseeing.

"What!?" reply Ryu as he looks at Tsuru, who was calling him. "Let's go!" said Tsuru as she starts to walk as Ryu follows her. Walking through the place that was decorated in white, pure, and holy like color.

Ryu has to really admitted that he was impressed by the scene and place. Slowly walking through the place, Sengoku and Tsuru stops at the front of a big door with Ryu behind them. Seeing the grand big door that was decorated with gold and silver.

He knew that they must have arrive at the place of the meeting. "What are we waiting for?" asked Ryu as both Sengoku and Tsuru was standing still in front of the door. However, there was no answered from the both of them.

Seeing that they have no intention of answering. Ryu walks from behind them to the door as he was about to push it open. "Come in" said a voice from behind the door. Hearing the voice from behind the door, both Sengoku and Tsuru walks toward the door immediately.

Without waiting for Ryu, Sengoku reached out his hands and open the door and walks in. Follows by Tsuru and Ryu. After entering the room, Sengoku and Tsuru went to their seat by the table. Seeing their action, Ryu follows and went to sit on the table.

Looking around the room, he saw a man sitting by Sengoku side and immediately knew who he is. 'So that is Kong!' thought Ryu and looks around again and saw five old man on the opposite side of him. 'Gorosei' thought Ryu and smile as he saw that the five of them was staring at him.

Sitting on the chair and looks around the table. Ryu could feel that somehow the atmosphere in the room slowly increase and become tense. "So, what is this meeting about?' asked Ryu as he saw that the five elders was only sitting still and staring at him.

However, there was no answered. "If there is nothing. Then I am leaving!" said Ryu and stands up from the table, preparing to leave the room. "Do you know the God Ingredient?" asked on the the Gorosei.

"God what?!" asked Ryu as he looks at the Gorosei, who returned the looks with a stare.