
Journey of an Unmarked

Prius Prime was besieged by invaders from Alkan and had to fight for their survival. Alexander a sixteen year old was devastated to find out that his body could not house any ability like the others his age. Devastated and heartbroken he wished he never existed. An unprecedented accident wakes a powerful soul living deep within his body.

Choas_redefined · Fantasy
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62 Chs


The Eastern Unexplored. One of the four most dreaded places on Prius Prime. Surprisingly, it stands as the bother between the Providences.

Although it is an unexplored area, it has some races inside of it and a lot of weird things that the powers of the planet do not understand.

Most of the powers actually have bases inside these unexplored areas. They also use it as a source of training for their people.

As it is said, "a thousand battle makes a man as sharp as a blade". It is believed that through battles, a man sharpens up and becomes better.

I needed to get to an area where I could train peacefully without any hitches. Yasrina advised that I train somewhere outside the views of people because we have no idea what my strength was in order not to cause trouble nor draw any attention to myself.

The Unexplored happened to be one of the places where I could train without having anyone spying on me.

It took three hours and thirty minutes from the Western Gate to the boundary of the Unexplored. I arrived when the sun was just waking from its sleep. It spread its beautiful red glow around and caused a relaxing warmth to flow around my body.

After I broke through to the second level of the Flaming Body Technique, I noticed that I was able to use less strength to do things unlike previously when I ran to Alvara I used a lot of energy and was almost burned out. But this time I used not up to one fiftieth of the strength I used the last time.

The border between the Eastern Providence and the Eastern Unexplored was clear. The Eastern Providence was mainly full of rocks and stones but approaching the Unexplored border, they were trees, not just any kind of trees but really freaking big trees that would cause one's heart to palpitate.

"This is it Yass" I actually cut Yasrina's name to give her a pet name. Just to please the great demoness. But she actually liked the name.

"This is it. Let our journey begin. And let's make history on this planet" Yasrina was pump also.

I brought out the baby tiger so that he could stretch his little legs. We were no longer in places where he would be in danger for walking around. Also, he had been sleeping too much these days it was time for it to remember that it was a beast with great potential.

I took the first step expecting that something like a beast or a spirit would come to welcome me into the area but it was just like waking by the river back in Gorath where trees were by the river bank. For me, this place was even much better than the cities. There was no polluted air, noise, or fighting in any way. It was calm and the air was so fresh that I wanted to find a place to create a hanging bed and write something beautiful.

This was the kind of place that a poet would come to and have great inspirations I thought in my heart but it was all cut short by the great demoness once more.

"You should have rather become a poet instead of running to school with that large brain of yours. Find a place and ready yourself. The earlier we get to know what ability you have for combat, the earlier we can start training you" this voice. This voice always knew when to cut a beautiful moment short.

I spread my senses or rather my domain around to search for a nice place to train. I succeed in seeing a nice place a bit away, it was close to flowing water. I knew not the source of the water but there was no animal around it. Probably because it was morning. The banks around were cleared of large trees. This would be the perfect place for my training. Not many trees so even if anything was damaged there would be no need for me to restrain myself.

It was a sight to behold when we got to the area mapped out. Even Yasrina let out a sigh of relaxation. But she didn't wallow in it too much she called me to order and I had to seat crossed-legged and enter the soul space where she would start the teaching.

Like the last time she appeared to me in my form. Although nostalgic, I had no choice but to get used to it. When she appeared she said "To master the way of the sword, one must have a heart focused on a goal, one must have no other thoughts of nothing else. The sword is not just the scrap metal you have in your hand, it is what you have in your heart. When you have found this it would be said that you have found your sword heart. A sword heart is formed when a swordsman has found the reason why he wields a sword. If you can't build a sword heart of your own then you wield a sword for no reason, your motive for wielding that sword would be for naught. Another thing is that once your sword heart has been formed you must believe in it with all your heart and might. And you must never conflict that thought when you fight else your sword heart would fight against you. Your sword heart would be the base of your every attack. If your sword heart is weak and you fight a person with another stronger sword heart you may lose but there are rare cases when someone who has a weaker sword heart has won a battle and this was because he believed that his motive for carrying the sword was stronger than that of the person fighting against him"

A sword heart? This was the motive for me to carry a sword right? I had a million reasons to take up a sword but my heart would be fixed on one and just only one till I die that would be my goal and this was to be the strongest because, with the power that I would have I can change all pains to happiness, I could make all the wrong right.

"My goal is to be strongest walking the universe," I said to myself with determination