
Journey of an Unmarked

Prius Prime was besieged by invaders from Alkan and had to fight for their survival. Alexander a sixteen year old was devastated to find out that his body could not house any ability like the others his age. Devastated and heartbroken he wished he never existed. An unprecedented accident wakes a powerful soul living deep within his body.

Choas_redefined · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Fifty Two

The next morning with a different kind of air. It was softer than usual and my heart was filled with joy.

Today, was the day I was finally leaving Alvara. The city was nice but it didn't have a place where I could cultivate in peace. The noise coming from around was discomforting and it didn't allow me to cultivate in peace. The only peacetime I had was the night and early hours of the morning.

Thinking about cultivation, I had no idea how far I had walked in the soul space and what level my soul had reached. For the past few days, I stayed stuck in a certain place because I could not move forward.

Yasrina said I had reached a bottleneck in my soul cultivation and the reason I could not go forward was that I needed something that would come as a source of inspiration. Something like an epiphany would be of great value to me right now.

Since there wasn't a reliable place to train, we decided that after collecting all we had requested from the siblings, we would leave the city this night.

I spent the rest of the morning studying the information I had gotten from Rhoda. It was eye-opening and quite educative a lot. I finally understood the workings of the military and the other bodies on the planet.

Although they were working for the good of the planet, they were also working for their selves. How could a planet be at risk and the only thing they were interested in was hoarding power? Who were they going to rule once the planet was overrun by invaders?

They were truly gullible in their thinking and activities. The most disgusting thing was that the powers were in one way or another currying favor from the opposition fraction, selling secrets, and also setting up members with whom they have some issues with this also including the so-called Church of Light that was fighting against inequality was also one of the major powers in support of the actions of the military.

They were trying to curry favors from them in order to increase their influence on the planet. They were just doing all the same things that they promised that they were against in public. A true shame. It would cause me much joy if I could one day meet them and destroy their ego.

It was almost nightfall when I finished reading all the files, including that of The Dynasty. From what I read, I knew that the Dynasty has two hundred and fifty three members that are available, the rest were presumed dead, missing, or captured.

I already knew who I was to contact at Uhno. And also I took out time to study the map of Uhno. It was twenty times the size of Alvara and it had more than fifty members of the Dynasty hiding their living regular lives waiting for the day when they would be activated.

The Dynasty was going to become the revolution that the planet needed at this time. It was going to bring the evil doings of the top powers to the people and also would stand as a factor to save us from damnation.

Not until I heard a low-pitched growl behind me did I remember that I had a companion.

To my surprise, he had been quite obedient all day. Or should I say slept all day and just woke up to find something to eat? I opened the bag and gave it the last piece of the Dark Iron Eagle's meat and this made me realize that I needed to stock up on meat for the tiger.

Since the night was still setting in, I decided to go out and do some shopping for the tiger and also some for myself at least I wasn't all that poor anymore. Spending a few credits before the future was not going to end the dream.

Since I already had one storage ring, I simply placed the bag inside to avoid carrying too much weight. The Cursed Sword was also placed independently in the ring and was floating in the middle of the space.

It would look kind of stupid carrying such a big sword and walking around. It would only bring attention to myself and attention was the last thing I wanted.

Since I planned not to return back to the inn, I cleared up and left with the tiger. There was quite a commotion when I walked down to exit the inn.

Two drunk men were holding swords at each other outside at the exit and this caused quite a scare to the other customers and people walking the street. They looked like headless clowns to me because if they had better things to do with their lives they wouldn't have gotten drunk and started a fight in the street.

Watching both of them was kind of funny to me because it looked like a dance rehearsal rather than a fight.

Instead of wasting my time watching them, I tucked the baby tiger inside of my shirt and used a bigger one to cover it up then I quietly walked away from the scene before it got crowded because a few persons were already rushing to separate the two fool making a joke of themselves. And one thing I hated the most was crowds. You can never know what happens when you are stuck in one of them.

I walked quite fast and in a few seconds, I had walked two streets over. It was a lot calm here so I took time to first have a light dinner.

After eating at one of the open-air restaurants, I proceeded to do my shopping at the exchange market.

The exchange market was a place where all the beasts killed were sold off. Most of the time they were already dissected into bits to allow them to be sold off faster.

I had only one target for the beast meat I was going to purchase and it was Dark Iron Eagle meat.