
Journey of an Unmarked

Prius Prime was besieged by invaders from Alkan and had to fight for their survival. Alexander a sixteen year old was devastated to find out that his body could not house any ability like the others his age. Devastated and heartbroken he wished he never existed. An unprecedented accident wakes a powerful soul living deep within his body.

Choas_redefined · Fantasy
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62 Chs


My mother been an Unmarked found it difficult to survive when my dad died. Due to the fact she was exposed she had to take medical treatment continuously for her life and I was stuck with her at one of the province public funded medical centres, we only got a home after my sister started sending some funds for us and insisted that I enrolled into some school before the age of 15.

The world was caught in a war, one that started before I was born. Previously my parents were together on an island at the edge of the Eastern province but a crash from one of the enemies' ship destroyed the island. My father stayed back to fight because he had the ability to. He was one of the few gifted that had two abilities but he retired from the war front and decided to stay with his family. My sister always told me he was dying when he returned but he was hiding it from mum.

Before the war, ability users were allowed to awaken their abilities by themselves at any age, but once the war started anybody at the age of 15 would be listed and put into training for 3 years then sent to the battle front. Information had it that we were pressing back the Alkans but something inside me knew that this was a big lie. I guess the only reason they haven't killed us was because they were searching for something.

After the first loss, the current world it was divided into 5 providences so that they could be accurately protected at all time. The Cold North, The Hot flaming East, The solid defences of the West, The swampy South and The dreadful Unexplored. The Unexplored covers a whole places that the military has been unable to cover. Due to the war the Unexplored has the greatest dangers ever, most times the invaders known as the Alkans were always hiding in the Unexplored parts of the world.

The Unexplored covered a large mass and there were different scary information about it but it wasn't any of my business, the military has camped around the exit points of the Unexplored and they have been gradually eradicating the Alkans.

The Alkans were a space type specie that landed on Prius Prime 15 years ago after orbiting the planet for 3 years. Our government attacked them but they lost badly and a whole lot of ability users who overestimated themselves were killed but the ship of the Alkans crashed on the planet and caused a lot of damage. Most of the island and the areas around the ocean was wiped off.

According to my sister since father was a military official he always had a standby power jet that was ready to fly at any time. When he noticed the falling of the big cruise ship, he stated the jet and put myself, mother and my sister in it. He could not come along because it could only carry two persons and there would be no space and the speed would be greatly reduced if he forced himself to follow. He sent us out few seconds before the entire island was washed away.

Mum was heartbroken ever since. My sister once said to me in confidence she feels mum is also one of the gifted but she has no idea what her element or ability is but she senses it must be a powerful one that she herself doesn't understand.

After two more hours of endless calls and frustration Corey name was called. Filled with a world of confidence he looked back at me and I gave him a thumbs up indicating that he was good to go. He smiled back and marched forward in large strides. The marking devices used were recharged with new power stones after every marking in order to avoid complications like a marking failing in the process of awaking a new ability or worse still running out of power.

As Corey got to the suspended platform in front, he gave his hand to the administrator and the marking device was used on him. After a few seconds, white light started generating around him. Previously, once the lights shows a little around the user it starts to dim down but Corey's light didn't dim down instead it continued to brighten up for almost 20 more seconds and this caught the attention of everybody around including some high ranking superiors.

This was a big signal that he had the Metal element not just any metal element a pure form of metal element that had high defensive capabilities. The light from his awakening was bright enough that he would be graded Grade 1 Level 3 from the start point this was a great prospect.

Some superiors who were on the scene immediately came to the platform and started conducting other test. The awakening for my group was paused for a while so that the many procedure for such a rare person could be completed. They had to check his ability grading so as to grant him a special training that would maximize his potential.

After he was check his grade was even higher than I expect Grade 1 Level 5. His grading was displayed on the monitoring screens and his data was also included. There was a loud applause and cheering around the barracks as the military was happy that another rare germ has been harvested. With adequate training a new general has been seen that would guide the army to victory. The superiors were very happy and they congratulated him. I was also happy for him because this has always been his dream. At least he would not leave home.

About twenty minutes after he came out all smile and waved at me. Before he could approach me the announcer called out the next name following.

"Alexander Gray please step forward" this was the first time my name sounded like a bomb blast to me

Another chapter, your comments and correction please

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