
Journey of an Unmarked

Prius Prime was besieged by invaders from Alkan and had to fight for their survival. Alexander a sixteen year old was devastated to find out that his body could not house any ability like the others his age. Devastated and heartbroken he wished he never existed. An unprecedented accident wakes a powerful soul living deep within his body.

Choas_redefined · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Chapter Thirty Four

The night was long and cold. I couldn't help but miss my room. At this hour it would be warm and cozy and I would snuggle under my blanket till the sun rose.

But here I am, seating on a rock, and the cold wind was beating my body back and forth.

Over the past three days, I had successfully moved four steps but now, the pressure building was more than my soul could carry.

The morning was about to come and I was getting ready to continue my journey when we heard a large clash.

Sounded like two heavy machines clashed together. I wondered who would be out here this morning but my curiosity got the better of me and I still wanted to check it out.

I had already started moving toward the source of the sound when Yasrina reminded me to pack up my stuff in case the area became unsafe so that I would not need to come back instead I would just keep moving forward.

It was really a good idea, so I cleared up and got ready to move.

The sounds kept getting louder but as I got closer, I realized that the sounds were not coming from machines but something more powerful. Something much scarier.

When I was about five hundred yards from where the sound came I became rooted in my tracks and everything in my body was frozen and I felt like death was calling for me.

"What I the full planet are those, if these things came close to the city there would be a massacre. Why would a Dark Iron Eagle be battling a Gold Flaming Tiger and it was even suppressing it?"

"It is not possible for the Dark Iron Eagle to suppress the Gold Flaming Tiger. If you watch clearly, it is only defending and not fighting. And the strength it is displaying is not at its peak. Considering the fact that it's not moving nor trying out deadly attacks that it's known for means that it's trying to protect something dear to it".

When we were in school, we were taught that the Gold Flaming Tiger is a predator that hunts every animal that comes within its range so it was quite a surprise to both of us that the Dark Iron Eagle was suppressing it.

We both looked around to confirm if our theory was correct and then we found the reason why.

They was a Gold Flaming Tiger cub sleeping under a rock. The stripes on its body showed that this cub was born only a few hours ago.

No wonder the Dark Iron Eagle was able to suppress the Gold Flaming Tiger. It knew it was weak.

The wild was really a terrible place. The Dark Iron Eagle only wanted to pick the Gold Flaming Tiger cub for food, and the monster was protecting her sleeping child.

The battle was a fierce one. The Dark Iron Eagle had the initiative and it used its iron claws to pierce the flesh of the Gold Flaming Tiger inflicting wounds of varying degrees on her. She roared out in pain but could only defend her child.

The Dark Iron Eagle knowing that the mother would not leave the cub alone decided to kite around her and exhaust her to death and in the end, have a good meal and even another have another for dinner. What a cunning animal.

If the Gold Flaming Tiger was alone, a Dark Iron Eagle even if given all the steroids on the planet would not dare to attack. But today was an exception. The Gold Flaming Tiger had just been put to bed and like any creature that puts to bed, it had lost a third of its strength.

Probably the reason why it brought its cub here was so it could have a drink but it never expected to come across this despicable Dark Iron Eagle.

Even though the Dark Iron Eagle was having the advantage, it was not without some sacrifices. It also had injuries all over and its flight pattern was wobbling also.

Both had exhausted enough strength but the Dark Iron Eagle had the advantage in this fight so it refused to give up.

The Gold Flaming Tiger seeing that it had lost its strength and its gold and black striped fur was totally covered in blood coupled with the fact that its strength was off, its attacks became slower and its movement was sluggish.

"The Gold Flaming Tiger would lose the fight, it's already tired from all the blood loss and its strength is gradually going down the line". I said.

"You need to observe more" Yasrina pointed out to me.

"I've been observing, the Dark Iron Eagle would win this battle easily. It has successfully led the Gold Flaming Tiger by the knife all along, it only needs to wane the strength it strength and victory would be in its hand"

"Your point is great and your observation is nice but there is something you have forgotten. You have forgotten that the Gold Flaming Tiger is not fighting for its life but for that of its child. As it stands now, she values the life of that cub more than hers, so even if she dies she would prefer to die with the enemy so as to give her child a chance at life".

After listening to Yasrina's explanation, I found it interesting, because this was the same thing a mother would do for her child.

Yasrina continued "See the way she's moving, she baiting the tiger into believing that she's tired and almost giving up".

I could finally see what the Gold Flaming Tiger was trying to achieve. The Dark Iron Eagle was a bird that had little patience.

"She's baiting the Dark Iron Eagle, so everything she doing now is a feint?"

" It's not a feint, she's truly tired, what she's doing now is making the Dark Iron Eagle lose its patience and make it come in for a kill then she would deliver its deadly attack. But it has a big risk, one that could either give it victory or would make her regret her decisions".