
Journey Of A Star : Pandora's Story

Entered Xion, someone who chose to enjoy the process to became either a heroes or a villain in his life where he embarks on a new path as a star. Equipped with systems, he learns to transform his desired world as he became someone who walks with determination after being given a second chance to redeem his life. Hardship one by one comes to him and the people close to him. Will he be blinded by despair or walk strong with determination is unknown, but one thing for sure, he needs help... that's when a hand was reaching him..

Aurakyria_K1 · Fantasy
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102 Chs

This is: InHye

Here I am again. opening myself to you guys, because I trust you. Inhye opened up her story to the rest of Pandora's members while looking at Xion, Yeonjun, Xuanyi, Juhyeon, Ran, Miihi, and lastly Ravn. Xion tapped her slightly trembling hands and said, " You can trust us. We are your family, not blood related but still a true one… she took a deep breath and started to narrate her story…

In her junior high school days, Inhye wrote to the club about what had happened and ended up speaking to the person in charge, but says he refused to believe her story.

in her last year of junior high, after watching a program about sex education, sex abuse, and mental health which prompted her to start doing some online research.

She discovered that other people had spoken about abuse by the same person and were able to get in touch with one of them via social media.

She later reported her abuse to the Busan Police but that did not lead to a conviction, she says.