
Journey of a slave

Dive into this amazing journey of Rue Gracefall. A re-incarnated man who failed to save his loved ones in his previous life. But through some miracle he was given another chance and now in a world of magic and danger, he is trying to save everyone at the same time fighting his own cruel fate. The world of Aberdeen is a dangerous world filled with many dangers of different kinds and many mythical races and creatures. Find out how our Rue is gonna fare against his fate by following this amazing journey.

Worldeatingdragon · Fantasy
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12 Chs

The second chance.

"wow honey he is so cute, his eyes are just like yours'

"yeah darling and his face is just like yours'

I heard these voices while the world around me was still dark just like my life. My mind was still blurry with all uncleared thoughts, voices and scenes.I tried to remember what happened but couldn't remember a single thing. But i didn't forget those horrible things. I still remember them like they were happening before me, my parents dying, my freind's death. Their bloody bodies lying before me. My parents they were about to tell me something but they died before they could have said anything.

As I was thinking these things like these my mind became heavy I could feel something. Something warm and nostalgic. I couldn't thought about those ideas of revenge because of this warm feeling it almost feels like it's telling me that every thing will be ok. As I was feeling the warmth of that feeling. Suddenly the darkness of my world started to fade away. I was feeling like darkness of my life is being defeated by light. Suddenly all the darkness faded away and I could see a beautiful face and shiny brown beautiful eyes looking at me in a manner that I cant describe.The woman had long red hairs like sparkling fire and clear skin. She almost seemed like a mother to me....

As the thought came to my mind I remembered that this beautiful woman is actually MY MOTHER. Before I could confirm anything I found my self crying and woman was embracing me in her motherly embrace. I realised that warmth that I felt before was her embrace.

'darling why is he crying so much .Is he ok ?' a voice came from behind. I tried to look at the way of voice with my cloudy eyes, and all I saw was a face that wasn't too pretty or to good to look at. I could see this women clearly but at the time of seeing that man, my mind was like " No bro we are out of this shit".

Anyway this man was my father, I didn't like him much in my previous life. I don't know why was that so, he wasn't too bad of a person or treated me badly. Infact he always loved us, but I guess it was just how a father and son bond was supposed to be.

Anyway as the the God Miyu said I indeed have been reborn, with my parents. I don't know how the timing is different. If we all died at the same time, shouldn't they reborn with me. Well that certainly would be awkward. Imagine your parents being the same age as you. Weird right? let's leave this thought then.

God Miyu gave me an opportunity to take my revenge on the bastard God. Yeah I will make him pay, anyhow. I don't know how a mortal can kill a God, I don't know how will I manage to do that. But I will do that.

As this thought came to mind my mother looked worriedly at me, maybe she could sense the hatred within me. I couldn't complain when God Miyu said that I can save everyone now, all I am thinking is of taking a revenge...

I couldn't think about this thought, I didn't wanted to . So to take this attention away from my mother, activated my current most powerful skill....

I started crying like a real baby. And guess what it worked my mother started swinging me and sand her sweet lullaby, strangely after hearing her voice all I couldn't control myself and fell asleep in embrace...

It was peaceful, sort of a peace that I always wanted.

After I woke up, I found myself wrapped around in blankets next to my mother. She was sleeping while holding on to me, a smug smile plastered on her face. I wonder was she thinking about, was she proud of having an insanely handsome son like me?.

Yeah that must be it, I am great aren't I? Anyway looking at her sleeping so soundly, I found a warmth spreading around my. It was warm and wet....

Wait wet? Oops, I did the thing. I peed my pants. And there is so much of it. How the fuck, this puny body mine can hold so much. As I was thinking about this important stuff, my mother woke up, and started smiling. Well who was she smiling at, in my defense it's completely normal for a baby to pee his pants.

Well I was embraced, but the events that took place next took all of it away. And gave me a feeling of why should I not die....

This angelically beautiful woman straight out breached out my privacy, ignoring my all rights of privacy and undressed me...

I think I should get used to it things like these will keep happening from now on. After she was done cleaning me she fed me and again started with her lullaby.

As she was singing I was thinking about my next course of action. How should I proceed from here on. How will I manage to take my revenge.. save everyone. Yeah I need to save everyone. To do that , first I need to learn about this world. After looking at my house and my parents, I can already guess that it's a medieval world. There were wooden furniture in my house and old stuff that I have only seen in movies. I didn't know what these things are called. Well yes I wasn't a materialistic person in my previous life. I was close to a " shut in" some ways and I was different at the same time.

Whatever I was, doesn't matter anymore, I need to change. I was just too mediocre of person that was not able to accomplish anything and died a stupid death. What I need to do now is to learn ways to reach my goals. I will have to sort out everything and begin planning things soon....