
Journey of a slave

Dive into this amazing journey of Rue Gracefall. A re-incarnated man who failed to save his loved ones in his previous life. But through some miracle he was given another chance and now in a world of magic and danger, he is trying to save everyone at the same time fighting his own cruel fate. The world of Aberdeen is a dangerous world filled with many dangers of different kinds and many mythical races and creatures. Find out how our Rue is gonna fare against his fate by following this amazing journey.

Worldeatingdragon · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Spell casting

I looked at the forest ahead of me and stayed still for a second. It was said that this forest was highly mysterious and dangerous. Various kinds of mana beasts lived in the forest. But I needed a safe place to practice where no one would find out what I am actually doing, as it's not normal for an eight year old extremely handsome boy to practice magic.

Also I won't be going deep in the forest, I will stay around the edge and test things out.

With this thought in mind I started moving and reached a place good enough to test things out that I wanted to test.

First I opened the book "Spell Casting" and turned its pages around. I stopped on a page and looked at the contents, the first spell that I was going to practice was a water based spell called " Water ball".

It was a normal spell for newbies like me to test out. To cast this spell I was supposed to imagine a ball of water shooting out of my hand and chant some magic words. These magic words were supposed to help people convert mana into elements.

Well I was thinking about dropping the chanting part as it was not necessary, at the higher stages of mana core. People with deep understanding of mana didn't need to chant these words. And guess what, I already had a really deep understanding of mana to the point that I felt it without trying.

So I directly focused on casting the spell practically.

To cast the spell one needs to move the mana from the core to their hands and convert it to water element. After that they need to shoot it out using more mana.

Well, the instruction to cast this spell was surely simple. After dividing the steps, I placed the book to the side and took deep breaths.

I gathered my thoughts and focused on my second core near my abdomen, moving the mana from the core towards my hand was an easy thing for me to do as I was extremely familiar with mana.

So soon I moved mana from my core towards my hands, now comes the second part and the most difficult one; converting it to water element.

Basically as per my understanding mana is the pure energy, and if we imagine that every element is made out of it then it shouldn't be too hard to convert it to an element. So I imagined water's properties in my mind, and soon a ball of water formed around my hand.

I didn't let loose my focus yet, next I focused on getting more mana outside of my core and pushing the ball away with force. As I was proficient in controlling mana this wasn't too hard for me and soon the ball of water shot out from my hand towards a tall tree.

The water ball crashed on the tree and made a dent on it.

" Yes! success on the first try , I am a genius" I blurted out and shamelessly praised myself.

When I was done with my celebration I decided to practice this spell of mine a few more times.

After I made sure that I grasped the feeling of casting this spell well, I moved to the next basic spell " Fire ball" . It was basically the same as the " Water ball" all I needed to do was just to convert the mana into fire instead of water this time.

So the same as before I was successful in casting this spell as well on my first try.

Next came the " Air blade" which was a little different from the previous two. This time I had to cast a horizontal blade of wind. So I had to convert mana into air and spread it like a blade instead of gathering it like a ball.

So I moved mana from my core towards my hand and at the same time while throwing it out I tried to spread it like a blade instead of a ball and shot it out and... I failed.

Well not entirely the blade was still formed, it's just that it wasn't too dense so it got dissolved.

" It may be because I didn't put the mana in the right quantity and cast the spell a little early" I blurted my thoughts aloud as I pondered on what went wrong.

To test out my theory I again moved mana from my core and this time, I pulled a large quantity of it and kept it still for sometime making it denser than I converted it to air and shoot it out in a blade like form. And the result that it produced stunned me for some time.

The tree that was half dented and burned was cut in half by the wind blade.

" I guess, I put a little too much mana into it this time." I said to myself.

Still this means that I can cause more damage by using more mana.

The last spell that I had to practice today was " Earth spike". As the name suggested this time it was a spike and I had to convert mana into earth element.

This wasn't too hard for me, so after four tries I was able to cast "Earth spike". This one was also powerful and was great to stab someone. No I am not thinking like a serial killer, it's perfectly normal to think of stabbing people with rock projectiles.

Well after I was done defending my wicked thoughts and testing out all the basic spells.

I shifted my focus towards the main thing that I was most excited about.

I decided to test out the primary core around my heart.....