
Pitaya Village 3

At a speed which human eyes cannot follow, a bird like being dived onto the ground, kicking two persons who were fleeing like a mouse. But the two jumped away escaping the attack.

Missing his targets, Seth hurriedly came to a halt on land and looked at his opponents.

A little while ago, while Seth was doing his aerial search for the thieves, he caught sight of the two rats escaping with his belongings. He followed them and as they came into an open area, he pounced at them like a bird of prey.

"Just leave the bag on the ground and bugger off" Seth announced. He could fight it out but he didn't want any unnecessary trouble, especially if the fight could draw attention of the big goon driving this land.

"So Gumbo, didn't expect him to be a devil fruit user" the tall man said.

"Yeah Jumbo, nothing was said about devil fruit in the order" the short man answered.

"It would be a pain to deal with him"

"But he is still a single boy. How much can he handle by himself?"

Listening to the two thieves whispering among themselves, Seth had an omnious feeling.

(What the hell are they saying? Order?)

If they were really thieves then they would have most likely run away or desperately retaliated but these guys calmly stood as if this was their objective from the start.

"I am saying this again. Leave the bag and scram" but the two thieves didn't move an inch and smiled.

The taller of the two clapped his hands twice, signalling the entry of many goons who surrounded Seth.

"So you want a fight, eh?" but Seth couldn't understand why they would go so far for the articles that they could get anywhere. It was not like he had anything valuable, just clothes and fruits. Why would they fight for something so silly?

As if answering his doubts, the short man spoke "Our objective was to bring you here. To defeat you. Stealing your items was just a bait to lure you here."

"But why? I don't even know any of you. Is there any reason why we should fight?"

"Ha ha ha ha, you think a lion needs a reason for killing a lamb?"

All the other goons started laughing too.

Seth still had no idea why they were doing this but he was clearly pissed. With the numbers here, he can easily deal with them.

"Why did I even bother talking with them?" he muttered to himself before Feather Barrage!!!!

Tens and twenties of brown coloured feathers shot out. The two thieves and the goons tried to defend and escape. Some could, others couldn't.

Of the thirty, only two thirds remained. One attack and ten goons were annihilated.

Seth, using the momentum, launched at the neariest goon, kicking him with the full burst of his ability.


Two goons tried to slash at him but they were too slow for Seth. Before they could even swing the sword, they were both punched in the face slamming into the ground.


Someone had shot. But Observation Haki is a crazy power. He slightly turned escaping the bullet which went on to hit another goon who fell down flinching in pain.

The confused shooter tried to take another shot but his field of vision was obstructed by a fist.

He was sent flying a few meters away.

The two thieves hadn't jumped in the fight. It was already out of their calculations that the person they were looting could turn out to be a devil fruit user but this was way worse than that.

The so called goons weren't so simple. They were trained fighters but they were one-sidedly manhandled like toys.

Colour drained off their face. Even if they escape, it would be deemed a failure and they would receive punishment. Excuses won't help them either.

There was no way out.

They jumped in, the tall one pulling out his sword while the shorter one a heavy club.

Dodge, dodge, dodge.

Seth easily dodged attacks after attacks by the two, carefully observing the rhythm.

(These two are good)

Even he was impressed by their technique, especially their co-ordination. The gap left by one was filled by the other giving Seth no space to retaliate.


Seth didn't dodge and both the attacks hit him. But he was not cut.

Both Gumbo and Jumbo looked in surprise at the feathered shroud which covered Seth's body. It defended him against the attacks. The shroud wasn't powerful enough like the Armament Haki but attacks like these won't affect it.

Seth unleashed a punch at the taller man, then turned to the shorter man, still in surprise, and punched him in the solar plexus, defeating him.

All his enemies were defeated.

Seth looked around seeing the aftermath of his monstrous strength and chuckled, "Things would have been lot simpler if I could use the Conqueror's."

He held the taller thief by the collar and ordered "Just tell me the reason you attacked me. I know you are no thief, so answer me, clear and loud."

The thief was scared out of his mind. He answered "We check people who arrive on this island and the ones who are weak, we loot and kill them."


"Yes, after you arrived at this island, you were under our radar. We thought it was an easy jackpot but..."

"Radar? Then if you are after me then"

"Yes another group will go after the ship."

Seth was shocked. What was happening? Francis is in danger too. And with Francis' abilities, he wouldn't be able to defeat his enemies like he did.

"Who is your boss?" Seth shouted. There was panic in his voice.

"That, that is"

Seth wouldn't listen to his whimpering. He punched beside the thief creating a hole in the ground.

"I will say. I will say. It is Master Babon."

Seth couldn't believe the answer. It was the name of the merciless ruler of this land who had the backing of Marines.

-:- Scene Change -:-

All this while, Francis laid on the sofa reading the newspaper that had just arrived. Just then he heard footsteps outside.

(Again? What is it this time?)