
Journey in the Douluo Dalu world as an OP character

Disclaimer: I only own O.C. This is a douluo dalu fanfic. MC will not kill just everyone without a very good reason. Warning : NO HAREM!!!! MC will be a true believer of GENDER EQUALITY. This is my 1st fanfic and english is not my 1st language. Release Rate: Whenever I get time.

ProfJoyBoy · Action
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84 Chs

New Shrek Academy part 1

After cultivating for an entire night, the next morning he got up and went to complete his morning workouts. After he returned to his room, he cleaned himself up, sat down on his and started cultivating after summoning his martial spirit.

He wasn't surprised by the absence of Grandmaster, Flender and Liu Erlong since he knew that they must be searching for Tang San after he was kidnapped by Dugu Bo. He wasn't worried about Tang San because from his knowledge of the novel, he knew that Tang San and Dugu Bo will become very good friends in the near future.

Three days letter, Grandmaster called all the remaining Shrek students and told them that Tang San will be cultivating in seclusion for a while and did not mention a specific time period.

JoyBoy then asked for his permission to open a shop just like he had in Nuoding city to which Grandmaster gave him his permission and told him that he will speak with dean Flender about this because he knew that JoyBoy's shop was very well received by everyone in the Nuoding city but he asked him to only do it after his classes.

Grandmaster wasn't worried about his cultivation because he knew just how fast JoyBoy can cultivate and instead was happy that JoyBoy was spending his time on something other than cultivation.

That day, after he finished his classes, he was called by dean Flender and was told that he was allowed to open his shop but outside the academy gate and he would have to pay ten percent commission to the academy to which JoyBoy happily agreed.

JoyBoy left the Academy classes and shop to his clone. Everyday at morning, he would summon a clone whose purpose was to attend academy classes, make dishes for his shop to sell, look after his shop and maintain the balance sheets making sure that business was successful and then at night time, he would absorb the experiences from his clone and then summon a new clone the next morning for same things.

As for JoyBoy, he would only go out of his room for morning workouts and would spend the rest of the time on cultivation. He had decided to put his weapons training on hold for some time because he was waiting to get his next spirit ring.

He followed the same routine for six months until he got his fifth spirit ring at the end of the sixth month. After getting his fifth spirit ring he checked its age and found that it was thirty thousand years old. The ability it provided was 'Vitality Boost'. After getting this ability, he was no longer worried about getting wounded badly because he would be able to heal himself from almost any wound with this ability.

Once he got his fifth spirit ring, he informed Grandmaster about his fifth spirit ring and got a day off for hunting his fifth spirit ring just to make other teachers believe that he needed to hunt spirit beast for his fifth spirit ring.

After he came back from his supposed hunting one day later, he switched his daily routine with his clones. Now, he would summon ten clones to cultivate spirit power in his room while he would do his morning workouts, attend academy classes and take care of his shop which he had upgraded nearly a month ago from a small stall to a medium size stall.

He used it to sell foods alongside sweets. For now he only sold two types of dishes in his stall, 'Veg Fried Rice' and 'Omelet Rice'. Both of these dishes were loved by everyone especially since he would also sell a piece of sweet with them as a combo. Just by this, he was able to earn upto one thousand gold spirit coins every day.

When he returned to his room at night time, he would first clean himself up followed by him sitting on his bed, summoning his martial spirit and absorbing spirit power cultivated by his ten clones. After absorbing their cultivated spirit power, he would summon ten clones to cultivate spirit power and would himself cultivate beside them entire night. In the morning, he would absorb the spirit power cultivated by them after finishing his morning workouts and then would summon ten new clones to cultivate before leaving for his classes. He continued this routine until Tang San returned.

When Tang San returned, Grandmaster called everyone from Shrek original students except Dai Mubai in a hall. Everyone was happy to see him after so long. JoyBoy directly went to him and gave him a hug. Then, Tang San told them about the situation with Dugu Bo.

"Little San, what did you say? That Dugu Bo came with you to the Academy?"

Xiao Wu somewhat shocked looked at Tang San, her expression somewhat pale. Tang San thought Xiao Wu was frightened of Dugu Bo's strength and poison, and hastily comforted her

"Don't worry, senior Dugu isn't a bad person. He also promised me that he wouldn't hurt anyone at the Shrek Academy. Nothing will happen. Besides, now he's also an advisor at our Academy."

"Teacher, where is Mubai secluded? I'd like to see him."

Tang San asked Grandmaster. Grandmaster replied

"He's at a critical juncture of his cultivation, he mustn't be disturbed now."

Tang San pondered, and said

"Teacher, I think I have a way for Mubai to break through the fortieth rank bottleneck. I've brought back some gifts for each of us to use. Best would be for us seven to cultivate together, this would have a significant assistance to our cultivation."

Grandmaster was an astute person. Very quickly he became aware of the meaning behind Tang San's words

"What you want to give them, is drugs brought back from Dugu Bo's place?"

Tang San nodded. After Grandmaster had considered it for a moment, he said

"Using drugs to promote strength will inevitably have side effects. In the past there has been some Spirit Masters who cultivated like this, but they always met a bad end. You're already heaven spanning talents on your own. There's no need for this kind of shortcut. If by any chance you spoiled things with your enthusiasm, the result wouldn't be pretty."

Tang San prepared in advance said

"Teacher, don't worry. The things I want to give everyone have different properties and uses according to each person. There wouldn't be any side effects."

After Grandmaster pondered it deeply, in the end he reluctantly nodded and said

"Fine. However, you have to be careful. You can't make any mistakes. Ma Hongjun. Go to the animal pen and call over Dai Mubai. Be careful, don't get injured by the beasts."

Tang San pondered, then said

"Teacher, we need a place where we won't be disturbed. Otherwise if the outside world interferes, it might affect everyone's ingestion of the medicinal properties."

Grandmaster thought about it and said:

"Then we'll go to Erlong's old place. It's certainly peaceful there, and nobody would go there lightly."

Once Dai Mubai arrived, led by Grandmaster, everyone stepped into that quiet log cottage. The sunlight brought the shadows of the trees through the windows, the fresh and clean air seeping through the gaps. Listening to the melodious birdsong and the soft wind, it was very difficult to imagine this place was in Heaven Dou Empire's capital city.

Once they went inside, Tang San started giving an immortal herb to everyone except JoyBoy and gave them information about it and how to eat it. He gave the final piece to Grandmaster for him to use. JoyBoy wasn't surprised that Tang San didn't have an immortal herb for him since he had already made an excuse to Tang San and Grandmaster that in exchange for the overwhelming abilities he gets from his spirit rings, he is unable to use external resources. Tang San and Grandmaster didn't doubt it for a second since to them, it made sense.

Soon everyone other than JoyBoy and Xiao Wu sat down and started cultivating after eating the immortal herb. JoyBoy was watching over everyone while Xiao Wu stood there holding the Yearning Heartbroken Red, quietly sniffing its rich fragrance. Her gaze only rarely swept across the others, and was otherwise fixed on Tang San.

After a long time passed, Oscar woke up first followed by Ning Rongrong. Oscar's cultivation had increased by five ranks while Ning Rongrong's cultivation had increased by six ranks. Oscar then showed her the change in her martial spirit.

After finding out that her Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda had evolved into the legendary Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, she was in bliss. After Tang San got up and asked her if she properly absorbed her immortal herb with both eyes closed, Ning Rongrong suddenly pounced at him, giving Tang San a big hug, both hands around his neck, kissing his face hard.

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