
Journey in the Douluo Dalu world as an OP character

Disclaimer: I only own O.C. This is a douluo dalu fanfic. MC will not kill just everyone without a very good reason. Warning : NO HAREM!!!! MC will be a true believer of GENDER EQUALITY. This is my 1st fanfic and english is not my 1st language. Release Rate: Whenever I get time.

ProfJoyBoy · Action
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84 Chs

Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament part 9

The first round of matches had already begun. Grandmaster immediately pointed out which of the ten teams competing below were the Godwind and Skywater teams.

While the Skywater Academy's team consisted entirely of women and almost every man was looking at them, JoyBoy was more interested in the Godwind Academy's team members as all of their members had flying abilities.

Although he had information about them from his memories, seeing it firsthand was a completely new experience for him. He started analyzing their abilities while wondering how would he defeat them without exposing his true strength.

When he paid some of his attention to Skywater Academy's match, he was disappointed to see that their opponents still hadn't acted, and they all already looked half charmed. He wondered if there was any point in continuing a match like that.

For some reason, after seeing the male opponents acting like that, JoyBoy felt sad in his heart and wondered why it is that most people whether male or female he saw in his life acted like that after seeing someone 'Beautiful' of opposite sex.

Although he had knowledge from his life as a 'Hikkimori Otaku' about anime, comics and novels, that was all it was, just knowledge. He knew that the scene he was seeing in front of him also happened in many anime but what he was not able to understand was why it was happening.

JoyBoy saw that in the shortest time possible, without hurdles, the Skywater Academy had already obtained victory but he noticed that their opponents didn't seem to mind that they had apparently lost the match. Five of them were even smiling ?

JoyBoy : "What a waste of time! Just seeing them makes angry. So this is what happens when young kids are not disciplined enough. I feel really lucky that I decided to take Grandmaster as my teacher. The knowledge and discipline I learned from him will be really beneficial for me in the long run.

I remember my life before I was six years old and gained the memories from another life and remember how I used to laze around doing nothing all day. I am sure that without Grandmaster's teaching, even with the help of memories, I would not be disciplined enough and would end up making a big change in the history or worse I would be like these guys looking happy even after loosing a battle in such a manner.

Still, I must find out why is it that most young men and woman act like that when they see someone of opposite sex they consider beautiful. Also why is it that they think that some of them are beautiful while others are not ? What exactly is the criteria about that and who decides that criteria and on what parameters ?

I have looked at both "Beautiful' and "Ugly' faces but I was never able to determine why were they considered as such. Whether it was the 'Beautiful' or 'Ugly' face, they all looked equally 'Beautiful' or 'Ugly' to me. Although I have noticed some parameters on people deciding what makes them 'Beautiful' or 'Ugly', I have not been able to understand why it is like that. For me, they were all equally attractive.

Ugh, i will research on this matter some other time. Right now, I should focus on the Godwind Academy's match."

After deciding this JoyBoy started observing their match and saw how the members of the Godwind Academy were using their abilities. The Godwind Academy's method of attack was very simple. All the members circled in the air, constantly swooping down to attack. Their grasp of rhythm could be said to be exceptional for someone at their level. After three rounds of dive attacks, the opponents no longer had anyone who could stand.

After observing these two matches, Tang San asked in a low voice to Grandmaster next to him.

"Teacher, why aren't these five great elemental academies matching up elements and competing together? Whether it's the Elephant Armored Academy or these two teams, they're all the same single attribute Spirit Masters.

Even though this means one aspect will become very powerful, in practice, the weak points also become glaringly obvious. If they can't display their strong points, doesn't that leave them without the strength to follow up?"

Grandmaster sighed lightly, saying

"This is the difference between Heaven Dou Empire and Star Luo Empire. Heaven Dou Empire's advanced Spirit Master academies have always relied mainly on these five great elemental academies. This time around the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy has the Emperor Team, which is pretty good. But in the previous several tournaments, the ones capable of entering the top three from Heaven Dou Empire's side has always been one of these five elemental academies."

While Grandmaster was answering Tang san's questions, JoyBoy was also listening to their conversation and comparing it to the knowledge he had from the novel. When their conversation moved to Extreme Limit Flow, Balance Flow and Fusion Flow, both Grandmaster and Tang San took a peek at JoyBoy and sighed. Then, they continued their conversation until Tang San asked about why Spirit Hall.

"Since Spirit Hall knows these mysteries, why doesn't it take the initiative to come forward? With their authority in the Spirit Master world, they could completely..."

Grandmaster shook his head

"This involves politics, influence, and all sorts of interests. It's not as easy as you think by far. You're still young. It's fine if you don't pay attention to these things yet. What you must do now, is to improve your own strength as far as possible. If you want to take the championship, you only have one true opponent. That is the team dispatched from Spirit Hall. Even though I can't be certain just what degree their strength has reached, I think that their ferocity will certainly be above the Emperor Team and the five great elemental academies. Spirit Hall's true strength is far greater than anyone imagines."

As he spoke, a terrified light flashed unconsciously through Grandmaster's eyes, as if he had thought of some frightening scene which was noticed by JoyBoy. He felt relieved that until now, events were still following the novel and were not changed because of his presence.

Then he saw Tang San suddenly raising his head, saying

"Teacher, I'll go back to the Academy first."

Grandmaster looked startled a moment

"You're not watching the competition?"

Tang San nodded and said

"My Three Aperture Governing Heart still isn't skillful. You're right rather than researching others, it would be better to strengthen myself. The strength of these five great elemental academies should all be similar to the Elephant Armored School. Even though they're strong, just as you said, if we went out with our full strength, defeating them wouldn't be challenging. In order to face our true opponents, it would be best to raise our own strength."

When Grandmaster heard Tang San's explanation, he smiled faintly

"Fine, then you go back first. Never mind them, these days of matches have been exhausting. Let them rest. Change your clothes before you leave, and mind your safety on the way."


Tang San smiled and agreed. Faintly saluting Grandmaster, he didn't bother the others who were watching the matches, and silently left the through the back.

The Shrek Academy group were all watching the matches with keen interest, and nobody noticed Tang San's departure except JoyBoy who knew what was going to happen next. He didn't follow Tang San since he was already prepared for anything unexpected and had prepared at least ten of his clones to keep watch over every member of the Shrek Academy from distance and protect them while hiding themselves. In case of any life threatening danger to any member, they were free to use heavy/lethal action.

Although JoyBoy was kind, he was not stupid. From his knowledge of DC and Marvel comics, he knew that unfortunately, there were some people in every world who were beyond anyone's help and showing kindness to them was just a waste of time. Although he likes living peacefully, he doesn't like bullies. If someone tries to bully him or someone close of him, he will give them a light beating and let them leave with a warning. Of course, if they repeated it again, he would give them a heavy beating.

But, if someone tries to cause life threatening injuries or just kill him or someone close to him then he will also take heavy/lethal action against them.

Knowing that what would happen next, he observed the remaining matches.

While she was focused on watching the match, Xiao Wu's right hand suddenly trembled, a burning hot feeling in her chest. With astonishment, Xiao Wu stretched a hand inside her chest, pulling out the unbreakable as diamond Yearning Heartbroken Red.

The Yearning Heartbroken Red seemed to have made a fantastic change. The flower was glittering with faint red light, and a burning hot draft hit her in the face.

What was this? Xiao Wu stared blankly. She didn't know why, but looking at the red light on the petals, an intense unease welled up from the bottom of her heart.

Turning her head, she searched for the person who concerned her the most, however, she discovered that seat was already empty.

Blood colored light heralded disaster, Xiao Wu's heart instantly tightened.

"Where did little San go?"

She nervously asked. Her loud voice simultaneously stunned the Shrek Academy group.

Grandmaster said

"Little San said he'd go back to cultivate first."

"Little San's in trouble. He's definitely in trouble."

Xiao Wu's hands clutched the Yearning Heartbroken Red, without the slightest hesitation running outside. JoyBoy was the first to follow after her. Ning Rongrong looked in the direction Xiao Wu and JoyBoy ran.

"What's up with Xiao Wu? Didn't Grandmaster say little San went back to the Academy? What can happen in Heaven Dou City?"

"No matter what it is, we'll go take a look as well."

Dai Mubai also stood up, chasing after Xiao Wu. The Shrek students were like siblings, and everyone got up one after another. Even though they didn't believe Tang San would be in any trouble, just in case they still moved as a team.

After that ominous premonition, the Shrek Academy party had swiftly returned to the Academy. When they discovered that Tang San really wasn't there, Xiao Wu immediately sunk into panic. Everyone went out to search, only leaving Xiao Wu to wait here.

JoyBoy picked the direction he knew Tang San would appear from because of his clones and went to meet him mid way. After Tang San saw him, he smiled weakly and thanked him for earlier which surprised JoyBoy since it meant that his clones had interfered in the battle.

JoyBoy decided to ignore it for now and smiled back at Tang San and lent him his shoulder for support. Tang San thanked him again and went back to the academy with JoyBoy.

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It has been a while everyone.

The problems were bigger than I expected and I am still trying to deal with them.

I will try to release atleast two chapters per week.

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