
Journey in the Douluo Dalu world as an OP character

Disclaimer: I only own O.C. This is a douluo dalu fanfic. MC will not kill just everyone without a very good reason. Warning : NO HAREM!!!! MC will be a true believer of GENDER EQUALITY. This is my 1st fanfic and english is not my 1st language. Release Rate: Whenever I get time.

ProfJoyBoy · Action
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84 Chs

Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament part 17

The appearance of the other six Shrek Academy team members spitting blood was just caught by the audience as the pillar of light disappeared. Seeing them fall to the ground one by one, they had clearly lost all fighting strength.

Right now JoyBoy's face appeared calm. He stood there for a moment before he took out his glasses and wore them and then he went near his team members who were still on the ground, sweating and breathing heavily and helped them stand up one by one with a gentle smile on his face. Soon every member from the Shrek Academy team was standing in a circle with a smiling face.

But their opponents, the Blue Sunshine Academy team's seven members were nowhere to be seen. It seemed as if they had simply disappeared.

An uproar. Whether it was the audience or the VIP section, right now everyone were in disorder.

Especially those Spirit Masters who had thought Blue Sunshine Academy had fully used a seven spirit fusion ability were even more unable to conceal their shock right now. When that brilliant light had enveloped the Shrek Academy group, they had all thought that the match was over.

But who could have guessed that Shrek Academy would surprise everyone once again. They hadn't lost even to Blue Sunshine Academy's 'Divine Skill'.

In the VIP seats, everyone had different thoughts.

Emperor Xue Ye: "Impossible!"

Ning Fengzhi: "Incredible!"

Salas: "No!!! My promotion!"

Soon, the Shrek Academy team members turned to referee after they calmed themselves and Tang San calmly asked

"Respected Referee, please declare the result."

Hearing Tang San, the referee came to his senses and quickly asked with a strict face

"Before I do that, I must ask, what happened to the Blue Sunshine Academy team?"

Although the referee had a hunch, he still asked just to get a clear answer officially. Tang San calmly replied

"Respected Referee, they are dead. Their seven spirit fusion ability was too powerful for them. Their bodies couldn't handle the spirit power generated by the ability and turned to ashes because they lost control over their own spirit power. I am sure that you had heard their screams since they were very loud. You can still see some remnant on the stage."

Hearing his answer, everyone in the surroundings, whether it was the referee, the audience or the ones sitting in the VIP seats quickly checked the stage for remnants and were shocked to find some still left on the stage. Once they saw the remnants, they knew that Tang San was speaking the truth but some people still couldn't accept the outcome.

One of the coaches of Blue Sunshine Academy asked the referee.

"Referee, I don't believe him. I want you to disqualify their team since I believe that they killed my students and give them strict punishments."

Before the referee or Tang San could say anything, JoyBoy came forward and stopped Tang San by placing a hand on his shoulder and softly saying

"Brother San, let me handle it."

After saying this, JoyBoy faced the referee and softly spoke with a serious expression

"Respected referee, I just want to ask a single question."

Saying this, he pointed at the coach of Blue Sunshine Academy who asked the referee to disqualify his team and punish them and softly asked

"Is this senior trying to suggest that my team of three spirit ancestors and four spirit elders just fought and defeated seven Title Douluo and that too in less than twenty seconds ? Because to be honest, I really want to take that blame and i am sure that even my teammates won't mind it"

While saying this, JoyBoy turned around to look at his team and then asked them with his usual smile

"What do you think?"

Hearing his question, Tang San and others gawked for a moment before they suddenly straightened up and their face showing confident expressions. Even though they were breathing heavily just a few moments ago, now their expressions gave an impression that they could do this all day. They all gave the same response.


Hearing their response, caused everyone in the surroundings to be gawked for a moment, whether it was the audience, the one sitting in the VIP seats, the referee or the coach of the Blue Sunshine Academy who tried to blame Shrek Academy team for the death of their students. Their mouths twitched in irritation but they couldn't think of anything to refute what JoyBoy said since they knew that what he said was perfectly logical no matter how much they wanted to refute.

Especially, the ones sitting in the VIP seats knew that what JoyBoy said was correct since they knew more than the persons in the surroundings and knew that Blue Sunshine Academy students spirit energy had actually reached the Ultimate Douluo level for some time. They believed that there was no way the Shrek Academy team could defeat someone of that level within twenty seconds not to mention seven people.

More importantly, if a person of that level made a move, surely they would have sensed it in such close proximity but they never sensed any kind of fight happening during that time. In the end they had to accept the fact that the Blue Sunshine Academy students had perished due to their physical body not strong enough to handle the strain of their own technique.

Although most people thought that it was a shame what happened to the Blue Sunshine Academy students, JoyBoy noticed that the saddest of them all was Platinum Bishop Salas, who looked like his dreams had been crushed and he might end up crying any moment. When the referee declared the final result, he was trembling somewhat.

After the referee declared the result, Oscar, Ning Rongrong, and Ma Hongjun swiftly ran over. When Ning Rongrong wanted to release her spirit to boost everyone regardless of being revealed, she was stopped by a look from Tang San. JoyBoy didn't use his vitality to heal others since they were still on the stage and he didn't want to show his healing ability to others.

The four of them together managed to help the six on the ground off the stage.

Meeting them was an audience cheering as if welcoming heroes. The Shrek team had yet again defended their position with their own strength. Twelve successive victories was a record to regard with pride.

Just below the stage, being supported, Dai Mubai couldn't help asking

"Little San, what happened there? How did they manage to perform seven spirit fusion technique because I am sure that in the beginning they were only using seven fusion technique."

Right now Dai Mubai, helped by Ma Hongjun, could with difficulty manage to walk. Of course, the "with difficulty" part was staged by himself. With his head lowered, nobody could see his expression.

Tang San used a voice only the others could hear

"I am not sure about that. Maybe brother JoyBoy may have some idea about that."

When he said this, everyone from Shrek took a look at Joyboy who was walking with his usual smile. Hearing Tang San's response, he softly said

"I only know that we are lucky to be still alive after what happened during this battle."

After JoyBoy said this, everyone became silent and simply kept walking. Tang San, who knew JoyBoy for the longest time was the only one who could sense that JoyBoy was not happy and could only guess that it might have something to do with what happened in the battle.

Returning to the rest area, several hundred gazes fell on them practically simultaneously. When someone outside had shouted the words 'seven spirit fusion ability', the competitors in the rest area had all run out, and also saw the final conclusion.

Blazing Academy's Huo Wushuang and Huo Wu had seen it, and Godwind Academy's Feng Xiaotian had naturally also seen it.

The match hadn't lasted long, and they all saw the final result. After using a seven spirit fusion ability, the Blue Sunshine Academy had still lost. Moreover, everyone had clearly seen that Shrek Academy hadn't even moved as Blue Sunshine Academy launched their fusion ability, just letting them store power.

Even though only JoyBoy was left finally standing on the stage, the fact that the Shrek Academy had finally prevailed over Blue Sunshine Academy's seven spirit fusion ability was very difficult to accept for these competing academy members.

Tang San indicated everyone should release their 'seriously hurt' companions to the side, and let Jiang Zhu use her healing scepter. At this moment, Grandmaster, Liu Erlong and Flender had already rushed over. After Tang San had exchanged a few words in a low voice with Grandmaster, they quickly left the rest area under mutual support.

Watching their disappearing silhouettes, countless competitors immediately started commenting. They all really wanted to believe JoyBoy and Tang San's explanation. After all, prevailing over an opponent with a seven spirit fusion ability in a situation where level didn't differ much was impossible. What's more, that seven spirit fusion ability was only a legendary divine ability.

The audience got a feast for their eyes, but the match today also left all sorts of different notions in peoples' hearts. Powers on all sides pondered over just how the Shrek Academy team had obtained victory today.

Returning to Shrek Academy, JoyBoy directly went into his room, sat down on his bed and summoned his martial spirit. His usual smile had already been replaced by a serious expression. Instead of starting cultivation like he usually did, he closed his eyes and started meditating.

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