
Journey In Tensura

This flows the journey of a boy who dies and gets reincarnated into the world of Tensura with three unique skills. . . . I don't own world of Tensura and all characters from it same with the cover photo.

BeginningOrEnd · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs


{} - Voice of World

[] - Wiseone

"" - speech

'' - mental speech


"Hey Velgrynd what do you do for entertainment around here?" It has been a few days since the bear incident and I'm starting to get bored. Don't get me wrong Velgrynd is nice but all I do is hunt, in the morning I hunt, maybe use Gluttony on some creatures to grow stronger, go back and cook for me and Velgrynd, rinse and repeat, day after day.

"I mostly just sleep." said Velgrynd with a yawn. To be honest what should I expected from this lazy dragon.

"Anything else?" Something, anything please.

"Hmm I occasionally see my siblings." she said with a bored look. But this is perfect I can hopefully get some information about everything that has happened.


"Yeah I have three, there is the eldest Veldanava the Star Dragon, the second eldest Velzard the White Ice Dragon and the youngest Veldora the Storm Dragon." she says with a proud smirk.

"What are they like?"

"Well Veldanava the eldest of us is the most powerful, he is also like God or something I don't know fully and hes like the reliable elder brother too all of us. Velzard acts like the elder sister to me and Veldora but I can't stand her sometimes, she also uses extreme methods to deal with Veldora which I don't agree with. Veldora is the dumbest of the three of us, he constantly rampages and picks fights and when Velzard "deals with him" she kills him" explains Velgrynd.

"Wait killed?" I already know this, but it helps to hear again so if someone asks were I heard it.

"Yes killed, you see we True Dragons can't be killed because after a certain time we would just come back to life, but we wouldn't have our memories." Yep that checks out.

"Is there any other races?"

"Yes, the main races are Human, Angels, Demons, Spirits, True Dragons, vampires, elves and monster. Monsters covers a lot of races for example goblins and onis. Vampires and elves like to keep to themselves so I don't know much about them. Angels follow Veldanava, they are quite fanatical. Demons are basically a free for all races but the most powerful of them are the seven primordials. Spirits are a race that are very close to nature and Humans are the largest of all the races and they cover the whole continent." Ok, cool so there are no changes. Now just to figure out when I'am.

"Hey is there a thing like demon lords?" please say yes, or no i don't know which is better.

"No I don't think so." said Velgrynd with a thinking expression.

Oh great so most likely Guy isn't a Demon Lord yet so this is blank territory, from my knowledge that event is the oldest one there is. But that also means I won't have a demon lord running after me for some bullshit reason like I'm spending time with a True Dragon so I must be a good opponent or something like that.

"Okay thanks a lot." I truly am, I figured out roughly when I am and she also told me some stuff that would probably be a secret even if I already knew it.

"Hehe no problem." she said with a smile.




It has been a few days since I learnt all about the different races or well got told, I already knew most of it. I'm currently practicing my control over fire, which I got a short while after I got the crest of scorch.

{AN: totally didn't forget to put it into the status.}

And when comes to manipulating fire I have the best teacher.... Wiseone, nah it's Velgrynd. Let me tell you though she is a spartan trainer, no mercy. I tried to tease her a few times, it worked but when she realized my training just got harder.

"Come on keep ten fireballs moving at once or else there will be no dinner!!!!" she screamed.

"You do realized that would mean no food for you?" I asked whilst concentrating on the fireballs, I decided I would do this without Wiseone due to it helping my magicule control.

"Your punishment will be to make me double the amount of food and you will have to watch me eat it!!" she screamed with a look that she is the smartest person in the world.

"Isn't that a bit too cruel." It really is, making her double the amount of food is already a lot of work because she is a glutton, everyday it is getting worse as well at the rate she is going there are going to be no more animals in the forest. And then to make me watch her eat it after all that hard work is just to cruel.

"Well you'll just have to make and move ten fireballs at the same time." Hmm I can tease her here, but should I? Who am I kidding of course I'am.

"So if I do manage to do it I won't have to make you double the amount of food that is great." I say with a smirk.

"W-w-what no it is eh..... payment, yes payment for all my hard work training you." It is really funny watching her panic and manage to recover, it is also very cute.

"Ah I see, that makes sense I must pay you" I say whilst nodding my head.



"I could pay you with something else."

"Like what?"

"Well, " i start walking over to her "I could pay with something more personal" I lean towards her, I'am quite a bit taller than her. At this point we are face to face and she is a blushing mess. "How about," "*gulp* y-y-es" "a dish of your choice." I say with a smile and pulling my face back "Eh?" she just stands there for a second till her face goes bright red.

"YOU IDIOT" she screams.


And right hooks me in the jaw. But the only I can say before I pass out was;

"worth it" with a smile on my face.