
Journey in Shokugeki no Soma world

Well this is my first ever writing so lets see how it turns out. First of all, if you have come here for plot, details, perfect pacing, character development, background story, etc. please don't read. It is only wish fulfilment, so if you have come here to find things to be in systematic order, don't read it. A boy fan of cooking and with his dream of attending totsuki by watching anime, had a rough life full of betrayal and guilt. Now he will, embark on journey by gaining a system in the shokugeki no soma world, as the god of cooking admire him for his passion in cooking. I don't own any of characters or the cover page

Ayanokoji_Kiyopon · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

chapter 5-first confrontation with anime character

Arima arrived at the station and was walking towards his compartment to board the train towards his destination i.e. Totsuki and while he was walking he looked ahead and watched 4 guys surrounding a girl while grinning evilly, seeing this arima frowned and moved towards them, and he was dazed by the girl she has flowing scarlet hair that reaches down to her shoulder blades with her bangs covering her left eye. she has a lot of feline features, having yellow eyes with vertically slitted pupils and pronounced, cat-like teeth.

While he was in his own world the system shouted

[wake up host time for becoming the knight for this hot chick, hahaha....saving damsel in distressed. first waifu yay....]

But our Arima boy was still in his own world. Okay now to the scene,

As the 4 men were surrounding the girl and were grinning evilly, one of them spoke "Oh my god how this hot chick can exist, we must savour her whole brothers."

All the others were laughing with their disgusting expression but no one noticed that the girl just coldly smiled at them while being unfazed.

And then she moved and kicked one of them on the balls and literally balls exploded and the man shouted "aghhhhhhhhh....t-this b*tch aghhh"

By this single shout all of them were scared shitless but they still thought that she would not be able to take 3 of them together, but oh boy they were so wrong, then she moved like lightning and kicked all three of them and they ended up with broken arms, broken legs, broken balls heheh...

{A/N: a moment of silence for their balls muhaahahah....}

Arima came out of his daze by hearing the shout of ball-shattering man, he was also scared and subconciuosly guarded his little brother, while having cold sweats and then he watched her moving towards him

After finishing the men she looked forward and was startled to find a young man whose looks simply transcended this world but then she immediately thought that never judge a book by its appearance so she regained her cold look and went towards him and said,

"What you also want to have some taste of my ball-shattering move"

Hearing her arima started sweating and immediately shook his head and replied, "haha..no no i thought you might have needed my help so i came but when i came i found you completely destroyed bal*ahem* i mean future" and when he looked her closely and was startled to see that he had already met with the second seat in totsuki i.e. RINDO KOBAYASHI~chan....heheh...

the system said

[Huh what's the use of learning martial arts if you even can't woo*cough* i mean pursue a girl a good for nothing host hmph!]

Hearing the boy the girl got startled because there are very few who could beat them and also who would help others but seeing his reaction she thought that he was purely here for help, then she introduced herself with a beautiful smile, "Hello, sorry but you know nowadays there are very few like you so i became wary, well my name is Rindo Kobayashi."

Seeing her smile he thought that he will definitely make her his and then with a smile of his own(practiced by him for pursuing girls) he introduced himself, "No problem miss rindo, it is good that you are wary, my name is Arima Kruger and i am here for train to Totsuki."

Seeing his smile she blushed and thought how handsome! but then got startled because he was going to Totsuki! which is her school, then she thought that it might be fate to brought them together and then she got embarassed by thinking like this and then said with a suprised face,

"Oh i am also going to totsuki and i am in third year at school" she said with a proud smirk but she didn't tell him about second seat as she thought he might not know about it.

When she blushed arima thought that all those practicing was not wasted at all but then he heard his system

[heheh...host you should thank me for giving 'How to smile to woo girls' book to you]

Hearing this he became angry and just ignored him and with a suprised expression he said,

"Wow Rindo-san, i am going to take test for first year and i have heard that how difficult is it to enter the school. I hope that i quickly catch up to you to pursue you"

So, yeah he said directly to pursue her, i mean why to wait and say nonsense things also as for making some seed in her mind so that other would not take her, so he directly said to pursue her

Hearing him she got suprised and blushed very deeply and while stuttering asked, "W-what are y-you saying, w-why would y-you p-pursue m-me"

Arima said while grinning, "Why not Rindo-san, you are so beautiful why would i not pursue you and this is also one of my goals."

Hearing him saying her beautiful she became happy very much inwardly and smiled beautifully while saying, "What are your goals arima-kun?"

Arima got stunned for a second seeing her smile and then immediately replied with a serious expression, "First is to come up at top in cooking world and second to pursue beautiful women and making them as my wives."

So yeah again, i will not will be bulshitting like making girlfriend then fiance then marriage don't even comes up so, i will directly take them as wives and marry them all after consolodating my harem muhahaha....

Hearing him saying wives she blushed as deeply that her face matched with her hair but then she heard his next statement as plural, she became slightly disappointed but she thought that it is normal for people here to take multiple women but seeing his serious expression, confidence and directly going to wives she thought that he is a responsible person.

There are very few men who take full responsibility and most of them are playboys who see women as toys. But arima never showed her any lustful expression, he only admired her beauty which made her think that it might be not bad to become his wife as soon as she thought she blushed deeply and dispelled her thoughts and decided to know more about him

{A/N: First waifu fixed guys also paved the way for his harem smoothly heheh~}

Then she looked at him and said, "But for doing any of this you first have to pass the exam"

Hearing her he smiled and said, "You don't need to worry i will definitely enter your academy with a blast, but more importantly will you become my first girlfriend or first woman if i passed the exam huh?"

Hearing him she blushed and said, "I-I will t-think about it hmph..!"

Then Arima said while grinning and bowed elegantly and said, "Okay my lady lets board the train to our destination"

Rindo chuckled at his antics and then said, "Let's go my knight"

And then he boarded the train and sat with rindo and they talk about things as she got to know that arima was an orphan and 13 years, hearing his age she got surprised as he looks like 16 year old and is also very mature for his age.

Arima also got to know that she was also an orphan and she told him about her second seat in elite ten and then he said with a smug look and said, "Just you wait Rindo-san i will take the first seat."

Hearing him she smiled and said, "I would be waiting arima-kun"

And like that they talk about themselves their hobbies, etc.

Rindo also got to know that he knows singing, dancing, drawing, calligraphy. She got surprised and became happy. He also said, "I will draw your sketch Rindo-san, i will also sing for you and if you like i would also dance with you."

Hearing him she blushed deeply and said looking extremely adorable that arima just wanted to cuddle her but controlled himself and she said,"O-Okay"

And like this time passed quickly which both of them as it was 6 hours running and it just went over while talking, then they became happy as they enjoyed their company with each other.

Then Arima looked ahead and saw the words written TOTSUKI. He was here finally his dream, his training was all for this and he was ready to take down totsuki.

Then with hands in his pockets with a cool expression walked towards the academy passing many onlookers getting suprised just by his looks.....


{Hello guys author here, so yeah i will not make dense or beta mc he will proactive and frank, now wait for his speech guys hehehehe~~

Also i am directly copy pasting the appearance from wiki, as i racked my brain for my mc's looks.

So, do you guys liked my approach to girls and also discussing abou harem huh??}

Hehehe...first waifu and real journey begins.....

The decided harem for series till now(may change later):-

1)Rindo kobayashi

2)nakiri sisters

3)senbara sisters





Well i am thinking in future that should i kill azami nakiri and make mana nakiri into harem huh?(please share your thoughts)

Well i am already planning on killing asahi saiba that man was on my nerves during the anime, and now i will be taking revenge in near future muhahaha....

Ayanokoji_Kiyoponcreators' thoughts