
Journal of John Edward Black

Garrett Carter received sad news about his best friend John Edward Black died due to unknown disease upon his death Garrett received package that contains a old journal belong to his dead friend it tells about his expedition to search Iram of Pillars the city that lost within desert. Garrett Carter received package from someone inside the package there was journal belong to his friend John and Stone carving idol Shape like creatures with unknown origins.

Oye_Blazing · Horror
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: Mystery behind his Death

That Night my house was attended by two police officer want to questions me about my friend John Edward Black death they waited at guest room downstairs they introduced themselves as Sargent Michael And his assistant officer Robbie.

We sat at Guest room while my maid brewing black coffee with mix of milk Sargent Michael began asking some formal questions from A to Z I answered without fail but there one thing that make feel bit chill. Sargent Michael investigate John manor and what he found was bit disturbing the bedroom was total mess it was like something attack a night before his death.

" Have you suspect any unusual or suspicious act to Mr. Black after his return from long Expedition" Sargent Michael began questions again while I took a sip of hot black coffee after hearing what happened I never knew about this the last time I meet John was at Miskatonic University one week before we both having long talk at small Dine-in restaurant. I asking John about his expedition he replied only one word.

" Yes " a small piece of answer from his mouth kept me wonder if something happens was John failed or is it a good time to ask John began asking about me for what i am doing now. I told him I working as Linguists at Miskatonic University I can translate any kind of language from Mesopotamia, Old English, Viking and Chinese John asking if I can translate something for him.

I am gladly to assist him in any way John was bit happy we continue our conversation till sun sets down John will sent me a note next week as we both back home. Sargent Michael also mentioned there was blood on the floor he believes there was break in since all John jewelry like His pocket watch were gone and his safe were opened.

After finishing questions me both of them left the house as I went back to my study while sitting at chair while examined the stone carving idol suddenly I began experience something I began seeing vision as hold the stone carving idol.

The vision was bit blurry then a voice of people chanting undescribed language through my ears I quickly throwing the Idol and the vision quickly disappeared. I am starting to feel terrified what did I see and what did I hearing i decide to bring this artifacts to Miskatonic University tomorrow for further examination.