
Day 9

Bad news. The food supply that was rotting away completely turned to mush and maggots. That was a good portion of our food just gone. Our chef found the food like that in the morning. Fortunately, we should still have enough food as long as it's rationed properly. The other crew members were also starting to be afraid, thinking it might be some curse. Curse or no curse, Harry was able to calm everybody down saying that there was no curse and we probably bought outdated food. That did calm the rest of the crew, and that could be the reason why the food went rotten in only some of the crates. But if the food was rotting, they would have gradually changed. To me, it seemed to be in one instant.

But as I wrote before, we should still have enough food for the crew. Today, I didn't see Mr. Green or his cartographer. His cartographer was probably focused on his map, but I'm not sure about what Mr. Green was doing.