

HI guys, this is my first time writing a story. so hopefully any small mistakes or such may overlooked. AND English is not my first language, so there can be grammertical mistakes, pls bear with them. SYNOPSIS: IVON, a famous Young sciencetist, of earth ended up being dead after creating a successful cure that prevent mankind form it's destruction. BUT is this the end of this genius young man, who Sacrificed his life for saving billions ? OR there will be more? TO FIND OUT let's follow IVEN to his END OR MAYBE THE NEW BEGINNING?? DISCLAIMER: Other than OC non of the characters or world and power setting were mine. they belong to original authors. Cover picture is not mine

The_Legend_5911 · Anime & Comics
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At a far way planet, which is bathed in blood due to a war, which recently came to an end. A warrior bathed in blood wearing a golden armor and carrying a golden staff currently looking at a broken space pod in which a small human baby around 3 years old with sleeping peacefully. As he touch the baby's cheeks it seem to woke up from it's slumber and looking at the warrior with a bright curious eyes, that weirdly changed in surprised, yet confused expression, which indicate presence of wisdom greater than any new born 3 years old have.

The warrior took the baby in his hand carefully and felt his intuition telling him that this little boy has a huge potential waiting to explore and intuition is something that took this far all this years of his life. So after a little consideration he looked at the baby and said, " From this day onwards, you shall be my eldest son, the First Prince of Asgard, SUN ODINSON."

Few moments before, IVON finally came to his senses after being snapped by THE OMNI. First thing he noticed that he is in a different body, which is way smaller than it used to be. This also made him confirm that everything that happened is real. He was expecting to be in earth maybe together with Goku or somewhere else but...

IVON' s POV: " Why am I seeing Odin from MCU verse in front of blooded. Is there a saiyan like him to? a alternate verso of him in dragon Ball verse? and where am I Earth ? planet VEGETA?"

Then the warrior declared his speech, and hearing that IVON's mind stopped working for a second. After coming back to his senses, he thought " What the....!! what's happening here? why did I become Prince of Asgard ? where I am ? is this marvel verse? or Saiyan verse ? an alternate reality? a mixed world? wtf is happening?"

As he freaking out because of sudden unexpected events, IOVN heard a voice in his mind, " Boy it's me. don't worry much. this is my gift to you. You are in Marvel universe, back in time before the actual story started. You have more time then enough time and opportunity this way to get stronger. As for how much you can utilize this opportunity is depends on you. As for the rest figure out your self. Do worry thought all of your wishes are still granted. I know you are still worried about you family but do not be afried they still share your achievement enough to have a good and carefree next life. So live your fullest, show me a good show of your rise, I am watching you ,boy.

Good bye, this is the last time you will heard me untill you get strong enough."

Finally IVON claim down, and able to analyze his situation and thought " So, that's what happened. But on the other hand it did really give me great opportunity. Being a Asgardian Prince , I will have access to both resources and magic. Which is impossible to find in dragon Ball verse Earth. Not only that, but also the current timeline of marvel verse seems to be before the birth of THOR as I am the eldest, means there will be wars. Which is heavenly training grounds for Saiyans, who know how to utilize there Zenkai Boost. Together with right Technics form my library, I can become strong as long as I am willing to put afforts. So, from now on I am SUN ODINSON. Mom, Dad, sister I wish you all a happy life. I will live this second life without regrets and achieve enough power to save my loved ones from any and every harm possible."

So, this is who the First step has taken towards the peck. what will happen next? how much effort will our hero put? what will be his limits? will he return to dragon Ball verse ever?