

HI guys, this is my first time writing a story. so hopefully any small mistakes or such may overlooked. AND English is not my first language, so there can be grammertical mistakes, pls bear with them. SYNOPSIS: IVON, a famous Young sciencetist, of earth ended up being dead after creating a successful cure that prevent mankind form it's destruction. BUT is this the end of this genius young man, who Sacrificed his life for saving billions ? OR there will be more? TO FIND OUT let's follow IVEN to his END OR MAYBE THE NEW BEGINNING?? DISCLAIMER: Other than OC non of the characters or world and power setting were mine. they belong to original authors. Cover picture is not mine

The_Legend_5911 · Anime & Comics
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Mankind faceing a frightening crisis that could possibly wipeout almost all of there spices due a man-made virus that has become almost incurable due to its continues mutations. Casualty that humans are facing reaching billions all over the world making people restless.

IVON LUTHER, a young genius sciencetist, currently fighting with last of his left strength to condect his final data about the cure of the nightmare, which apparently killed all his family.

IOVN'S POV: "A little ... more and this... nightmare can end. I have to succeed. Mom..... dad.... sis, I have found it. The cure that.... can save our kind from it's destruction. "

Just at this moment the computer screen show words that he is waiting for



looking at this IVON signed a relief and sent this information throughout the world via an Internet software he developed prior.

IOVN'S POV: "everyone... I succeeded."

This is also when later known as 'THE SAVIOUR' thoughtout the world took his last breath with a brilliant simile on his face.


Far away in a place, where there is nothing exist, known as {THE VOID}, a small soul, which seem to be protected by some kind of thin layer of round shield, floating around for unkonwn period of time.

" Where am I?" the soul thought after gaining counciousness bit by bit. It tried to looked around but found nothing but darkness.

"weren't I died? what's happening? where is this place" the soul thought while trying to remember what happened back in time.

"right! I am Ivon Luther. I had a ordinary childhood, with loving parents and a cute sister. I was a genius in terms of science, and a big fan of marital arts. I was a hidden otaku, who loved those various fantasy worlds and there storys. Yet everything come to an end because of that virus leak. it's took everything from me. Even so I able to find a cure , able to save millions of families out there like mine." as such IVON started to remember all his life and loved ones he had once.

"Is this afterlife? Since I am sure I died after sending that formula worldwide." but before he could think anymore a bright light flashed in front of him.

What revels is a humanoid figure without any obvious features. It's as if a simple white humanoid dummy without a face.

Then a voice resounded in the surrounding of Iven and said " Mortal you have a brilliant amount of karma that let you pass throught the reincarnation cycle and protect you in the void. You are someone whose karmic value cannot be exchange through normal means so I, THE OMNI, shall give a opinions to choose which path you want to take."

IVON surprised by the sudden voice, but manages to calm down and heard the words properly. After hereing them he understands the most of it as a otaku and a genius it doesn't take much know what's going on. so his ask " What are my choices? is there any other like me ? can I give this chance to someone else?"

So THE OMNI replyed, "Good, you are a clam one. Yes there were other like you but that's in past maybe 100milion years or so from a different world then you.

But now you are the only one, and no You cannot give your chances to other. As for your choices

1. You can reincarnation in your same world with a rich background while saving you rest of the points to have a unbelievable good luck.

2. You can reincarnation in a completely different world with 4 wishes and set on a path of GODHOOD"

After hereing the opinions IVON was little sad as he would want to give this chance to his little sister who haven't live for long, but since it's impossible he will carry there memories to next life so they never get forgotten.

IVON asked" Will I have my memories without any wishes or I have to wish for it? which worlds there are for me to go?"

THE OMNI said " The world you read as fantasy in for home universe exist. And yes you have to wish for your memories."

IVON said " then I have decided,

1. I want my memories to intact .

2. I want to born as Son Goku' twin brother from dragon z with a unlimited potential.

3. I want a knowledge library that can give me knowledge about all kinds of tactnics and cultivation.

4. I want a multiverse chat group.

that's all would be my wishes."

THE OMNI said after hearing," Brilliant! you didn't ask for instant power up rather talant and resources. Very well, I am satisfied, as such you will have a surprise waiting for you there. i know which type of chat group you ask for , and so no need to explain. it's will only activate during the main story start so be sure to train till then . From a legend of your new life son. I will be watching."

Then THE OMNI snaps his fingers and IVON started to disappear, while saying, " Thank you...."

THE OMNI replied , " You have earned it my son."

There will be a big time skip from then start and the time lines may differ sometimes for various events..

since it's alternate universes...

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