
Joshwas's Dreamlands

Please have a look here as well, before starting with the chapters ... What do we know about dreamlands? How much we know about there? Does this place actually exist somewhere virtually or perhaps through any other dimension? What are the stages of a dream? What are the phases in any stage of a dreamland? What does mean by pastime here? What is future dream time here? Can an individual has full control on his dreams, it's phases and in different stages of his dreamlands? Is this connected to the reality, somewhere/somehow? Is Jo in trouble? Is Jo's dreamland in trouble? or maybe, his all dreamlands are in trouble, is it so?? Why so many times, Jo is not able to see or we can say, to know the complete thing, what just happened n what not? Why do these weird things happen with Jo? Does Jo have any idea of that? Are these dreamlands gonna effect the reality? Who is Jo, actually? Is there any connection among all of these lands? Why these different situations, different circumstances and sometimes incompleteness, we find here? Come on in ...live into another world of our Jo ... and get to know about all of this...let's come into another verse ...and remember, this is just only volume 1 ...there is also much more. what's gonna come for you to live in there(to live into your imagination) ...

Shivam_Dwivedi_1614 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

10th Land "Before the Conversion"

Now, something extremely frightening happened …

Joshwa, just by mistake, made his mind wake up into the reality …

Well, Why ?


And, now, after all that weird frightening stuffs, he was not able to take a nap, again …

Well, here's what happened …

When, Where, How, all it started, he had not idea …about what happened first with him there …where he was!!?

cuz all was just blacked out …well, something just really black just went out, out from his home …

Anyway …

So, let's start from here …

In his dreamland, he was talking to his maternal uncle n grandpa, who both wanted him to take lessons about any astrology kind of study and there was something causing him due to which he was not able to join his uncle's classes …so he told him about that and …what was that?

… to know that let's look into the previous phase …

To a near pastime:

Jo was watching television, he was watching any kind of ad regarding a study course or something and he wished to join that course so in the next moment he was in there, he was in that same place about which he was watching on the television…

And, here, he started discussing about the course with that person …and he got to know that it was free of cost and the duration was 30 days…

Now, by knowing the complete time period of that course …he was feeling, it was something weird about it but what? he was not able to think about that …

Okay! So, that's what happened with him in that pastime phase …and here we were, in the next phase :

So, his uncle called him and Jo entered in that room where his uncle and grandpa was doing something and his uncle let him knew about that astrology kinda course which he wanted him to study from him …but as they've watched on t.v that Jo had joined that another free 30 days course which he found out due to the TV ad…so he just looked at Jo again …and his way of staring, his way of looking at Jo was so weird so scary …

Jo was keep getting to know all the things, which were going on in his uncle's mind(because it was Jo's dream so he can get to kno what each n everyone present in his dream, thinking what)…and when his uncle thought about those free 30 days, he started giving that look to Jo…

Well, Jo was scared, too much scared, he just wanted that all stuffs like didn't happen at all …

And just by wishing that in the next moment, he found himself sitting on a chair 💺 around a table where he had 3 children with him …one of them was adopted and the other two were the children of the owner of that house and Jo was there to teach them …but he found himself drinking wine 🍷 while sitting there and he was also living into another phase, just simultaneously …

He was in a street, a street where he used to live in the reality …he had no idea 💡 why but he just wanted to test something …by doing something silly and a little bit dangerous, too …and what was that, see what he just did …

He entered in that street and tried to walk around and be back nearby that group of dogs and their families …so he walked around, went there and just turned to be back from there and he just stuck …he turned and looked behind, he had caught by a black dog and then he looked around himself there were all dogs and their families at every side of him and all were just black …

Jo tried so harder, so that he could go from there but he couldn't… then he wished and with his full strength, he tried to get out from that dream phase, too …

And, he did …but that…

…what all that happened, was so much weird and also scary …scary like dark … 🌑

Now, this, what I'm gonna tell you, this all happened just in a moment …

He wished to get out from that phase, …and he did …& by doing so, he saw all dark and a face,

who was that?

Well, that was the same person from his 9th land who was wondering that Jo didn't belong there …

…and then he started wishing to wake up, so at the same time, he woke up …but, after waking up, nearby his bed, he just saw someone was going outside from his house …so he just shocked and scared, abruptly …and just in the next moment(according to dream time), he woke up again and he again saw someone or maybe something(big) went outside from her house which was kind of a shadow, a black dark shadow …

So, that's how something really black, just got out, out from his house …(as I told you in the begining)

But, wait, what ? He just woke up again …

Yeah! Now, this time, in the reality…

He understood that perhaps in his this dreamland, he was living in 3 dream stages, and also in so many different dream phases he had to go through, today …it was something actually too much for his mind to handle specially while he was not completely conscious and also those all wierd n scary stuffs of that world …now, he was really scared to see that black shadow going out from his house in reality …even, he was still not sure if that was also a dream or he was in the reality and that shadow thing, happened with him in reality, too …

…and, all of a sudden he heard a thunder sound and noticed lightning and at the same time, the calendar in his room started turning it's page date by date and it also stopped on the date of 30th October, yeah! of the same month …(and it was 1st of november today so just after 30 days his calendar turned by itself)…

Remember I told you about the dream he was just in there and watching an ad on the television where it was the same 30 number about the same 30 days …

Well, actually it happened for him in the reality, and later of the TV ad dream-phase but he was aware about the calendar thing and also scared about it and that's why he got scared when he got to know about the 30 days duration of that course in the another dream-phase …

Anyway …

So, even after 2 hours, he was shivering due to all those things …those all things were coming again n again n again in front of his eyes, still…

After a while, he got up to go to the washroom …and while coming into his room from there …he noticed that black 🖤 shadow's presence, again …and then he turned towards his room and he saw just in from of his eyes that huge dark black 🕶️ shadow and just in a seconds that shadow or whatever it was, started kinda eating Joshwa…

And Jo was feeling like he was going into that thing deeper, deeper n more deeper …and he was not able to breath …he was seeing that the color of that shadow thing was changing and it was turning into some that color which Jo have never seen ever before niether in the reality and nor in his any dreamland and abruptly something dark blue came up from his window and hit between his eyes and then just in a second …

Guess what happened?

He just woke up again…and turned out that all was also happening in another dream stage

…And his own house was so scary(for him),right now …he started feeling heavy in his head …he was not able to fall asleep again …


Well, after a while, he slept …and he fast forwarded some of his dream's moments and at the ending he was confirming about a mutual beneficial deal with a leaf …

Yeah! Leaf 🍃

There was a confirmation about something for Jo, from leaf's side and it was also sure that something wrong had happened and what's up with those "30 days" thing …what was causing strangely in each existence of living beings and gonna cause too much more …which might affect tremendously so many worlds …

Well, this, at last, this happened in the dreamland yes, but he was not sleeping in the reality …though he was also not conscious here …

Now, we'll meet in the next volume where we'll get to the conversion & we're gonna know about the existence of many more world's, universes, multiverse & multiverses, and the superverse which contains the multiverses and what causes what, what is actually the reality and we're gonna know about the most precious and complex existence of "TIME".

I am awesome .....🤘🏻