
Jonny Test: Gill makes Jonny his slave

Gill wants to.make Jonny his slave and use him how he wants.

John_C_Garcia · TV
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9 Chs

Your Mine Now....

It was a quite night in the Test household. Jonny was soundly sleeping in his room alone.

Silently, and slowly, his room door opened, and in walks Gill, the boy his sisters like. Unbenost to everyone, Gill was secretly gay, and lusted for...Jonny. He intends to make Jonny his slave.

Before going into Jonny's room, he went into the lab and took a mind control device, that looks like a canera. He was going to use it on Jonny.

Gill walked up to Jonny's bed and wakes him up. Jonny confused and still tiered asks, "Gill, what are you doing here?"

"Sorry bro, but, one quick thing...Smile for the camera." With that, Jonny couldn't get away and a second later, he had a Blake look in his eyes.

"You're mine now." said Gill