
JoJo x MHA: The Star

He typical person, but was forced to follow a certain life. However, one day, he dies from a truck in the suburbs. Before he died, he saved a kid from being hit by the truck, so at least he might go to heaven. The boy is in for a surprise when he instead gets reincarnated into MHA. No harems here

DryComplementary · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

USJ Incident Part 4


-(Musutafu: USJ Ruins Zone)-

In the Ruins zone, multiple buildings were destroyed and dilapidated. Inside one of them, the aftermath of a hard-fought battle is seen; Bakugo and Kirishima stood above several thugs who thought they had the upper hand against a pair of soon-to-be heroes.

"Huff... huff..." Bakugo and Kirishima panted loudly from the fight they had just won.

"Ugh..." a villain groaned, on the ground with smoke coming from his forehead.

"I think that's the last of these guys." Bakugo presumed from the unconscious villains before him. "Buncha weaklings."

"Great! Let's hurry and find the rest of our class!" Kirishima proposed, wiping his face and chin of sweat. "If we're both still in the USJ, everyone else probably is, too! But I'm worried that not all of them have the offensive skills we do..."

Unknown to the two, a chameleon-type villain is creeping up from behind - preparing to get the drop on them. "Mrs. Thirteen has probably got her hand's full since we rushed ahead like that. If she had been able to suck up that villain, then we never would've been separated by that mist man. We have to make it up to the others-!"

"-If that's what you want, go on alone," Bakugo interrupted. "I'm gonna destroy that warp gate bastard."

"HUH?!" Kirishima exclaimed; the chameleon-type villain was currently positioned above the two. "Why are you still pulling that immature crap at a time like this?! Besides, our physical attacks didn't hurt that guy!"

"Shut up!" Bakugo yelled; the stealthy villain had quietly dropped to the floor and was slowly creeping up on him. "I'm gonna take him down because he's their way in and out! Which means, if I cut off their escape route, they'll be stuck here and have to pay for what they've done!"

Kirishima gasped at the validity of Bakugo's statements. 'Then that means-! Bakugo's doing it because he's just a really great guy on the inside! I knew it!' he exclaimed.

"And it's not like I don't have a way to beat him-!" Bakugo claimed; Kirishima could hear several footsteps coming up behind him.

"Huh-?!" Kirishima exclaimed, realizing that there was one villain left standing. "Look out-!"

After taking out his knife, the concealed criminal rushed at Bakugo. "Hope you had fun chit‐chatting; too bad you let your guard down‐!"

Sadly for the villain, Bakugo immediately turned and grabbed the head of the thug with his left hand, using his Quirk to cause an explosion directly on the rear of his skull; he would screech in pain before falling unconscious.

"I mean..." Bakugo started, looking at the most recently exploded villain before him. "If all these villains are small fries like these guys were, then our classmates and we can handle 'em."

'Great reflexes...' Kirishima thought, feeling a little scared from how calm and collected Bakugo was just now. "You sure are calm and rational all of a sudden...!" he remarked.

For a moment, Kirishima recalled that Bakugo was usually all 'DIE!! DIE!! DIE!!' or something. Bakugo doesn't seem to like the comment, thinking it is an affront to his character. "I'M ALWAYS CALM AND RATIONAL, YOU RED-HAIRED LOSER!!"

"Ah, there it is," Kirishima said with a point at Bakugo, probably glad that his assessment was backed up just now. "Ho!"

Bakugo grunted a little before readying his right hand - the only one with the grenade glove still intact. "Go find the others if you want to because I'm outta here," he said.

"Wait, hold up! I think what you're really saying is that you believe in our classmates...!" Kirishima believed, using his Quirk to clink his fists and knuckles together. "That's thinkin' like a man, Bakugo! You've convinced me!"


-(Musutafu: USJ Entrance)-

Somewhere else, a large reinforced door is seen, and Iida was zooming towards it at incredible speed. "Damn...!" he swore.

Kurogiri had continued his pursuit to intercept Iida, swooshing over him - about to block the door to let no one escape. "I have no time for this - be gone!" he yelled

To the side, Mina was tending to the injured Thirteen; she began shouting at Uraraka when noticing that she was rushing towards Kurogiri. "WHAT'RE YOU GONNA DO, URARAKA?!" she questioned.

"THERE!! SEE IT?!" Uraraka said, pointing at the guard around Kurogiri's neck; she was planning to make him float.

Iida was now inches away from the door, yet, he was having trouble deciding what he should do next. 'The automatic doors-! Wait-! Can I kick them down?! Or are they too thick for that?!' Another portal suddenly appeared in front of him.

"You underestimate me, four eyes...!" Kurogiri insulted; his portal loomed before Iida. "NOW VANISH!!"

Kurogiri was about to trap Iida, but Uraraka luckily made it close enough to his neck guard in time. She immediately activated her Quirk, causing Kurogiri's to begin floating upwards. Iida instinctively ducked under him as he gasped in confusion at this new occurrence.

"I'm not sure why, but if you're wearing this thing..." Uraraka began. "THEN YOU MUST HAVE A REAL BODY IN THERE!!"

With a great toss, Uraraka sent Kurogiri flying up towards the ceiling, completely unable to do anything to prevent himself from going anywhere but up. "NOW GO, IIDA!!" she cried.

'SHE GOT MY BODY!!' Kurogiri thought irritably - his entire pursuit had been thwarted. 'CURSES!!'

Sero then used his Quirk to stick a line of tape onto Kurogiri's neck. The tape was tense but held on tightly. "Go!" he yelled.

Kurogiri growled angrily, and Iida dashed through the entrance after pulling it open with his arms. Sero eventually had to let go of the tape as Kurogiri's body was sucking it in, causing it to break. somewhere else in the sky. As the tape gave away, Kurogiri warped into his swirling portal.

"He's calling for help... it's game over."


-(Musutafu: USJ Plaza/Shipwreck Zone)-

Aizawa was groaning on the ground - his arms and legs were almost completely broken. Izuku, Tsuyu, and Mineta anxiously watched on from the edge of the shipwreck zone. Jotaro stood alone against Shigaraki and his Nomus, monitoring them closely for the time being. Shigaraki was certainly pissed, even trembling in anger; his fists were clenched so tightly that blood could be seen coming out of his palms. "You bastard! This shouldn't be possible!" he rasped.

Jotaro kept his eyes on the villain's leader - hastily whispering something to Aizawa. "I'm sorry for being forced to do this, sir," he muttered.

"Augh..." Aizawa croaked - right before Jotaro does something that would've gotten him suspended on the spot. "Wh-?"

"LAAAUUNCCH!!" Jotaro cried, followed by a battlecry from Star Platinum.

"OOOOOOORRRRRRRRAAAAAA!!" Star Platinum grabbed the teacher and threw him out of the action, making sure the trajectory was somewhere with the students at the entrance.

"KUJOOOOOO-!!" Aizawa's screams were soon too far to be heard; his wrath would definitely come soon after this crisis had been dealt with.

'I'll make sure to heal him personally afterward,' Jotaro promised; he even double-checked the direction Aizawa was thrown to confirm that he would be 'fine' after pitching him so far. 'Now with that dealt with, it's time I dish out some unrestrained punishment against these guys.'

"NOMUS!!" Shigaraki screamed, causing the Nomus to look at him for orders. "KILL HIM NOW!!"

Instantly, the Nomus charged at Jotaro, who was now in his battle stance. The first Nomu tries to hit Jotaro with only brute force using his right hand but was grabbed by Star Platinum and flung somewhere else to the side. However, while Jotaro was distracted by the foremost Nomu, the second had managed to get close enough to land a punch to his chest - the pain was immeasurable.

"KOOGH-" Jotaro wheezed, coughing out some blood before sending a powerful punch at the second Nomu. "ORRRAAA!!"

The second Nomu flew backward like the first toward the fountain and wrecked it even more. Jotaro didn't have time to breathe as the third was now attacking him with a flurry of blows that Star Platinum met with an equal - if not more powerful - barrage. 'They seem to be acting in coordination... one will attack me, and another will follow up once that one has been dealt with...'

"However..." Jotaro managed to take a deep breath, fusing his Stand with his Quirk. "You definitely shouldn't be able to handle this!"

Star Platinum's punches evidently became more effective once the third Nomu's arms began melting; its screams and shrieks could be heard around the USJ. "YOU ARE MELTING THEM?! HOW?!" Shigaraki yelled.

'Just as I had thought; these Nomu things are undead or something...' Jotaro remarked. 'Which means....'

Jotaro's Quirk worked tremendously when against dead tissue; he learned this after experimenting with dead insects, trying to see if he could revive them from the dead. However, instead of revival, he found out that his Quirk would melt or liquefy their remains - almost like ice cream (it was pretty disgusting for him to see).

"These Nomus... they're- AUGH!!" While in mid-battle with the third Nomu, Jotaro coughed some more blood, remembering he hasn't healed his injury from the second Nomu. For clarification, his Quirk can only be focused on either attacks or healing; you can't do both simultaneously (forgive me if I made a mistake in earlier chapters about that). 'Shit... I forgot about-'

Suddenly, the first Nomu appeared behind Jotaro and punched him right in the back, sending him soaring forward. Thankfully, Star Platinum helped land Jotaro safely on the ground, which keeps him from smearing the wall or ground with his blood. "No way around it, I gotta play on the defensive for now," he complained

Jotaro began breathing as the first and second Nomus started charging again; his wounds have finally healed. He respired once again so his Quirk would fuse with his Stand as he begins his next attack. The two Nomus pulled back their fists and prepared to unleash a significant two blows to Jotaro's face... but that never came. Star Platinum punched both fists as they came down, sending ripples through the Nomu's arms and bodies - it was time for a counterattack.

"ORA!! (x900)," Star Platinum shouted repeatedly, over and over again until the first and second Nomus started to falter.

The Nomus eventually backed off when they realized they weren't winning the fight. The second had lost its entire arm while the first lost its head; it wobbled a little before falling backward - out of commission until its head regrew.

"Hmph," Jotaro focused his next attacks on fallen Nomu until it was merely a puddle of viscous, black liquid on the ground. He turned his head to see that the second Nomu retreated backward and stood beside Shigaraki; the third was there also, it seemed to have recovered from his amputation a minute ago. 'They can heal at an incredibly rapid rate...'

Shigaraki stared at him with bloodshot eyes, wanting to kill Jotaro with his bare hands. "Cheating... you're cheating..." he said shakily.




"You're rotten..."

"Huh...?" Shigaraki uttered. "What the hell did you just say to me?!"

"I said you're trash," Jotaro rephrased. "I really hate having to repeat myself..."

[Jotaro Theme]

"I, Jotaro Kujo, am not a nice guy," he said, adjusting his cap. "I tend to overdo it with my opponents in fights, so much that some are in the hospital. If I go to a restaurant that served me lousy food, I leave without paying the bill all the time.




"But... even I know nauseating evil when I see it..." Jotaro directed his gaze to Shigaraki, clenching his right hand to make a fist. "It's sickening to see someone so low before me."

Shigaraki didn't care about what Jotaro was insinuating - the kid had to die or else the plan would surely fail. "Nomus," he ordered; they immediately followed his will and began their next assault.

"Evil is when you use the weak for your own gain, and crush them under your foot!" Jotaro shouted, sounding enraged. He lifted his right hand and started pointing at Shigaraki; the Nomus were getting closer. "These creatures were human once, but someone created them into these atrocities!"

"Kill him," Shigaraki commanded.

"It's inhumane," Star Platinum got in front of Jotaro and prepared to block the Nomus. "You even hide behind others, making you invisible to the victim, the law, and the consequences!" he asserted, putting his finger on his cap. "Therefore…!"

His Stand uses its arms to block the Nomus's attacks, bruising Jotaro's arms slightly. He scoffed and ordered his stand to send them back a few feet. Star Platinum obeyed and punched both Nomus in the chests, breaking some of their ribs before merging with Jotaro, resulting in a two-face appearance. "I SHALL JUDGE YOU!!" they declared together.

Off to the side in the water, Mineta, Izuku, and Tsuyu watched anxiously as Jotaro faced off against the villain leader and the Nomus alone. "No... no! I can't watch this anymore! We should be getting out of here super fast, shouldn't we?!" Mineta pleaded.

"Their speed and power..." Tsuyu muttered, slowly getting under the water. "Ribbit..."

'Aizawa's Quirk didn't work against them… their base power is near All Might's level!' Izuku exclaimed, realizing what other implications this entails. 'But if JoJo could fight them, even kill them… does that mean he's stronger than All Might?!"

"YOU!!" Shigaraki shouted, rushing at Jotaro. "I'LL KILL YOU!!"

Jotaro turned and began running in Shigaraki's direction; both were closing in on each other. "YOU'RE GOING DOWN!!" he yelled; they were now mere inches away from striking distance.

Unexpectedly, a portal appeared in front of Jotaro, causing him to be teleported several feet away from the plaza. "Huh?!" he remarked, losing his footing and falling to the ground.

Kurogiri had returned from his battle at the entrance, saving Shigaraki at the last second. "Tomura Shigaraki... I'm glad I made it in time to save you..."

Shigaraki bent his neck, scratching it before speaking; he was a little mad that he didn't get to kill that kid - or so he thought he could. "Kurogiri, did you manage to kill Thirteen?"

"The rescue hero is out of commission, but there were students," he explained. "I could not disperse all of them, and one got outside the facility."

Shigaraki was definitely and undoubtedly furious; his whole plan was fucked up now. "Huh?!"

He growled, panted, and scratched his neck profusely before returning to his conversation with his servant. "Kurogiri... you goddamn fool... if you weren't our warp gate, I'd tear apart every last atom in your body…"

Jotaro took this moment to look at himself to check for any injuries; there were none. Alas, his costume was ripped, requiring extensive repair or a replacement. 'Mom's gonna kill me…'

"There's no way we can win if dozens of pros show up to stop us," Shigaraki grunted. "It's game over."

Shigaraki glimpsed at the destroyed fountain where they originally came from. "We're leaving." he muttered.

Mineta's ears perked up when he heard this announcement. "Huh? Did I hear that right? Did he say they're gonna just leave?" he questioned.

"That's what it sounded like to me," Tsuyu replied.

Izuku watched Shigaraki and Jotaro back and forth; how could the villains just give up like that? 'Did he hold them off…?'

There were gasps and whimpering from Mineta as he hugged Tsuyu tightly. "Yes! That's amazing! We're safe, and we don't have to fight!" he cheered.

"Uh, yeah- but..." Asui finally realized that Mineta was getting a bit too close, specifically around the chest region.




"I have a bad feeling about this, Midoriya," Asui cautioned, drowning Mineta - several air bubbles were floating to the water's surface.

"Yeah, it seems weird that they'd retreat at this point, even if help is on the way…" Izuku murmured, still looking at the Shigaraki and Kurogiri.

'All Might's probably coming, but don't they wanna kill him? They must know UA will beef up their security after this…' he contemplated. 'So now's their best chance; what's going on here? Why is this "game over"?'

Shigaraki suddenly put up a finger - as if he had just almost forgotten something. "Oh, before we leave, let's make sure the Symbol of Peace is broken," He turned to the students in the water. "Let's leave a few dead kids."

Almost instantaneously, Shigaraki was inches away from Tsuyu, reaching his hand out in front of hand her face. "Let's make this hurt..."

Jotaro realized what was about to happen, running quickly to stop the death of his classmate. 'SHIT- I'M TOO FAR!!' he cursed.

Shigaraki's hand was beginning to widen, his palm was inches away from placing itself perfectly on Tsuyu's face. From then on wouldn't be a mystery - she was going to die. Jotaro, however, kept moving, trying to close the distance between him and Shigaraki. "Goddamn it! If I had only been close enough!"

Tsuyu's eyes began to widen, the hand in front of her was centimeters away.

"If only I had…!"

Shigaraki's grin widened slightly when he saw the girl's eyes widen in terror at what was about to happen to her. Izuku figured out what was going to happen and tried to use his own Quirk to stop it, but he was too slow - the hand was literally millimeters away. Jotaro tried to reach his hand out - as if trying to grasp something that was so close yet so far; it looked almost like he was pointing at Shigaraki.





[Jotaro's Timestop Start - Part 3]

Then it happened. Something strange was going on - everything began to slow down.


Jotaro could feel it and even see it happening around him - all the colors of the world began to become grey, black, and white.


He also noticed that almost everything had just… stopped - not even the wind or dust particles were moving anymore.


Jotaro didn't know what was going on but he knew one thing - he was the only one who could move.


He immediately took this opportunity to run faster at Shigaraki, grabbing his wrist and pulling it back away from Tusyu slowly so he wouldn't accidentally let her touch the man's hand. Another noticeable thing Jotaro learned was that he felt he was even more tired than before; his heart was beating extremely fast (think of RDR2 dead eye, it beats extremely fast, and a clock ticks whenever its duration is over). He even grabbed Shigaraki's neck, preparing to give him a beatdown whenever this bizarre event ended.


Jotaro could faintly hear a strange sound as everything began to speed up again; his heart rate went back to normal and everything had regained its natural colors. 'Five seconds…' he counted.

[Jotaro's Timestop End - Part 3]

Shigaraki eventually regained whatever consciousness he had and closed his hand, assuming he had already reached Tsuyu's face. "Goodbye-" he wheezed, realizing that he was no longer touching Tsuyu's face and that his neck was being choked by someone.

"HUH?!" The students exclaimed. "JOJO?!"

"You're name was Shigaraki, right?" Jotaro whispered behind his ear. "Let me show you…"

"Impossible-!" Shigaraki rasped, trying to grab Jotaro who was behind him (basically, Star Platinum grab his neck from the front, and Jotaro stood a safe distance behind).

[Jotaro Theme]

"JUST HOW EVIL YOU ARE!!" Jotaro yelled.

"ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA!!" Star Platinum lifted Shigaraki in the air, shaking him violently and causing him to cough some blood.


"Hmmh!" Star Platinum grunted, closing his right hand gradually with all fingers until it made a fist. "OORRRAA!!"

A huge impact was heard colliding with Shigaraki's head; it was then followed by a barrage of punches all throughout his body. "ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORIYAHH!!"

"The one to uphold justice…!" Jotaro shouted; his Stand threw Shigaraki up in the air before landing another punch on his face. "IS MY STAND!!"

Star Platinum slammed Shigaraki back in the direction of Kurogiri who catches him using one of his portals. Shigaraki, wide-eyed, tried to grasp this unbearable feeling of pain but couldn't as he couldn't quite figure out how it happened; he was far enough away from the kid, so how did he end up getting beaten so senselessly? Izuku, Mineta, and Tsuyu who watched the interaction were absolutely stunned by the mercilessness Jotaro showed toward the villain that was about to kill them all a second ago.

'It's a shame I can't kill him, or else I'm getting in trouble with the heroes...' Jotaro thought; he then got on his knees. 'Ugh… my legs feel weak… if I use any more of my Quirk, I won't be able to move at all…'

"AAAHHH!!" Shigaraki screamed, his body was bleeding everywhere - a lot of his bones were broken. "N-Nomus-!" he yelled - rage was unending.

The two Nomus appeared before Jotaro and were to be about to smash him to the ground. 'Goddamn it, I still have to deal with these bastards-'

"-You! Get away from him!" Swiftly, Izuku seemed to be in front of Jotaro with One For All activated in his right arm. 'Crap, crap, crap, crap, crap! I've gotta save Jotaro and get us outta here!' he said, hoping his attack would work.

"Now-! SMASH!!" Izuku then smashed the closest Nomu to Jotaro with all the power he could exert, using one hundred percent of One For All.

'Huh?! I did it, and my arm's not broken!' Izuku grinned. 'I can't believe it! After all that training, now's when I'm able to get a good Smash in?! All right!'

However, looming over Izuku was the Nomu he thought he took down; it wasn't fazed by his attack at all. "It didn't... hurt him…?" he said hopelessly.

"The villains planned this attack thoroughly - they probably figured out a way to kill him," Jotaro remarked.

'No way...' Izuku was in disbelief - the Nomu now grabbed his arm, about to crush it like Aizawa's. "No-!"

Suddenly, a loud boom was heard, and the Nomu's grip suddenly felt much lighter. Izuku looked to see that Jotaro had destroyed the Nomu's head entirely, and - in turn - the Nomu went limp on the ground, out of commission. Jotaro quickly used his Quirk to melt the monster before it could heal once again. "Cough- I think I'm done for today," he muttered, collapsing onto the floor and snoring loudly; Jotaro had fallen asleep (looks like he used too much of his Quirk today).

A loud sonic boom then came from the entrance of the USJ facility; it was undoubtedly the Number 1 Hero, All Might. However, instead of smiling, he was frowning and looked incredibly pissed off. The students at the entrance gasped in relief and felt more at ease now that the 'Symbol of Peace' was before them; they were currently tending to Aizawa and Thirteen's injuries.

"HAVE NO FEAR FEAR, STUDENTS..." All Might growled. "I AM HERE."

"Finally..." Aizawa mumbled; he was still pissed off that All Might had missed the lesson.

Mineta began crying tears of joy. "Look, we're saved!"


"He's here... All Might..." Izuku said with a smile. "But he isn't smiling!"

"He's totally pissed off…" Jotaro mumbled in his sleep, which caused Izuku to look a little shocked.

Izuku turned to look at Jotaro; he was surprised that he spoke in his sleep. 'HOW ARE YOU TALKING?!'

Shigaraki seemed to have regained some mobility but was incapable of walking his body too much, or else he would collapse.

"Ah... looks like our game's getting a continue..."


If I'm being honest, I feel like remaking this chapter was the best decision ever. Much better than before.


feeling a bit more able to make another chapter today...

DryComplementarycreators' thoughts