
JoJo x MHA: The Star

He typical person, but was forced to follow a certain life. However, one day, he dies from a truck in the suburbs. Before he died, he saved a kid from being hit by the truck, so at least he might go to heaven. The boy is in for a surprise when he instead gets reincarnated into MHA. No harems here

DryComplementary · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

The Boy Born with Everything


-(Musutafu/U.A. High School/ Sports Festival Stadium/Faculty and Student Entrance)-

"So, you brought us here..."

"...Now what?"


Todoroki said nothing at all; only staring at the two in silence. A single sweat droplet started going down Izuku's face, indicating that he was beginning to get weary of the present atmosphere.

"If we don't hurry, the cafeteria will probably be really crowded..."



Todoroki continued to stare menacingly, causing Izuku to gulp down some saliva; loud enough for all three of them to hear. Jotaro, meanwhile, was starting to get a little irritated; first, it was the 'declaration of war,' then it was targeting throughout the rounds, and now this. He glanced to the right to see Izuku's face appearing dreadful, probably thinking he was in trouble with the Heterochromia-looking kid.

"This is getting pretty monotonous," Jotaro sighed, stretching his neck. "If you don't have anything to say, then I'm going-"

"I was overwhelmed." Todoroki confessed, causing Jotaro to cock one of his eyebrows. "And it made me break the promise I made to myself a long time ago."

'Oh God; is this what I think it is?' He groaned loudly; Jotaro absolutely hated sappy backstories, regardless of whether they were real or in a manga. "Can you explain...?"

"Iida, Kaminari, Yaoyorozu, Tokoyami, Uraraka, Hagakure..." He listed, bringing up his left hand and looking at it. "None of them felt it."

'Is he... talking about Izuku's Quirk? Is that what this is about?' Jotaro deduced. "Uh-huh..."

"At that moment, I was the only one who could sense Izuku's true power," Todoroki said. "It reminded me of something... Experiencing All Might's Quirk."

"What... does... that mean...?" Izuku asked, sweating even more.

"I'm saying the power coming from you felt the same as All Might's."

"HUH?!- I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN!!" Izuku gasped; his heartbeat was racing.

"And Kujo... You're something else entirely."


"-You managed to reach the second phase of the first round in an instant, and you swiped the ten million points when it was unquestionably around my neck..." He said, putting his arm down. "Both of you, tell me..."




"...Are you guys All Might's secret love children or something?"




Both Izuku and Jotaro stared blankly at Todoroki; his question was undeniably outlandish -- too silly to believe. "Are you serious right now?"

"Am I... What?!" Izuku was just as confused, if not more so.

"Todoroki... we-"

"Well, are you?" Todoroki asked again.

"OF COURSE NOT!!" Jotaro exclaimed, pointing at Izuku and himself in the face. "DO YOU SEE THE RESEMBLANCE?!"

"Y-yeah- that's not it at all!" Izuku agreed, sweating everywhere and starting to murmur. "But I guess even if I was, I'd totally say I wasn't, so you probably won't believe me-"

"You guys might not carry the likeness, but you're both immensely powerful."

'That doesn't even make sense...'

"A-anyway, I promise, that's not it at all!" Izuku said, trying to convince him. "Why would you even think that about us...?!"




"'That's not it at all'" is very interesting wording..." Todoroki commented, raising up an eyebrow. "It suggests there is something between you three that you're not supposed to talk about..."


"U‐Uh..." Izuku averted his gaze from Todoroki; a sad attempt to hide from the boy.

"You're making it worse by looking like that!"




"My father is the hero Endeavor," Todoroki stated, getting Izuku's attention. "You must've heard of him."

"Uh, yeah... He's the-"

"The number‐two hero; not an especially favored hero if I remember correctly."

'You have no idea,' Todoroki shut his eyes, scowling at the thought of his father. "What I'm saying is if you two are at all connected to the number‐one hero, All Might, in some way..." His eyes looked up in order to glare at Jotaro and Izuku once again.

"...That would mean I have even more reason to beat both of you."


"Uhm- It's good to see you, E-Emiko-"

"-Why are you here?" Endeavor questioned; he didn't like the fact his former lover was around, it could bring unwanted attention.

"I did because I wanted to," She replied, placing a hand on her hip and scowling. "You look terrible; as always."


All Might looked back and forth at the two; the tension was starting to get so thick that it could be cut with a knife. "Uh, do you two know each other by chance...? I'm getting a little curious!" For clarity, he didn't recall the two being acquainted with each other before.

"It has been a while, I suppose," Emiko sighed, closing her eyes. "Though, it evidently hasn't been long enough, due to this 'thing' standing before me today, stinking of pride."


"Hm?!" Endeavor's flames were rising slowly. "Watch your tongue woman!"

"Pfft, still as easily offended as always," Emiko retorted. "You don't deserve to be a hero."

All Might watched as the two argued back and forth. It wasn't hostile to the point where anyone needed to step in -not that they wanted to; for safety reasons- but it was enough to sound like an old couple having an argument. Honestly, All Might was scared to get anywhere near Emiko at the moment, especially because she was way worse when in a bad mood than her son. Fortunately, the argument eventually did simmer down, and Endeavor turned to All Might.

"I'm done here, both of you; get lost!" He growled, walking down the steps again. "Chatting like we're old friends? What a joke."

As Endeavor walked down the steps, Emiko muttered one final remark. "What a dick..."

He heard it and stopped to make one last comment of his own; she had already begun walking up the steps. "You would know, whore-"

"OI!-" Emiko turned around instantly; her eyes were glaring a crimson red at the man. "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY ABOUT ME?! HUH?!"


"HAH HAH HAH!!" All Might abruptly started to laugh, backflipping between the two.. "Come on, now! Let's all just get along, right?!"



Endeavor and Emiko growled at each other like dogs; kept away from killing one another by All Might's large and muscular body. "Uhm, please...?"

They both scoffed rudely at each other one final time before abruptly turning around to leave at the exact same time, exiting in different directions. All Might, seeing that he successfully thwarted a confrontation, let out a relieved sigh. "Aaah... I wish you both got along..."



"...After all; both your children are doing very well out there!" He said in a cheery mood; a seemingly bad judgment because it causes Endeavor to suddenly stop at the bottom of the stairs. 'Huh?!'




"What... did you say...?"


"My old man is ambitious. He aims for the top, using his power to make a name for himself as a hero. But he was never able to beat All Might, so the Symbol of Peace is living proof of his failure. He's still at it, though, trying to take down All Might; one way or another."

"I'm not really sure what you're getting at..."

"What are you trying to tell us, Todoroki?" Jotaro asked. "You're definitely leading onto something pretty personal, right?"

"I am," He admitted. "Tell me; have you ever heard of Quirk marriages?"


"Not particularly..."

"They became a problem in the first few generations after superpowers became widespread. There were those who sought out potential mates solely with the intention of creating powerful children."

"That's unfortunate..."

"It was... many people were forced into these relationships; simply viewed as old‐fashioned arranged marriages." Todoroki continued. "But, clearly, it was unethical. My father has not only a rich history of accomplishments but plenty of money to throw at his problems. He bought my mother's relatives to get his hands on her Quirk. And now he's raising me to usurp All Might."


"To surpass him?!"

"It's so annoying... I refuse to be a tool for that scumbag..." Todoroki grimaced once again before continuing. "In every memory of my mother... I only see her crying. I remember she called my left side unbearable before she poured boiling water on my face." Using his hand he placed it over the left half of his face.

Jotaro and Izuku were visibly stunned at this reveal; that blemish on his face wasn't a birthmark, it was a scar. 'His own mother?'

"The reason I picked a fight with you was to show my old man what I was capable of doing. Without having to rely on his damned fire Quirk..."

Todoroki stared at the two once again, taking his hand off his left eye. "You see, I'm going to show him that I reject his power, and I can take first place without using it."

From around a corner, Bakugo heard the whole conversation. For some reason, he sensed himself acting a little odd, feeling something that he's never felt before -- sympathy. Todoroki then began walking away, putting his hands in his pockets.

"I don't care if you can't tell me how you're connected to All Might. No matter what you two are to him, I will rise above you both with just my right side. Sorry for wasting your time."

Todoroki was now several feet away from the two, walking to the cafeteria before the last round began. Suddenly, Jotaro and Izuku went after him. "Oi, Shoto."

He stopped and looked behind, seeing two he had just left standing together about to tell him something. "Hm?"

"You drop all that on us and expect that we don't say something back?"


"That's right..." Izuku spoke, grasping his hand. "I'm only here because others have supported me. To be honest, up to this point, I've been really lucky. In fact, I've had even more help since I've come to U.A...."




"All Might is constantly saving people with a fearless smile; he's the greatest hero, and I wanna be just like him."

[You Say Run]

"But in order to do that... I have to be strong enough to become number one. My motivation might seem stupid compared to yours. But, still- I can't lose this, either. I owe it to everyone who's supported me to try my best.

Izuku then nodded to Jotaro, implying that he should be the one to finish the speech. 'Me? I stopped him for you...'

"...but then again," Jotaro muttered, smirking a little before staring at Todoroki. "You declared war on BOTH of us, Shoto."


"Keep this in mind..." Jotaro clenched his fist, preparing to make his final declaration to Todoroki.

[Stardust Crusaders Depart on a Bizarre Adventure]



Might have to make chapters 1.5k plus from now on since I got AP courses to deal with... and an English one nonetheless...

Not gonna drop tho, nosiree.


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