
JoJo x MHA: The Star

He typical person, but was forced to follow a certain life. However, one day, he dies from a truck in the suburbs. Before he died, he saved a kid from being hit by the truck, so at least he might go to heaven. The boy is in for a surprise when he instead gets reincarnated into MHA. No harems here

DryComplementary · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Quirk Apprehension Part 1


(Musutafu/Midoriya Residence, One Day Later, Night)

'Of all the places we had to go, we went here...'

The night after Jotaro opened his U.A acceptance letter, Jorine told him they were invited to have dinner with the Midoriyas since both of their families were nearby and had children that got into U.A. Jotaro immediately wanted to decline. Still, his mother was adamant about them going, and now the two were in front of the door; Jorine had already rung the doorbell.

"Let's get this over with..." Jotaro muttered.

"Don't be rude!" Jorine reprimanded with a smack. "We were invited into their home, so how some courtesy!"


After waiting a few seconds, Inko Midoriya, Izuku's mom, appeared.

"Oh, you two finally came! Come in; we have lots to eat and discuss~!"

'She seems happy - Izuku getting into U.A. must've been a pretty big deal.' Jotaro assumed. 'Even I'm a bit surprised he managed to get in, though; I guess it makes sense - he did have All Might's Quirk, after all.'

Jorine walked in first as Jotaro closed the door behind them; she went to have a talk with Inko while Jotaro took a minute to look around the apartment - taking a minute to note how clean it was. Jotaro then heard the door open again and turned to see Izuku wearing his casual clothes entering the apartment.

"Hey, dude." Jotaro greeted.

"Jotaro, you came over?!"

"Your mother invited us - did she not tell you?"

"Not really... is your mother with mine somewhere?"

"Over here, Izuku!" Inko waved from the kitchen. "We're in the kitchen!"

"Oh, okay!" Izuku replied before making a confused face. "Huh... I guess it's surprising to me since I didn't think you would leave your home on a night like this."

"Originally, that was my goal, but my mother had other plans."

"Ah... now I see..." Izuku said, disheartened, learning that Jotaro didn't come here out of his own volition.

"Don't sweat it; let's just go to the table."

The two walked over and took their seats at the table with their mothers. Inko was in a deep conversation with Jorine about both of them doing yoga together; seemingly out of nowhere for no reason, Inko decided it was an ideal time to get back in shape after all the stress eating she had done to cope with Izuku's Quirklessness - Jorine arranged to be her personal trainer since her body was already smokin' hot (it's for plot guys, I swear). Izuku and Jotaro compared their scores during the written and practical exams; Izuku was a little depressed to hear that Jotaro even beat him on the written exam. As expected, the rest night went as arranged; they ate, talked, and occasionally laughed.


(Musutafu/Midoriya Residence, One Hour Later, Night)

"Hey, Izuku!" Inko called out. "Why don't you show JoJo your room and hang out for a bit? Let the mothers talk for a little~!"

"Mhm~!" Jorine nodded; they were planning on talking about 'grown-up' things (I'm open to your imaginations - for plot reasons, of course).

"Uhm, okay?" Izuku said hesitantly, gesturing Jotaro to his room. "Just don't be too alarmed!"

"Alright then- wait, what do you mean?"

"Nothing! Just don't be alarmed!"

Jotaro knew Izuku was a diehard fanboy of All Might. Regardless, he took it to a level that Jotaro didn't think was possible - covering all parts of the room were posters, action figures, magazines, newspapers, etc. In conclusion, Izuku's collection literally included anything of All Might.

"Hah... ah..." Izuku laughed, rubbing his head ashamedly. "Please don't tell anyone..."

"So…this is…your collection, I presume?" Jotaro said hesitantly; he then cautiously looked around the room before sighing in relief. 'Thank god he didn't add the more 'suggestive' All Might additions to his collection...'

"Yup- wait, what were you just thinking of right now?!"

"NOTHING!!" Jotaro exclaimed, startling Izuku. "Ahem, by the way... here's a tip - all of this needs to be burnt or relocated to a bunker deep underground."

"HUH?! WHY?!"

"Do you want to die of embarrassment if the class has to be set up in dorms at U.A?"




"I understand my shame..."

"Good, anyway, how long did it take for you to... get all this crap?"

"HEY!! I'll let you know all this has taken years of collecting and research; just look here! These figurines show All Might's battle with Toxic Chainsaw! And this one-"

"I get it... let's just play a board game or something to pass the time," Jotaro interrupted quickly. "Actually... I'm also curious - what did you do to pass the practical, exactly?"

"WHAA?! HUH?! What makes you ask that?!"

"I find it questionable that you passed the practical with only rescue points."

Izuku started stuttering a little as usual, which answered Jotaro's suspicion that he got the quirk One For All and used it to save someone during the exam, which earned him those rescue points.

"Y'know! Nothing too out of the ordinary; I just helped someone in need!"




"Was it a girl?"

"WHA- NO!!"

"Ah, I see - a cliché moment, undoubtedly."

"Stop talking, JoJo!"


(Musutafu/Kujo Residence, One Day Later, Morning)

After last night's venture, Jotaro was getting his backpack, clothing, and hat prepared for the first day.

"Alright, mom, I'll probably be back around three," Jotaro said, placing his iconic hat on his head.

"Okay, JoJo~! Just remember to make lots of friends and thank that girl who gave you her points~!"

"Yare Yare Daze…" Jotaro muttered, leaving his home for his first day of hero high school.


(Musutafu/U.A. High School, Later)

Jotaro was now walking through a hall at U.A as he looked for his class; fortunately, students were separated based on their abilities into specific departments and courses ranging from A to K, which made it easier for Jotaro to navigate through the school.

"Class 1‐A... 1‐A…" Jotaro muttered, looking at the doors. "Hmm... ah, there-"

"-It is!" Izuku finished.

Jotaro and Izuku then looked at each other simultaneously, not expecting to see each other in the same class.




"Goddamn it..."

"Hey, JoJo! What a coincidence we are in the same class, right?!"

"Yeah... coincidence..." Jotaro muttered; he couldn't believe Izuku was being put in the same class as him. "Sigh... this door is surprisingly huge."

Izuku turned to see a large door with the classification of 1-A above; it was this big for students with mutation quirks that make them tall.

"Man, this thing is huge! Are there giants here?!"

"Maybe, this door was probably made to be accessible to everyone," Jotaro replied. "Let's go inside."

However, just as they get inside the classroom, the arguing starts. The two see Iida berating Bakugo about his feet being on the desk.

"Worst case scenario..." Jotaro mumbled. "And it happened..."

Class 1-A was made especially for misfits or unique students, so Bakugo or Iida would've likely turned up anyway. Jotaro quickly scanned the classroom to see its attendees; there were people he knew who gave him some relief - somehow, it was easier for Jotaro to cope with the class when there were people he knew. Izuku smiled in defeat as his hopes immediately died when he heard and noticed that Iida and Bakugo were in the same classroom as him.

"Take your feet off of that desk now!" Iida demanded.


"It's the first day, and you're already disrespecting this academy by scuffing school property, you cretin!"

"... You're kidding me, right?" Bakugo grinned wickedly. "Your old school put a stick up your ass? Or were you born with it?"

"Just my luck…" Izuku muttered.

"Uh‐ Let's start over..." Iida said, pushing up his glasses. "I'm Tenya Iida from the Somei Private Academy."

"'Somei,' huh? So you must be some sort of elite who thinks you're better than me!" Bakugo said deviously. "I'm gonna have fun tearin' you a new one!"

"You would threaten me?! Your classmate?!" Iida gasped. "Are you sure you're in the right place?!"

Bakugo turned his head to look at the doorway for a moment and noticed that Jotaro and Izuku were standing under it.


Iida and then the whole class turn to look at Jotaro and Izuku; their murmurs could be heard easily.

"Huh? It's them..." Iida muttered.

"Uh, hi..." Izuku said shyly.

"Hello," Jotaro said, putting his hands in his pockets.

Iida is the first to make himself known to the two. Iida, of course, wanted first and foremost to apologize for his behavior during the entrance exam to Izuku.

"Good morning! My name is Tenya Iida fro-"

"Yeah, I‐I know. I'm Izuku Midoriya! It's super nice to meet you."

"Midoriya…" Iida started, placing a firm grip on Izuku's shoulder. "You realized there was more to the practical exam, didn't you?!"

"Huh?" Izuku and Jotaro said at the same time.

"You must be very perceptive..." Iida grounded his teeth. "And I completely misjudged you, I admit! As a student, you're far superior to me!"

"Um... I-"

"Pfft!" Jotaro interrupted - the thought of Izuku being classified as 'perceptive' was very humorous. "Him?! Perceptive?! Haha! Imagine!"

"DUDE!!" Izuku exclaimed. "COME ON!! GIVE ME A CHANCE!!"

"Deku..." Bakugo said, looking angrily at Izuku.

"Sorry, I just find that hard to believe-"

"Hey! I recognize that messed‐up hair! - Falling boy!"

Izuku suddenly gasped when Uraraka arrived at the homeroom, once again unable to speak to a girl normally.

"Oh my gosh, that's the nice girl who talked to me!" Izuku said in a hushed voice to Jotaro. "She looks good in that uniform!"

"Keep your pants on, Izuku," Jotaro jested; Izuku then looked at him with a concerned gaze (refer to Anya Forger's scared moments). "What? I'm being real with you."

"That punch was amazing!" Uraraka exclaimed, making a fist and punching the air as Izuku did.

"Oh, hey, hi! Oh my gosh!" Izuku stuttered. "So... I should probably be thanking you for going in and talking to them!"

"Huh? How'd you know about that?!"

"Oh, I‐ um‐ what did I say again?!"

Two bells suddenly sounded out from the school intercom, meaning it was time for students to take their seats. Jotaro turned from the group and took his seat next to...

"Hey again!" Toru greeted. "Looks like you're sitting next to me!"

"Really? That's strange."

"Huh?! Why?!"

"Nothing, it's just that many coincidences have been going on."

"Oh! Good!" Toru sighed in relief - she really didn't want to think she made a wrong impression on him. 'That means I'm tolerable! Wait... is that even progress?'

Jotaro took his seat before looking to the front of the classroom. He saw something particular; a yellow sleeping bag in the hallway.

"Oi, Toru, what's that?" Jotaro pointed to the hallway.

"Huh?! First name basis already?!" Toru squealed. 'He took the initiative?!'

From nearby, Mina could see the dialogue and only grin at the 'progress' being made.

"What? I call everyone by their first names; it's easier that way, but let's get back to my question - what's that 'thing' in the hallway?"

"Ah! Yes! Wait... what is that..."

Jotaro turned to see the three at the front of the classroom, watching for their reaction to the moving sleeping bag behind them.

"What do you think we're doing today besides orientation?" Uraraka asked as Izuku's face began to redden; he was striking a defensive pose to keep his eyes from looking at Uraraka, who was now right in front of him. "I wonder what our teachers are like! I can't wait to meet everybody!"

"If you're just here to make friends, you can pack up your stuff now..." Said an exasperated voice from outside the classroom - Shota Aizawa.

Jotaro and the rest of the class look at where the noise came from and, like the others, see a giant caterpillar on the ground with the face of a man. The three at the front of the door started whimpering and looked scared at this weirdo outside of the class but stopped when they heard him speak again.

"Welcome to UA's hero course," Aizawa said before he pulled out a small drink that astronauts would typically consume.

'I recognize that voice... Aizawa, I think, from that video.' Jotaro recalled.

"It took eight seconds before you all shut up," Aizawa stated. "That's not gonna work... time is precious - rational students would understand that."

Aizawa then removed the sleeping bag and introduced himself to the class.

"Hello, I'm Shota Aizawa - your teacher,"

"OUR TEACHER?!" Izuku screamed.

"Quiet down, anyway, let's get to it - put these on and head outside," Aizawa said, revealing several containers with the U.A. exercise attire.

"Huh?!" Everyone exclaimed. "Right now?!"

"Let's just get this over with..." Jotaro mumbled; he hoped today was just orientation.


(Musutafu/U.A. Evaluation Area, Afternoon)

Class 1-A got on their uniforms and went outside to an area where Aizawa could evaluate their Quirks properly without damaging the surrounding school buildings. Jotaro stood next to Kirishima and Mina, noticing from the corner of his eye that Toru was looking at him.

"He looks good in that getup..." Toru expressed - distracted by Jotaro's muscles that were visible through the clothing he wore; she didn't notice Mina also watching her at the same time, sporting a significant smile.

"Mmmm~," Mina said, poking fun at Toru. "What was that, Toru~?"

Toru, in reaction, put her hands defensively in front of her. "Nothing! Nothing at all!"

Mina, realizing that Toru was trying to hide what she said, made a toothy grin and whispered something at her, causing Toru to begin a 'hummingbird' motion with her arms; Jotaro, however, didn't understand what got Toru all riled up.

'I wonder what's got her distressed.' Jotaro remarked.

Meanwhile, Aizawa went in front of the class to explain why he brought the class outside. "We will be doing a Quirk assessment test."

Everyone, of course, became surprised at this unexpected announcement. "What?! A Quirk assessment test?!"

Uraraka then approached Aizawa slowly, her arms to her chest. "But orientation! We're gonna miss it!" Uraraka said concerningly.

"If you really wanna make the big leagues, you can't waste time on pointless ceremonies," Aizawa replied, causing the class the gasp in response. "Here at U.A, we're not tethered to traditions; It's known for its 'freestyle' education system, which applies to us teachers as well, so we get to choose how you kids get taught."

Jotaro frowned and looked at the ground in low spirits. 'There goes my free time...'

"For today, I have decided you will all be doing several standardized tests that were performed by you all in high school without your quirks: softball throwing, the standing long jump, the 50-meter dash, endurance running, side-to-side step training, upper body training, and seated toe touch," Aizawa explained. "As you all can assume, you will be allowed to use your quirks on all these."

Aizawa then turned to Bakugo for him to make an example for the class. "Bakugo, you managed to get second place from only fighting villains on the entrance exam," Aizawa remarked, causing Bakugo to grit his teeth. "What was your farthest distance throw with a softball when in junior high?"

"Sixty‐seven meters, I think."

"Right - now try doing it with your Quirk," Aizawa instructed, tossing Bakugo a ball. "Anything goes; just stay in the circle."

"Heh... all right, man, you asked for it," Bakugo said with a toothy grin, planning on showing off as usual.

Bakugo then pulled back his arm with the ball in it, getting ready to blow the ball away. "DIE!" Bakugo yelled.

Once Bakugo got into his stance and yelled his battlecry, he threw the ball using his Quirk, sending it flying through the sky with a loud boom and causing a commotion among his class members. The ball kept going with a 'swoosh' through the air as it flew away. Many appeared to be in astonishment yet fearful of Bakugo's power, relaying this feeling with gasps and wide-eyed stares.

"Oh, whoa..." Izuku said as he deadpanned; he was terrified at the lengths he would have to go to surpass his childhood 'friend.'

"All of you need to know your maximum capabilities... it's the most rational way of figuring out your potential as a pro hero." Aizawa stated, showing a device that measured how far a person threw the ball - it currently reads 705.2 meters. "The country still prohibits the usage of quirks when calculating the averaging of records I listed earlier; it's not rational, it's just lazy."

The class started to get excited - using their Quirks as much as they wanted to were a dream come true for them; they commented with each other about how fun the school would be if this were the case. However, Aizawa's following statements helped them face the reality of the day's evaluation.

"You have three years to become a hero, and you think it's all gonna be games and playtime?" Aizawa grinned madly at their comments. "Idiots, today you'll compete in eight physical tests to gauge your potential; whoever comes in last has none and will be expelled immediately."

"Huh!?" Everyone exclaimed fearfully; Jotaro didn't expect teachers at U.A. to be this harsh; it was a shocking moment for him.

'Expelled?' Jotaro smiled a little. 'This sounds like a challenge!'

Jotaro then looked over and saw All Might watching over Izuku from behind a corner - it was creepy for him, to say the least. 'That grin is terrifying...!'

"As I said, I get to decide how this class runs, do you understand? If that's a problem, you can head home right now!" Aizawa exclaimed, slowly moving his head up to reveal an insane countenance.

"You can't send one of us home! I mean, we just got here!" Uraraka exclaimed. "Even if it wasn't the first day, that isn't fair!"

"Oh, and you think natural disasters are? Or power‐hungry villains? Hmm? Or catastrophic accidents that wipe out whole cities?" Aizawa retorted, causing everyone to gasp in the realization of what he was getting at. "No, the world is full of unfairness, which means it's a hero's job to try to combat that unfairness; if you wanna be a pro, you're gonna have to push yourself to the brink because, for the next three years, U.A. will throw one terrible hardship after another at you."

Aizawa pulled out his hand and pointed upwards to the sky - a small smile then appeared on his face.

"That is what Plus Ultra is, so show me it's no mistake that you're here."

Everyone looked at each other - finally realizing that this school would be a lot harder than they initially thought it was. Nevertheless, Jotaro could feel the determination and motivation that Aizawa brought forth to the class. He wasn't going to deny it - he was starting to get a little pumped up too.

"Now then... we're just wasting time by talking at this point - let the games begin."


-50 Meter Dash-

It was Jotaro's turn to do the fifty-meter dash; he looked to his side to see that he was paired with some red-haired kid - Ejiro Kirishima.

"Runners, on your marks! Ready‐" Announced the measuring robot before a gunshot was heard, signifying that it was time to start. "BEGIN!!"

Jotaro immediately used his Stand to rush forward to the end of the line. Jotaro realized he went a little too fast when he noticed that he somehow got past the finish line by at least two meters.

"Jotaro Kujo - 2.21 seconds." The measuring robot announced. "Ejiro Kirishima - 5.50 seconds."

Everyone gasped in shock and looked at Jotaro; he returned their stares with a shrug. "What...?"

"Holy crap, dude! You beat even Iida! And his Quirk is all about speed!" Kirishima exclaimed.

Jotaro turned to look at Iida, who appeared somewhat defeated since his entire Quirk's purpose had been shattered by his score.

"Well... I'm all about strength, so I'm not sure I can get any faster than I am now." Jotaro replied, trying to give Iida some hope.

Jotaro was partially truthful in his claim; he couldn't get faster with Star Platinum by training; it probably needed some sort of powerup or something (totally not foreshadowing anything).

"Huh...?" Iida interjected; his eyes perked up from the small ray of hope he had been given. 'Wait... this means I have a chance to be the fastest in the class one day!'

'Good Grief... maybe giving him some confidence was a bad idea.' Jotaro thought after seeing Iida's fist pump the air.

Mina, to the side, was hitting Toru's shoulder to get her attention before telling her a 'joke.'

Toru blushed profusely when she heard it and turned at Mina immediately. "MINA!!"

"I mean, he's pretty fast! Could mean his stamina is too~!"



-Grip Test-

A loud crack was heard in the testing area; Shoji was the first to look - he was perplexed to see someone had beaten him in the grip test when he had extra arms to help him get first place. Jotaro, of course, was the one who broke it. In fact, he didn't even try hard and cracked it to pieces instantly. Everyone looked at him, and he just shrugged again in response.

"Did I do something wrong...?"


-Long Jump-

Jotaro looked to the end of the sand pit and saw that it wasn't even close to what he did for training at home since he usually had to jump between buildings at least a couple of blocks away.

"Go when ready," Aizawa muttered.

"Alright then..." Jotaro replied. 'Okay... I don't think a running start is a good idea; let's just take this slow and steady.'

Jotaro then combined his legs with Star Platinum and jumped from his starting spot. Then, in a few seconds, he leaped beyond the target line that could be measured, and everyone stared at him as if on cue.

"I gotta work on restraint at some point..." Jotaro muttered; his Stand looked at him almost apologetically. "Actually... I think you're the one who needs some restrain training, buddy."

"... Ora..."


-Side Steps-

Mineta, who seemed to have the most reasonable chance of getting the highest score in the class, was seething in fury because he had just been defeated in the one evaluation he could've excelled in. Jotaro was like a blur during his turn, and everyone - this time - could see it coming.

"Ugh..." Aizawa mumbled. "At least try to let me be able to record it..."


-Ball Throw-

The rest of the tests went by quickly - now it was time for the ball throw.

Jotaro looked to see he was right before Izuku's turn, staring at the ball in his right hand for a minute.

'I'm deadass going to break this thing...' Jotaro believed. "Here we go..."

Aizawa took out his measuring device and nodded to Jotaro. "Whenever you're ready..." Aizawa said for the millionth time.

"You know..." Mina began. "Maybe this time things will be different? There's no way he gets higher than Uraraka's score, right?"

"Sigh..." Fumikage said, looking melancholy. "Let's just see what happens..."

[Party of Stardust]

"OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHH!!" Star Platinum inhaled.

Jotaro and Star Platinum gripped the ball tightly and prepared to throw it as hard as they could; Jotaro couldn't care about the effort he put into the evaluation anymore.

"ORRRRIYAHHH!" Star Platinum and Jotaro cried as they threw the ball out of the training grounds.

The ball kicked up the wind a little and sounded like a bullet was just fired; Jotaro only watches on as the ball is thrown out of sight. The class and Aizawa waited for several minutes, but nothing dropped from the sky; Jotaro knew he threw it a little too hard...

"It's probably in orbit at this point," Jotaro remarked plainly. "No use measuring it anymore."

"ORBIT?!" The class yelled.

Aizawa then showed the measuring device - it had an infinity symbol. "Immeasurable height."

"Whoa! He got tied up with Uraraka!" Exclaimed a tape-armed student - Hanta Sero.

"I know, right? I didn't expect anyone to tie her score…" Added a yellow-haired student with a black lightning symbol on the left side of his fringe - Denki Kaminari.

"That's incredible!" Mina exclaimed.

"Good job!" Toru praised.

Aizawa then resets the measuring device before turning to Izuku. "Alright... Midoriya, your turn."

Jotaro turned to watch Izuku's turn; he was curious to see One For All for the first time in action, but when Izuku threw his ball...

"Forty‐six meters." Announced the measuring device.

"What?!" Jotaro remarked. 'Was it a dud?'

"Uh...?! What gives?! I was trying to use it just now...!"

"I erased your Quirk." Aizawa proclaims. "The judges for this exam were not rational enough; someone like you should never be allowed to enroll at this school."

"Wait, you did what to my‐ ah! Those goggles- I know you!" Izuku exclaimed. "You can look at someone and cancel out their powers, which means you're the 'Erasure Hero' - Eraser Head!"

Everyone became confused about who Izuku just said Aizawa was until a frog-looking girl -Tsuyu Asui - gave them a hint.

"Eraser? Who's that?" Sero asked curiously.

"Oh, I've heard of him - I think he works on the down‐low." Tsuyu remarked.

"Tell me - were you planning to break your bones again?" Aizawa questioned angrily. "Counting on someone else to save your useless body?"

"No! That's not what I was trying to do!"

"No matter what your intentions are, you would be nothing more than a liability in battle," Aizawa remarked, causing the class to gasp. "You have the same reckless passion as another overzealous hero I know."

'That sounds right.' Jotaro acknowledged. 'Wait... could Izuku be All Might's love child by chance...?'

"One who saved 1,000 people by himself and became a legend but even with that drive, you're worthless if you can only throw a single punch before breaking down." Aizawa continued. "Sorry, Midoriya, but with your power, there's no way you can become a hero."

Everyone looked at Izuku in shock - how would he handle his current predicament? Jotaro knew Izuku had to use his Quirk to at least get a decent score, or else he's getting expelled - no contest.

"I've returned your impractical Quirk," Aizawa said, deactivating his own Quirk on Izuku. "Take your final throw - hurry and get it over with."

"Hm…" Izuku mumbled; Jotaro watched closely, predicting that Izuku thought what Aizawa said was some kind of advice.

[You Say Run]

The class, watching closely, saw Izuku go for another throw; however, he used his finger to launch the ball into the air this time. Jotaro widened his eyes at this display. 'Instead of placing all the power into his arm, he focuses it all on his pointer finger...' Jotaro commented.

All Might and Aizawa watched in interest as they saw Izuku makes his final throw; Aizawa assumed Izuku was going to mess up and again and slowly activated his Quirk, right until...


The power of the throw was so intense that some wind kicked up, and dust flew around everyone. Even the sound was so incredible that the class had to step back in response, awestruck at the ball that was just thrown into the sky by Izuku. All Might couldn't believe what he was seeing, but it could be assumed that he was incredibly proud of his successor. Aizawa then showed the score, which read 705.3 meters - a .1 margin that beat Bakugo's score.

"Mr. Aizawa," Izuku said with a wide smile at Aizawa. "You see?! I'm still standing, and I can still move!"

"This kid…" Aizawa grinned; Jotaro, from nearby, had a blank expression on his face.

"... has lost his marbles..."


remake done and done


revision in this chapter is done

DryComplementarycreators' thoughts