
Jojo System in RWBY

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s) A Jojo fan somehow got transmigrated into another world more specifcally into the world of RWBY. Huntsman, Huntresses, Grimm, Faunus, White Fang, and terrorist organization all over the planet of Remnant and with him the Jojo Bizarre System... He will Ora Ora or Muda Muda his way throught whatever comes... even if the MC doesn't know the plot of the show as he never seen RWBY before. "Yare yare daze."

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 1: Transmigrated…?

~??? POV~





Finally waking up in the morning I open my eyes to see…. Not my apartment room?


Getting up I focus my vision a bit more as I view my surroundings. From what I saw it seems to me that a Japanese-style room from the looks of things just that my bed looks normal…

But last I checked this isn't my room that's for sure last time I was rewatching some Jojo Bizarre Adventure to pass the time for my work despite being a young man but… Huh?

Glancing at the mirror I look at myself mirror to see a very young man possibly a teen I take a good look at myself as I spoke curiously, "Ok have generic white hair, purple eye color, and plain black shirt… yup I'm pretty much got transmigrated… with only general language no memories of this poor guy memory… great."

Shaking my head at this I need to think calmly about this I took in a deep breath as I try to examine the situation I have myself in. Ok, recheck if I know the language that's good since that's important for people to understand each other.

That and… no that's about it…

You know one would think when you transmigrate into a body one would be getting the best memories of their bodies, I only got language. That could be a problem as I need the information to survive.

However, going by the looks of the room I seem to be a citizen of sorts but the muscles I have seemed to indicate I'm a worker. Maybe a lower- or middle-class citizen if such systems are in place?


There is so much I'm lacking to start with here… time to go see what the locals are going on about to gather some information. Better to collect info and be nice however, finding the right people who know me is best.

Grabbing or looking around I happen to find some kind of… switch controller?

The fuck do I need this though?

Curiosity getting the better of me I got hold of it as I began to tamper around with the switch controller I began to tamper around with it till I clicked the yellow button, "Whoa! Now, this I didn't know what… whatever this thing is but it looks like an iPhone perhaps?"

And I wasn't kidding around either it seems to me it looks like a phone from my world is it the equivalent in this one?

Pressing on some buttons on the holographic screen I see that there is something I recognize as a signal bar I sigh in relief as I began to tamper around with some relief in my voice, "Whew… thank goodness something like this exist. But this is highly advanced something I'm not used to… now then how about searching around to see what I can understand about this… new world?"

Well after spending some time researching some of this world has to offer I began to check what the hell this is or rather called a Scroll to get a better understanding of what it is?

The Scroll is more advanced in some ways than contemporary handheld devices. Visibly, they are nothing more than a translucent, touch-sensitive panel between two solid end grips; the interlocking design of these grips allows the unit to be collapsible, much like a scroll of paper, hence the name.

Each Scroll has a yellow, diamond-shaped button in its center when the device is in its closed state. The user presses this button to unlock the two grips and deploy the screen. This button also flashes when the Scroll gives an audible alert, such as when a new message has been received.

Scrolls appear to come in two different sizes. Small Scrolls can deploy to be approximately the size of a smartphone, while large Scrolls can deploy to be the size of a medium-sized tablet. It appears that the size of a Scroll's screen is adjustable by how far apart the user pulls the grips. Scrolls can be opened horizontally or vertically, though it appears that the widely preferred orientation is horizontal for large Scrolls and vertical for small Scrolls.

Scrolls have a range of sensory and interfacing functions, such as relaying information from surveillance devices in real-time and monitoring the Aura levels of multiple people at once. Several icons at the top right of the display hint at Internet-style browsing functions, such as Home, Search, and Mail. There are also folder icons, indicating that the device can be used to store data.

The 'mail' function has been shown to access voice messages as well as display short text-only messages, similar to the real-world SMS system. Scrolls can also be used as methods of identification and as mobile data storage devices.

The device can transmit and receive data both through a port on the bottom, as well as through direct contact and act as an ID card here in this world…

They can also come in different colors, but the thing that caught my attention was it said it uses something called Dust, Aura, and CCT?

There is a lot to digest from this and the better question is how I even got here?

I know for a fact I was normally alive when I went to bed but somehow, I'm here in a new body like those… would this be counted as isekai animes then? Or is it something else instead?


In the case here I'm in someone else body who I have no idea if they are asleep or dead…


Alarmed quickly by this I move my head around to hear where that beeping sound came from as I see a screen in front of me…

[Ding! Connecting… 20%... 57%... 89%... 100%! Connection Established!]

Oh my god!

It's a System!

[Hello Host, I am the JoJo Bizarre Adventure System!]

Glancing at the system here I began to mess around with it to see what it has to which is something… bizarre alright.

I was personally looking at what seemed to be some kind of screen in front of me as I couldn't help but observe with some hesitation in my eyes as I eye what happen exactly or what the system offers exactly?

[Host: Soul Silver

Semblance: (Locked)

Stand: None

Lien: 500

Missions: (Locked)

Sub-Missions: (Locked)

Ultimate Challenge: (Locked)

Spare Stands: None]

The fuck?

My eyes narrow at the screen and looking at my name is Soul Silver? That seems rather dumb name-calling or is it a thing in this world?

Good grief I hope it's not the case.

But another term I don't recognize is where it says Semblance? What the hell is a Semblance anyway? The general definition of one is the outward appearance or apparent form of something, especially when the reality is different.

Nah… that sounds too easy to be the case.

Shaking my head at this I began to see I can get stands but the system won't explain much something must happen for them to be unlocked seeing the screen like this.

Sighing out loud I merely pack my things in person as I began to go outside my room it seems as I then see an open bright sun as I view my surroundings, "Whoa… so this is what it looks like and judging from the area it seems that I'm in a village. It looks like they are being constructed it seems?"

The town is bright and colorful and filled with simply raised houses. It had a canal running through it and it was surrounded by a wall. It had the main avenue leading from the entrance to the main square. The center of the city features an open area with a large cherry blossom tree where merchants set a small marketplace.

There were also many stores situated in that area it seems from a glance. The city is filled with potted plants, bushes, and the canal had lotus flowers. While the city appears to be built by and for wealthy settlers around these parts but also looking around some poor people are living here as well…


Judging from the situation it seems to me not everything as it always seems to be…

If people have the effort to be wealthy or poor means, there is a system in place but what kind is it more medieval with Kingdoms? Or is it perhaps more modern? Or worse some backwater savage rules eww…

Now those are some real concerns but also what is happening in some parts of the world and for the fact of the matter what kind of dangers that lie in this world.

But from the people looking at me, they seem to not care some glare at me for one reason or another? It seems to be the guy I'm inhabiting like a parasite seems to be someone not well-liked by many or not carried a lot for…

However, what does get my attention right away are some of the people here buy some animal parts ears, eyes, tails, etc.


For now, though I should concern myself with figuring where exactly am I at as I recall from what my Scroll called it was something equivalent to money here Lien. Taking out the said Lien from my pocket I could laugh a bit of this, "Heh. I guess these cards act like credit cards in this world now that's something to be familiar with. Now if I only know how to properly use it or know its exact amount is the question?"

Lien currency takes the form of a plastic card with a black magnetic reader strip on the back and a small notation on the front. Several different colors of lien are seen, including turquoise, pink, yellow, and blue.

The Lien symbol is an L crossed with two horizontal lines Ⱡ, which kind of looks very similar to some of my real-world currencies such as the Yen and Euros.

Going around the village I can see some odd faces but I'll choose to ignore them for now as I need time to think how what is it exactly? Chinese or Japanese clothing is compared to Earth… but unique I guess?

However, their different colored hair and eyes are are an indicator for sure that I'm in some kind of anime or manga-based world maybe? Sigh… lacking any answers without any sure-fire ways to know more.

Judging from the people's glances it seems to me that they are giving off weird vibes perhaps?


That was when I heard the System speak quietly to myself as I began to read what it says?

[Ding! You have unlocked a Mission!

Missions will be given to you in a real-life depending on the situation at hand or you are given sub-missions from people of Remnant! The Mission or Sub-Mission will often give you unique and powerful rewards to help you along!]

[Mission: Help Nora Valkyrie

Description: Help out the young Nora Valkyrie by paying for the bread she stole from the bakery as she is someone from the poor refuge group in the area.

Rewards: [Harvest], 200 Lien, and Pistol.]

Help out Nora Valkyrie?

Well, I'm not going to argue if it's to help… a girl, right? I mean I don't mean to judge but if the wording or names is different, I apologize but getting [Harvest] would be a great boon early on with its abilities.

Now then I just have to find out who this Nora Valkyrie person is exactly?


A/N: Alright everyone here's a rewrite of the story and chapter along with some new features to the Jojo System. Sorry if people don't like it or not but the MC Jade doesn't know shit about RWBY but knows a lot about JBA also thank you for the idea of having slots for stands as the MC will get with more missions he does.