
JoJo's Bizzare Adventure:Damp Wind

Young James Hgashikata Himslefe between A Conflict between ancient people and humans,while trying to find his father . . . .

Josuke_Hagashikata · Anime & Comics
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1 Chs

CH1:"The Shadow Man" ----------------------■▪︎☆▪︎■---------------------------

It was thursday afternoon, 2:34pm 1980 .James Hagashikata, a young man 16;was walking home from hight school.He lived in a small town called morioh.Quite the peacful place He lived alone with his mother.He stayed to himselfe mostly.No friends.

He walked down the jaged roadwith, book bag in hand,He felt to lazy to wear it."It ways down my shoulders"Hes says.As he walked past the colorful houses he noticed the shadow of a man walking close behind him.He turned around to check him,He was greeted to nothing but a cold wind blowing on his neck.He found it odd that the SHADOW was still there, despit there being no one there.He started for a while."This can't be right"He said rubing his chin.He decided to keep walking.The shadow followed."This damn thing is following me!"Suddonly the shadow of a man pulled out a pocket knife."Uh oh" James thought.He rushes acrossed the road only to still be followed . . . . . .


USER:James Hagashikata







James soon felt a sharp pain in his leg.He looked down to see a slit in his leg.A shalow cut along his leg, about 4 cm long."WHAT! HOW CAN THIS BE?"The shadow Still followed him with knife in hand stained with blood."It could not have been the shadow that attacked me could it?There was nobody els in sight.He went a diffrent way then the other students whent.Not even Cars along the road could witness what was happening.The shadow man swung his arm to slash James.James quickly moved to the side.He still recived a cut!"GAHHH . . . DAMN IT".This cut was deeper than the other one.

Jamea stoped runing to examin the shadow.The shadow swiped again.The knife did not touch James body,it collided with james shadow and peirced the place the shadow had hit."GHHHHSHH . . .I-I get it now,your attacking my shadow eh?"The shadow swiped again,James ran into area with a roof.The shadow swung and nothing happend."You cant get me in the shade can you?"A rip opened in his uniform and a cut was revealed."GRRAH WHAT?!?"The stand had some how attacked him,he thought.The area he had used was the front of a black house.A man closed the door after the cut was given.James looked at the door giving no attention to the Shadow.The man had a shiny object in hand.Just then The Man re-opened the door to cut James But as he flinched, a Trasparent hand reaches out and grabed the mans arm,The hand pushed the man into the door breaking it in the process.The Shadiw behind him faded.James was in shock."What was that . . . was that.A hand came out from behind me . . . . ".The hand dissapered as quick as it had appered.James ran into the house to see the face of the attacker.He appred to look like the avrage white male.with abeared and glasses.He had been cut and bruised from being flung into a glass table and stand with cups of green colored some drink.The Man struggled to get up."Stay down unless you want to go through that wall behind you".He said hoping that if things got dicey that hand would save him once more.The man bleed from his mouth and struggled to speak."Damn you fucking brat!"."Who are you and why did you try to hurt me?" said James."I am rajin weegar and I-I attcked you Because . . . I was hired by the 'White Lotus' . . ."

He passed out from blood loss."The 'White Lotus' hmmmm . . . . . My mother told me about them,Maybe I can get answers from her.And on the way maybe I can try and Trigger that Arm again".He still wondered How the shadow was attacking him,amd what it was.James left the house,steping over the glass and other items.He whiped his cuts and walked home.He lookes behind him to check for the shadow,But it was nowhere to be found.


USER:Rijin Wageer





