
The Strange Visitor


If he were to dedicate his life to this power he had... this.. 'Arcana'... then he would have to be prepared to make some sacrifices. Practicing such supernatural power could only be done in private or with those one trusts greatly. This was not it.

'But to live a life of solitude and privacy... where would I even get started? Everything one needs to live is linked to some aspect society and therefore, people.'

Walking back with an aching right arm, the sight of a large woman came into sight. 'Ugh, this lady, why did they even sign up to work with the orphanage, she clearly doesn't care. Does she get some sort of benefits from this?'

"There you are Gianni! If your going to get lost in the forest behind our house and start screaming, you might as well just stay your room! The neighbors are probably going to come looking for me now!"

Gianni seemed to comply as he slowly walked back to his small room, but his mind was somewhere else. 'That's right.. a forest... I could just stay in the wilderness! It just has to be public property and large enough. I can imagine myself already... once sufficient control over Arcana had been achieved..... running around in the wild far faster than any car, each step sending rumbles through the earth. Spotting a wild deer at a distance further than any eagle can see, a quick motion of the hand sends a rock faster than a bullet, which drops the deer dead.'

Gianni's eyes were almost shining as his imagination ran wild. Reaching his room, his imagination slowly slowed down as he focused on the mechanics of 'Arcana'. That name... he certainly didn't name it that, right? It had just come to him, as if it was only natural that it was called so. Such a name... Arcana...'

'Arcana is derived from the word Arcane, right? Arcane relates to magic, I think. You know what, actually? I think these are actual words and I'm just giving them fantasy definitions. Such a name though makes me think of magic... but this seems to be a sort of body strengthening.' However... I just can't stop thinking of magic!

'Alright, lets do this again. I need to test this even further. First, I will try to control how much energy I am pouring into certain body parts.'

Focusing his mind and focus into his body, Gianni was saw that his extra energy granted by Arcana was still there. 'Such energy needs an official name. From now I will name the energy drawn from Arcana, "Natural Energy", as it seems to come from the world itself.'

Guiding small amounts of Natural Energy into his right arm, while trying to train control, Gianni found that his still immensely tired and painful limb started to feel better right away. Every second that passed, he found his pain slowly fading away, and his overall feeling over that arm got better.

'Natural Energy helps recovery!?'

'Such an ability is already god-like! It's hardly been two minutes and my right arm feels good as new! Even if I can't heal others... I remember I read this manga once, where using the bodies feature where recovering torn muscle fibers makes them stronger than before, they used healing magic to over-train themselves multiple times a day, where after exhaustion they recovered themselves, and repeating the process. I could copy that!'

Gianni let go over his control of the Natural Energy he had put into his arm, expecting it to disperse into the atmosphere. However, it had actually stayed inside his arm, still fully affecting it.

'Aha! My first discovery. I had originally thought that Natural Energy is stored in the blood, but clearly it can be stored everywhere! As it's affecting my arm just by being there, then it's affecting my blood too, right? I wonder what sort of affect it has...'

"Arcana!" 'I'm going to gather more energy, and send it directly into certain body parts! Gathering energy, Gianni tried to make the natural energy enter from the outside directly into his arms, but it didn't work. The energy seemed to stop when it tried to enter his arm from the outside, but when trying to enter his blood in his arm, it worked.

'So, I've read these chinese novels, xianxia and the such.... would this be cultivation then? But... there is a limit to the amount of natural energy certain body part can hold. Can I break through the limits somehow?

'In addition, whenever I gather natural energy, these bright stars start to appear and rotate around me. What are they? I already made sure, and no one else but me can see them...'

'Well, no matter. I have already made plenty of discoveries. My first order of business will be to completely fill my body with natural energy.'


About a week later...

Whenever Gianni has any sort of spare time, he gathers as much natural energy as he can into every body part. It was a repetitive and time-consuming process of accepting energy into the blood, and then assimilating it into the rest of his body. He stops when the amount of natural energy that part feels most conformable. He could put more, but anymore would only injure his body. 'Perhaps', Gianni thought, 'If I exercise and get strong muscles and endurance, using this healing ability, I could handle even more natural energy.'

Gianni was mostly done putting natural energy into him. Just a few parts were missing, the brain, the upper part of his head, ect.

At this moment, he heard something from outside his window. 'What?' Gianni thought, 'could this be a robber? After putting natural energy in my ears, my hearing sense has increased, those are clearly human sounds on the wall!'

Then, after a large 'THUMP!', a man jumped through the window, or rather, a teen of 17. Looking at him, Gianni was in shock! It was Tanner from Maple Town! He had been a grade higher than him in school before the incident, although they did not know each other well.

"Tanner!" Gianni was shocked, and at the same time, cautious. After all, any clown that breaks into someones home is at the very minimum suspicious.

"I've come looking for you... Gianni, with a proposal."

"NO! I'm not gay!"

I changed peoples names to make them better to read

KarmicNatzcreators' thoughts