
Joining Blackbeard as his Vice Captain

Translation of a Chinese Novel

SuperDuperSage · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

#42 Hancock's reaction

The sudden surge of powerful energy instantly put the Kuja Pirates' warriors on high alert as they boarded the ship with their Empress.

Swords were drawn, and bows were fully drawn, ready to attack. They aimed at the passage connecting the foredeck to the aft deck.

"Zehahaha, Carlo, it seems they don't take us seriously!"

"Who could blame them? Where's the justice in that?"

The mocking voices of Blackbeard and Carlo echoed from the connecting passage. They showed no fear as they casually approached the Kuja Pirates.

After all, this was their territory. How could outsiders dare to act tough here?

"Don't... don't attack!"

"Stand down!"

At that moment, Hancock forced herself to stand, using the wall for support, and commanded her subordinates.

Clearly, she hadn't recovered from what she had witnessed earlier. She trembled even more violently now, her face flushed—not from embarrassment, but from realizing that the ship's owners, the ones who had kidnapped the Celestial Dragon, were back.

"Yes, Empress!"

The dozen female warriors responded in high-pitched voices, then sheathed their swords and lowered their bows in unison, showing their well-trained discipline.

"Seems like they're reasonable."

"Pirate Empress, Boa Hancock, what brings you to our ship?"

Carlo and Blackbeard emerged from the passage to the aft deck, finding Hancock, one of the Warlords of the Sea.

Seeing the opened room and Hancock's state, Carlo immediately understood what had happened. But Hancock's dazed demeanor puzzled Blackbeard. She didn't seem to be here to cause trouble.

Could it be she wasn't here under orders from the World Government to capture them and rescue the Celestial Dragon?

"What... what is going on...?"

Hancock's trembling finger pointed towards the livestock quarters as she asked, struggling to appear composed. But her effort was futile; even Lafitte and the others noticed something was off.

"Zehahaha, Carlo here was annoyed by this Celestial Dragon pig, so we brought him over. Simple as that. Got a problem with that?"

Realizing Hancock had no hostile intentions, Blackbeard relaxed and boldly explained. He didn't mention the extortion part, though.

With a smirk, Carlo added, "Yeah, this piece of trash dared to order me to kneel. What else could he expect? If we hadn't needed him for our plans, he'd be dead by now. Lucky you get to see him alive."


Hancock gasped, her face filled with disbelief, her eyes wide in shock. The reason was so simple? A Celestial Dragon angered them, so they kidnapped him and treated him like livestock?

Even worse than livestock?!

Hancock's mind raced. This scene was eerily familiar. In the past, it was always the Celestial Dragons treating others like this. Now the roles were reversed.

What kind of audacity did it take to treat a Celestial Dragon with their own methods, but even more cruelly?

She could never have imagined such a scenario. Proud as she was, since escaping Mariejois, just hearing the words "Celestial Dragon" filled her with paralyzing fear.

But now, right before her eyes, this young pirate had done the unthinkable.

"But... it's a Celestial Dragon!"

"I've never seen anyone dare to do this to a Celestial Dragon!"

Hancock stared at Carlo in shock, her expression stiff. She was completely overwhelmed, barely able to process what was happening.

"Is that so?"

Carlo raised an eyebrow, sneering toward the livestock quarters, and loudly declared, "Isn't he locked up like a dead pig?"

"Celestial Dragons? They're nothing special!"

"If you have enough strength and guts, these scum are just pigs to you, kill them at will!"

"In my eyes, even livestock are more respectable than them!"

Carlo's words echoed through the ship.

Not only Hancock and her sisters but even Lafitte and the new crew members behind Carlo and Blackbeard were stunned.

They couldn't believe their second-in-command was this fearless. Kidnapping and extorting a Celestial Dragon was one thing, but killing one?!


Inside the livestock quarters, Larcher trembled uncontrollably, clutching his bubble helmet in the corner, too terrified to make a sound.

"No, no way..."

"No one dares to kill a Celestial Dragon!"