
John Allerdyce


Cursed_sin · Movies
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(A/N: Timeline is fcked, ogay.)


(Pyro's POV)

'A new girl joined our little circus.'

I turned around to watch as the new girl started introducing herself to Kitty and Jubilee.

'Little girl probably hasn't seen enough of the world. I guess I could show her, the difference between the blessed and the best.'

Flicking my lighter, I hold a ball of fire conjured from its flame and present it behind my back. I smirk as I wait to here her reaction.

Professor Storm wouldn't notice, right?

Nah of course n- COLD!

"What the- "


My glorious flames crash into the floor boards and shatter.



"John!" and of course she saw what happened.

I ignore her for a sec only to see the new girl and Bobby whispering amongst themselves as he smirks at my plight .

"John Allerdyce the use of powers is not tolerated during class. I think you should go have a word with The Professor about that reckless attitude of yours. NOW!", She snapped as the whole class turned silent except for a few giggles.

I let out a huff and carry my bag out of class but not before throwing a glare at Bobby, which of course he doesn't even notice with his eyes practically glued to the new girl's face.

"Fcking Bobby…"

* * *

I slowly walk along the corridors not minding my slow pace. Already gonna be punished anyways, might as well be thorough with it .

*flick* *flick*

I continue to flick my lighter open and close, open and close. It's therapeutic. Helps me calm down and to not impulsively roast random insects in my way.

I pause and hover a flame above my palm watching it dance quietly, not bothering to flaunt its superiority except through an almost unnoticeable dull glow.

Looks just like me.

"Man if only I could become the lighter. BOOM BOOM- Bobby and his little froyo X gene all up in flames…heh that'd be aweso-"

All of a sudden the space around me start to distort. My body froze in place. My eyes were stuck wide open, looking through the distortion, with my vision traveling the fabric of time and space…is that me!?

I crumple to the ground as the supernatural vice loosen its grasp on my mortal body.

Anger. Frustration. Resignation.

The emotions that started to grow within me became uncontrollable as I felt these foreign-yet-not emotions wash over me. Memories began to surface. Images of the past, present and future started to engrave itself within my being. It showed me one absolute fact:

Another me existed.

Exactly as pathetic as me.

The multiverse was real. Of course it was. Or how else would I explain what just happened to me there. I groan as I slowly pull myself up.


I have to change. Change something. Cause if I continue on this cursed path of ignorance and arrogance then…I'd just be repeating myself, wouldn't I?

I half smile in self mockery. Time to leave preschool. And of course the first step to dropping out is informing your principal/headmaster. But I'd have to be using Bobby's fucking brain to think if I for even one second thought meeting him now would be a good idea.

And with that I had already decided.


(Third Person's POV)

"Hank. John should've returned by now. Even if he needed to blow off some steam I doubt it'd take him a whole day and night.", Charles Xavier more commonly known as the Professor to his students, could be seen sitting in his wheelchair as he rolled his way down a spotless hallway leading to the Cerebro with Hank guiding his chair.

"Well Pyro has always been a bit…hmm volatile? I heard he got caught using his powers in class again. Heard he was trying to impress Rogue.", Hank carelessly replied as he straightened his specs with one hand. Honestly Hank couldn't care less for a rebellious outburst like this. But the Professor called, and so he answered.

"Nonetheless we must ensure his safety especially with the recent kidnappings and disappearances of mutants.", Charles and Hank remained silent after and focused on Cerebro. With a bit of help from Hank, Charles was ready to go.

With the help of Cerebro, Charles began to look for Pyro. But as time passed, Charles had to widen his search. After an hour of scouring, the Professor suddenly stopped.

"I can't find him, Hank. He's…gone", the Professor replied confused a somewhat worried.

"What!? What do you mean he's gone! Even if someone kidnapped him, we would still be able to find him.", Hank was now truly worried. It wasn't the fact that Pyro had gone missing that was really scaring him but that a mutant associated with their institute and had seemingly vanished under their watch.

"There can only be one reason why I can't pick up his signal through Cerebro…"

"No…you mean…"

"Yes he's dead."


"WHOOO! YEAHH! Damn do I feel good!", Pyro could be seen dancing in the sand as two balls of flame flew around him. The miles and miles of sand stretching for as far as the eye could see was enough to tell us where he was.

A desert.

The logic was simple. Pyro controls fire. Fire generates heat. Heat with all the right conditions generates fire. The cycle continues.

To better train his X-gene, he figured a hotter environment would be ideal. It's been a few days already, with the first couple used to pawn off most of Bobby's possessions and purchasing a plane ticket to fly all the way to Iran; home to the hottest desert on Earth, the Lut desert.

Pyro was oblivious to the Professor's and Hank's inability to find him, feeling confused why they hadn't found him yet. He had even prepared his mind so he could tell them to kindly fuck off without the mind r*pist seeing through his bullshit.

Well…not the fucking off part. That was all genuine.

His days were spent controlling two balls of fire simultaneously while dancing. Seems off but it was the most challenging thing he could think of doing in a desert. If he could he would've been benching Bobby's mom's weight x3 just so he could bring it up next time he smokes the lil popsicle's pants.

"Haaa haaa…10 min-utes…pathetic.", Pyro scowled as he lay sprawled across the sand with his eyes squinting at the stopwatch grasped in his sandy hands. The sand was truly starting to show off its best qualities as it started to get within anything and everything.

"Gotta up these numbers…haa..20 minutes by the end of this week? Sounds good. So it's decided! 25 minutes!", being an arrogant prick who believes in nothing but power does come with its perks. Settling for less was just never in Pyro's personality. If he's harsh on others then he's just downright abusive to himself.

The collision between inter dimensional Pyros allowed the merger of their experience and knowledge. Though this did come at the cost of slightly influencing his personality, something Pyro had yet to notice due to its subtle nature.

A few hours later…

"Welcome back Mr. Allerdyce." a smartly dressed young woman greeted an exhausted Pyro as he walked past the reception of the hotel he was staying at.

"Evening." Pyro briskly replied with a slight nod in her direction as sweat dripped down the side of his face, sweatshirt clinging to his body. Pyro dully noted the blush that overtook the receptionist…Ally's(?) face.

Over the past few days with his changing mindset, Pyro had slowly come to the terms that he was no god not omnipotent being who could look down on everyone…yet.

Until he's able to say confidently that he'd be able to take on anything the Homo sapiens threw at him, be it a missile or nuke, only then could he look down on them one does to an ant.

All in due time.


Pyro muffles a yawn with his palm as he pressed the button for the 6th floor. Gliding his fingers through his sweat slicked hair, he pushes the longer bangs out of his eyes.

His room: Room 606, which funnily enough due to superstition cost less than an average room at The Golden Candle. A simple room consisting of a single bed, a TV, an AC unit and best of all a bathroom that had a tub.

A few minutes later Pyro could be seen lying with his eyes closed in the tub allowing his body to rest after from just one of the many fulfilling days he had planned out for himself.

"Glad I stole all their stuff heh…"


(A/N: John's gonna be referred to as Pyro for some time until he truly becomes John. Romance is still up in the air so feel free to suggest. Help me improve my writing please! Comment and review!!)