
The Room

As I open my eyes, awoken from a cold slumber by drops of water piercing the ceiling and dropping onto my palm, resting on my knee, I realize that I'm in a dark room, lit only by a small hole in the wall beside me. I lift myself up, then stumbling over an unmovable box, seemingly glued in place. I turn to the box kneeling down to it and observe it, before opening it and taking out a strange small, cyan sphere. As I hold it up, it starts to glow faintly. I move it around and as I do, it glows faintly to more until I hold it against my chest, where it glows the most. I press it against me and it becomes as bright as a lamp, then getting absorbed into me. I panic, wondering what just happened. The sphere is gone, absorbed into my chest, though weirdly I feel energised, as if I had drank many coffees. Once I calmed down, a door, seemingly out if nowhere appears on the wall, handle glowing, as if wanting me to turn it. I open the door slightly and quietly before inclining my head around it, looking for anything that might pose danger.