
Jo finds love in a Demon

During a job on a stake out Jo and the brothers they see a group of witches summon Akiel the son of Lucifer. He is pissed off and kills them all and walks out of the cabin covered in there blood and see them

RoseMaddox1990 · TV
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4 Chs


Sam and Dean were at the roadhouse looking over the job, and Jo walked up and looked. "Can I join?" she asked. Dean looked. "No, your mother will kill me," he said. "You scared of my mom," she said. Dean nodded. "Yes, I am," he said. Elen looks. "Jo, you know my rules," she said. "Yes, call when I get there. Call when done, and call if I can if I need help," she said. "So can I go," she asks. Sam nods. "Sure, Jo," he said. The three of them head to Salem. Dean pulled into a hotel and got a room. They got ready for a long night, and they found the cabin. A group of witches pulled up and had a goat. They made the circle, and a huge bright red light happened, and Akiel. He was super pissed off and half-naked. "Who the fuck" he said, eyes red and looks seeing the witches. "Fucking witches," he said. Dean had a good view of the massacre that happened. "Couldn't get my jollies like a normal person tonight fuck" Akiel said and found smokes and lighted one and sighed, and walked outside. He took a deep breath and looked at Jo and the brothers and appeared behind them. "So I hope y'all enjoyed the show," he said. Dean shot him. He healed. "That wasn't very nice at all," Akiel said. "Your cute," he said to Jo. Jo swallows as he leans in close. "Your soul is so pure, and you haven't been touched sexually," he said, getting closer. Jo kicked him hard in the nuts he swallowed in pain. "Okay, yes, I just came off super rapey. I am sorry," he said as they left. He was in pain. "That hurt," Jo was breathing. "Holy fuck" she said. Dean was driving. Akiel loved Jo and disappeared and landed at the roadhouse and walked in. Elen looks. "How can I help you," she asks. Even Williams straight, please," he said. She nods and gives it to him. He drinks it fast. "Fuck, my nuts still hurt," he mumbles, head on the bar. "Girl troubles," Elen asks, pouring more. "Nah, it was my fault I came off too creepy, and she kicked me hard, full force, in the nuts," he said. Elen nods. "Sorry to hear that," she said. He nodded and drank. Elen gave him one more Akiel threw it back and yawned. "Is there a hotel nearby?" he asked. "Nope, but we have spare rooms," she said and took him. He lays down and fell asleep. Jo and the boys walk in. "That was fast," Elen said. "They summoned Akiel, and he killed everyone and was also super creepy," Dean said. Sam nods. "Jo kicked him hard in the nuts," he said. Elen's eyes widen, and they trap him in the room. He woke up. He tried to leave and saw the circle. "Fuck me sideways," he said and sat down. "Can I pee" he shouted. Dean looks. "I don't care," he said. Akiel shrugs and unzips his pants, about to pee on Elens floor. Elen kicks a bucket in. He sighed and peed happily. "I don't plan on hurting anyone, so can I leave," he asks. "You're a demon. Your lying," Jo shouted. Akiel smirks, hearing her. "The fact you all are hunters and don't believe me that tracts so whatever I was summoned against my will, so whatever," he said and laid back down. "As least I can have a book or something like that," he said. "I could have some fun with Short brother if he wants," he said. Sam laughs and pushes Dean into the room, and locks the door. Akiel grins, seeing him. "So does that sexy women have someone," he asks. Dean looks. "Umm, no," he said. Akiel nods. "What does she like," he asks. "I don't know, man," he said. Akiel sighed and sat down. "Your useless," he said. Lays back. "You could have killed me," Dean said. "Correct, but I want to get to know that sexy lady, and if I kill her friends, then it will never happen," Akiel said. Elen opens the door. "You can't going to kill us," she said. "Nope," he said. Elen let him out. Akiel walked out and saw Jo. He walked over. "Hey, I am sorry about before," he said. Jo kicked him again. He fell over. "What the fuck, lady," he said. "Jo, he said sorry," Sam said, trying not to laugh. "Fine, I will leave fuck" Akiel said and disappeared.