
JJK: The Strongest

The man who was recently executed woke up in a humans body, it didn't take long to recognize the JJK world.

Unknownking6869 · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs


Mai and Loki finally got in front of the door but Loki was stopped by Gojo.

" Go ahead Mai, I have to talk to Loki real quick. " Mai nodded and went inside the room.

" I got you a mission, so instead of meeting your friends you'll be exorcising a Grade 1 curse! " Gojo said excitedly while Loki looked at him like an idiot.

" Isn't it too early? It's not even a day or even an hour that I've been in school. " Loki asked confused, is someone targeting him?

' Not like I'll die to be honest so I guess it's fine. ' Loki thought.

" I got it for you. " Gojo smiled brightly.

" Of course. " Loki facepalmed.

" I told them I trained you and as the strongest, I know you're stronger than anybody else, except me of course. So they gave you a mission right away to prove that. " Gojo explained keeping his stupid smile on him.

" Sigh, fine. " Loki got the details from Gojo before leaving right away.


Once Mai entered the class,

" What are you doing here?! " Maki asked shocked

" Do you know her Maki? " Panda asked confused.

" Kelp " Toge said ( Yeah I am just repeat many of the same words cuz I ain't trynna do allat )

" It's nice to see you after a month. " Mai said keeping her smile.

" What happened? Did the clan kick you out? " Maki angrily said remembering her convo with the clan leader.

" No, I'll talk to you about it later. " Mai said before finding a seat. As soon as she did the door opened to a white haired man named Gojo.

" Hey kids how are y'all doing?? " He asked excitedly.

" Are y'all ready to be sorcerers? " He added.


" Tough crowd. " Gojo muttered becoming sad.

" Where is he? " Mai asked confusing Maki.

" Oh he went out for something, he will be here officially tomorrow so don't worry. For now follow me outside, we'll have to rank you all so you know who's the leader. " Gojo smirked as he walked out the room.

- Outside-

" Okay first well start with physicality, we'll do 1v1s, you can choose whatever weapon you want. " Gojo said as he pointed at a storage with different wooden weapons.

" Sensei, I use a gun? " Mai said plainly.

" Kelp " ( I don't use weapons ) Toge added.

" Welp you have to learn, what if your cursed energy runs out? Fight with your body, make it a weapon. " Gojo smirked, " I'll teach you just look for a weapon you might enjoy. "

Toge and Mai nodded as they went inside to take a look, Toge chose daggers while Mai chose a whip.

" Interesting choices, I'll give you the basics before we start you'll have to slowly learn the weapons as we go. " Gojo said as he brought them to the side.

- End result -

" Welp it looks like Maki is the strongest, panda is second and Toge is 3rd, making Mai last. " Gojo said as Mai was trying hard to catch her breath and getting treated by Maki since she was hurt by every fight.

' Toge surpassingly did well even though it was his first time using daggers but then again, 3rd place out of 4 people is pretty bad. As for Mai, Whips aren't pretty useful in a fight but using the aim she uses for her gun she's easily able to hit the target she wants, using the whip to tie around her opponents body, but she's not strong enough to make use of it. ' Gojo smiled brightly, " well they aren't the worst ".


- Lokis Mission -

" I'm sorry they put you to this even though You're barely entering school today. " The man said apologetically, even though it wasn't his fault he felt guilty.

" It's fine, it shouldn't be much of a problem if nothing goes wrong. " Loki said.

" But still a special grade is too much, why would Gojo convince them to give you that mission? " The man sighed, but this caught Lokis attention.

" That bastard said it was a first grade! " Loki annoyingly said to the man.

" He did? " The man questioned.

" Should we call it off? " He added.

" Sigh, no it's fine. I'll get my revenge when I'm back, tell me what's happening. " Loki said as they walked towards a building.

" The interior of the building has turned into a pseudo domain, a gang usually uses this as a gathering and they were all killed. The only reason we got a call was one fo their family members knew where they usually go and was worried about them. So far we have no idea what the abilities are, but from the pseudo domain we think it's related to fire. " The man said as they finally reached the door.

" Alright, I'll be back. "


Loki opened the door and entered, everything was dark inside, there was no light.

" How is this related to fire? Is it possible to change your curse technique or is the curse capable of using different affinities as their technique? " Loki tried analyzing, there's no reason for them to lie about the curse as their in the same side.

Loki took off his glasses to see better and he finally saw a figure a bit in front of him.

" Human? " Loki took a step but the whole place exploded in fire.

" Kre kre " the curse laughed from afar but he then saw the man again, the fire wasn't touching him?

" I see, is it explosion then? " Loki asked himself with a smile.

The figure in front of him was indeed a human, but it was dead.

The human caught on fire, it took a few steps near Loki before exploding, of course this didn't hurt him.

" Hrrrow?? " The curse asked confused.

" Interesting ability to be honest, you basically used the human like a trap and were even able to make him walk. " Loki appeared behind the curse before grabbing its head.

" Your ability would be pretty overpowered if you grew some more. Sadly that won't happen. " Loki was squishing its head very tightly before something flew past him cutting his cheek a little.

' Hm? ' Loki let go and looked behind him confused, who just attacked him?

" I see you managed to gain the same technique as Gojo huh? Sorry but I'll be taking this curse. " Another man spoke besides Loki slowly.

" He's a pretty good assassin, maybe you should be wary as you're not as strong as Gojo. " Geto said about to put his hand on the curse.

* Bang *

A red ball went through the curses head exploding it on the spot, stopping Geto from absorbing it.

" Hm? " Geto looked back to see Loki pointing his finger in a gun shape towards them as the assassin was trying to stab Lokis back but couldn't.

" The only assassin that could ever manage to hurt me is dead, you know who I'm talking about right? He almost killed you, and that girl. " Loki smirked making Geto frown.

" I doubt Gojo would ever talk to someone about that, so how exactly do you know? " Geto asked summing a giant black eagle shaped curse.

" I'll stop his movements! " The assassin shouted as water started shooting his way.

" No let's calm down, let's not expose myself right now. " Geto calmed himself before smirking, he jumped on the eagle and flew away without hesitation.

" Hey! " The assassin yelled annoyed making him stop using his cursed technique.

' wait- ' before he could even look back at Loki he was cut into multiple pieces.

" I'll allow you to leave for now, next time I'll kill you, so wait till Yuta kills you. That way you'll live for a few months. " Loki cleaned himself off the dust and ashes before leaving the building.

" Make sure to clean everything, there was a human who attacked me so he's also dead inside. " Loki said before entering the car.

The man quickly ran inside to check who it was but instantly vomited instead,

" What the hell is this? " He asked seeing the pieces of flesh nearly cut.


( A/N Btw I am not double checking these at all so lmk if some didn't make sense or if I misspelled something . This goes for the future chapters too. )