
Megumi Fushiguro

"Hey! You are starting to hurt me, and Megumi, why are you joining in."

"The conversation was so natural I couldn't help."

"You little!"

Ichigo got closer to Megumi and put his hand on his shoulder.

"Kid, did this suspicious-looking man take you away from your parents?"

"Hey, what kind of question is that!?"

"No, he spoke to me out of nowhere and said something about me being sold off or something, but then he said that if I go with him my sister and I can be happy."

"I see I see, hahaha Riko call the police!"

"Already doing it."

"Wait, and let me explain, damn it."

A few minutes later, Gojo explained the situation to everyone while Megumi was introducing himself to Mimiko and Nanako.

"Ne ne, how did you meet Gojo-san?"

"He found me."

"You are so dry, can you be a little more cheerful?"

"Why do I have to?"

"Ugh, I can with this guy, right Mimiko."

"I think you are just too much, big sis."

"Why are you on his side now?"


"It looks like they are getting along just fine."

"That is what it looks like to you?"

"So you adopted Megumi and his sister because you found out that he was going to be sold off to the zennin clan?"


"Is that all?"

"Pretty sure it is."

"...Satoru, when you were fighting that man, we heard what he said to you. You don't have to hide it."

"sigh, it is just kind of hard to bring up the fact that I adopted the child of the man that nearly killed us, and well, he also killed Kuroi, so I didn't know how to tell you guys, especially you Riko."

"Thank you for being considerate, but you don't need to worry. I can't blame a kid for their parent's actions. Megumi-chan is innocent."

"Thank you."

"Anyway, now Suguro and you have children. Are you guys competing or something?"

"I be winning if we were."

"Wining how?"


"Hello Megumi-chan, my name is Riko Amanai."

"I am Geto Suguru."

"Kurosaki Ichigo, if that shady-looking guy doesn't take good care of you and your sister just tell me, and I will beat him up, okay?"

"As is he agree to that!"


"Why did you agree?"

"Because he seems more reliable and less of goof ball."

"This kid knows how to hurt."

"I like him already, hahaha."

"Megumi, are you hungry? We were just about to eat; do you want to come?"

"No, thank you, I eat with my sister. I just came because the weird-looking guy told me he wanted to introduce me."

"I see next time you come with your sister and we can all eat together, how about it?"

"If it's not a problem."


"Gojo-san, can we stay a little longer? I want to play a little more with Mimiko and Nanako."

"Sure, just tell me when you and Megumi want to go home."

"Can we go now?"

"Wait for your sister."


Megumi snapped his teeth, annoyed, but went with his sister to play anyway.

"So, how are things at home with Megumi and Tsumiki?"

Ichigo asked Gojo, but he already had an idea after seeing how the kids were acting.

'Megumi is less antisocial than the first time we met. Guess his little scowl got softer after knowing us for some time.'

It's been one month since Gojo brought Megumi and Tsumiki with him. The kids got along just fine with the two sisters, and Tsumiki was just a sweet heart.

'She reminds me of Yuzu when she was her age.'

"Things are fine, they already got used to living with me, and they aren't troublemaker.... It would be more fun if they were, but the issue is that some annoying guys started to ask about Megumi."

"Annoying guys?"

"Hmm, the Zennin clan."

"The Zennin clan? What do they want with Megumi?"

"It's not that they want something from him, but they want him."

"More like they want his curse technique, right?"

"Yes, that is the kind of clan they are."

"So what will you do? Beat them up?"

"I would love to, but if I do that, some issues will arise, and I don't want to deal with it."

"So what are you planning?"



"Yes, they Invited Megumi and me to visit the Zennin clan, but I am pretty sure that is just an excuse to try and get their hands on him."

"Jus you and Megumi huh, not Tsumiki? So they don't even consider her his sister, do they?"

"It's the Zennin clan so yea."

"Do they really think they can convince Megumi to stay with them? I've never been to the Zennin clan but have heard some nasty things about them."

"They probably think they can fool him since he is just a child."

"Or scare him."

"Probably, but what can they do with me there."

"That is right. I bet they are the ones who would get scared if you get just a bit angry, hahaha."

"Oh! Ichigo, you just gave an Idea."


"Come with me to meet the Zennin clan. Can you Imagine the faces they would make hahaha, I feel butterflies in my tummy just thinking about it hehehe."

"You are twisted, but sure, I am also curious about the three clans and want to see for myself if the rumors about the Zennin clan are true."

"I already tell you they are."

"I want to see myself, plus who knows what they try to pull off? If they invited you too, they may have something in mind."

"Okay, the meeting is going to be tomorrow, so be ready and get pretty for me, Okay?"

"I make sure to use my most beggar-looking clothes. How about it?"



The next day

"Okay!! Since Ichigo is here, let's get going."

"I beg you, please be less excited."

"I decline!"

With Megumi, Gojo, and Ichigo ready to go the trio didn't waste time and made their way to the Zennin Clan.

"Gojo-san, can you told me about the Zennin clan before we meet them?"

"You have told him anything?"

"I forgot, listen Megumi, the Zennin clan are a bunch of weaklings who like to bully the weak and mistreat women, and we are done."

"Nononono, isn't there more?"
