
An Author's resolution

"I'm from A.C.E.D, this forest is under our watch. Why are you here then?! you are trespassing and why was this shikigami in that cage?" "The answer is simple, that little birdie ovah there will bring in the big bucks for me and I'll become stinking rich!" "So you're telling me that the reason why you're here is because you wanted to make some cash? Man, you're truly shameless." "It doesn't matter if I'm shameless or not, at the end of the day, I'll be rich." After he said that, he pulled out his gun to shoot Naro in the head. When Naroshi saw this he quickly moved behind a couple of trees to get out of the way. BANG!!! the bullet was shot piercing

Through the trees hitting Naroshi in the arm, slamming him back into a tree. "names Vernos kid see you in hell" As Vernos says this Naroshi kicks dirt into Vernos's field of view and disappears. " can't run forever kid". "I'm not running away" Naroshi quickly wrote a sentence in his book "Large wind pressure above the ground will launch Vermos into the air". When this was written Vernos was launched into the air but sadly landed undamaged.

The air crackled with tension as the two adversaries locked eyes, both aware that this confrontation would shape the fate of the cursed realm. Without uttering a word, Vernos swiftly drew his guns and unleashed a barrage of bullets toward Naroshi. The bullets cut through the air with deadly precision, In a fluid motion, Naroshi opened his mystical book and began sketching with the cursed quill. As the quill etched lines onto the paper, the air shimmered with curse energy. Naroshi's eyes glowed with determination as the writings manifested into reality. A towering wall of thorns sprang forth from the ground, intercepting the bullets mid-air. The projectiles embedded themselves into the thorns, rendering them harmless. Naroshi, seizing the opportunity, continued his artistic onslaught. He wrote that a "Katana will appear in front of Naroshi", and so one did, and with a swift motion, he swung it at Vernos even though he's not good with close combat.

Vernos, however, was not one to be underestimated. He dodged the blade and retaliated with a hailstorm of bullets. Naroshi, realizing that defense alone wouldn't secure victory, Created a colossal shield forged from the very pages of his book. The shield absorbed the bullets, and Naroshi retaliated by transmuting the shield into a swarm of razor-sharp butterflies. Vernos, unable to predict the ever-changing arsenal at Naroshi's disposal, found himself in a precarious situation. He attempted to evade the razor butterflies, but they followed his every move with uncanny precision. In a desperate move, Vernos hurled a smoke grenade, obscuring the battlefield.

As the smoke settled, Naroshi scanned the area, anticipating Vernos' next move. Suddenly, a gunshot echoed through the haze, and pain seared through Naroshi's side. Vernos, concealed within the smoke, had managed to get a clean shot.

Naroshi gritted his teeth, realizing the dire situation. He focused his curse energy on undoing the effects of his creations, causing the ethereal weapons and defenses to dissipate. However, as he dispelled the curse, Vernos emerged from the smoke, guns blazing.

Naroshi, wounded but undeterred, summoned his final creation—a colossal, spectral dragon. The dragon roared with a deafening intensity, its form composed of swirling curse energy. Vernos, now faced with a mythical creature of immense power, hesitated for a moment. With final writing in his book, Naroshi writes. "The sand below vernos's feet will erode and trap him in for 3 hours." With this done Naroshi makes the dragon disappear and picks up the white owl who is surprised at how strong he is, and they both leave the camp. "This isn't over, kid. When I can move again I'll find you and that bird and kill ya both you hear me'. Vernos yells out loud. Not even scared, Naro keeps walking away back to the place he first got here from.

"Sheesh, that took way too much curse energy out of me! So how do I get back again? Oh yeah! this necklace" Naroshi poured his curse energy inside of it and it began to glow. "So what no- AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" In an instant, Narosh and the white owl went from the forest, all the way back to A.C.E.D. As earlier, the technicians got the coordinates wrong and poor Naroshi fell 5ft from the air. "Sooooo, how did the mission go?" Mr Algo asked. "Oh nothing, maybe that I AM CRITICALLY INJURED FROM MY FIGHT!" Naroshi remarked. "Not only that, but I found this little owl and he seems very injur-" Before Naro could finish the sentence, the white owl pecked him on the head, being very offended. "OW! HEY HEY HEY! Why are you pecking me, man?" The white shikigami got even more offended and started to peck him again. "ALRIGHT ALRIGHT! So are you a female?" The owl nodded to his response. "Oh, sorry little girl, I will be taking you to the medic department, if I can find the location." "Hey Mr. Algo, do you know where the medic department is?" to Naroshi turns around and sees Mr. Algo already gone. "...Figures."

After a good 20 minutes, Naroshi finally found the location of the medic department and went to see a medic.

"Alright we are here white owl, and before we get in, I need a name for you since calling you white owl doesn't seem very nice," Naroshi said. "Hmmm, how about Yuki?" "You don't like that? Well, what about. Umai?" The owl shook her head. "Kocho? Sandra? Monet? Well, How about

Febe?" The owl shook her head once again. "Man… Well there is one name that you might like. How about Otcha?"

The owl for once actually nodded, indicating that she likes her new name. "So you like that name Octha? Well then let's get healed up." When Naro and Otcha went to the clinic, they spotted a braided lady with black glasses and a sunset skin tone. "Alright then, what are you in for today?" The lady asked. "Well, me and Otcha are here for some healing due to being on a mission." "A mission huh? You should be less reckless next time or not I really don't care." said the Lady. "Yeah Yeah, just please heal us." "Alright then, but I warn you, it will sting a bit." said the lady. "What do you mean by sting a bit- Ow!" before Naro could finish his sentence, the Lady touched his abdomen and suddenly transferred the pain from the fight to the grip of her palm." "That really hurt!" Whined Naro. "Well, I warned that it will sting a bit." "A BIT?" "Well, a bit might be a little understatement…" The Lady said. "You don't say…" remarked Naroshi. "Enough Chit-Chatting, this little owl needs some healing too, especially from her left wing, it's injured." "It is?" "Yeah, if you would look properly, then you would've seen that gaping hole on her wing." "Oh.. man." "Lucky thing you brought her to me because I know for a fact you are bad at helping her. "If left unchecked, she wouldn't be able to fly ever again." "Otcha…" "But don't worry, the procedure is going to last for 10 minutes, go hurry up and wait outside for her alright?" "Alright, Ma'am."

After the procedure was over, Otcha and Naroshi walked over to the Analytical Department to get to Naroshi's dorm room. It was spacious, it had a desk with a laptop on it. In the corner, there was a TV with a Nintendo Switch in its docking station. His bed was a queen-sized bed, with a red sheet and black pillows. There were shelves with several written books, all made by him. "You see this Otcha? This will be your new home! "Get comfortable!" After saying that, Otcha quickly skipped on the floor and climbed all the way to Naroshi's bed, to which he joined her and lay next to her. While lying down, "Hey Otcha! let's make a contract if you do no one will be able to hurt you anymore. and it seems that you had taken a liking to these books in my room" Without hesitation Otcha placed her head on Naro and their curse energy started to tie together, and after 5 minutes the contract was made. After this, he couldn't help but think "I wonder what Sylas and Kaba are up to, and what was in those other cages Vernos had?". Naroshi quickly fell asleep as soon as he did Otcha jumped right beside him wanting to follow him because of his bravery and strength. They both drift off to sleep.