
Subin vs Wooin


" " (talking)

' ' (thinking)

{} (talking telepathically)


Yuna's Pov:

*Beep* (4)

"Don't think you're special just because Mr. Park gave you an offer." Subin said.

*Beep* (3)

"From the looks of your power, it seems pretty useful." She continues.

"Does she usually talk this much in spars? I thought it was less talking and more training." I asked Jisuk to which he shrug.

*Beep* (2)

"But right now, I'll show you the differences between us."

*Beep* (1)


As soon as the count down finished Wooin immediately launched a telekinesis attack at Subin head. This launches Subin back as she falls flat on the ground with a bit of blood streaming down her face.

We all sweat dropped at this while Jisuk is laughing his a** off.

"Hehehe! I f***ing knew it. Wooin always lands his first attack as soon as the match begins. And Subin was just busy blabbing on like a idiot."

"Pft" Chelsea laughed a little which made us look at her.

"Sorry, it's just...haha" Chelsea tried to speak but kept laughing.

"She said that she would show him the... hahaha... the differences between them... but didn't even land... the first freaking hit... haha... Instead she got... swatted away... like a fly," she finally said before falling to the ground from laughing so hard with Jisuk.

"Did you see her fall. That b**ch dropped!" Exclaimed Jisuk.


The rest then looked at me.

"Pardon me, I just sneezed."

"Liar! You can't... hahaha... lie that was funny as hell!" said Chelsea.

I looked away shaking my head at her trying to involve me into something troublesome. 'Though she's got a point.'

Jisuk went over to Wooin to congratulate him when Subin woke up. "Damn! That was f***ing embarrassing. You're dead meat."

"Stop right there Subin. Wooin wins," said Mr. Park.

"But sirr, he just caught me off guard once. I won't let it happen again," she replied.

"You do realize that one unguarded moment could cost you your life," he said.


"If you want, we can continue," Wooin said.



"She won't accept this outcome either way so it's better to continue," replied Wooin.

"I really like you," said Subin as she punches her palm together.

"I thought this was a spar, not some sort of confession" I thought out loud.


"Pftttt... hahaha"

They all looked at me.

"Ah... my bad I didn't think I said that out loud."

"That's a good one sis/Yuna"


"Don't involve me in your shenanigans."

Subin just looked pissed off and was about to continue the spar with Wooin when,

"Um, Subin?" Jiwoo questioned nicely.

"Shut up, why are you acting all friendly?" Subin angrily said.

"Um, you nose is bleeding," Jiwoo said.


"Hehehehee! Subin got a double noise bleed. How embarrassing," laughed Jisuk.

"Shut up, you a**hole!"

"Don't wanna... hahahaha"

5 minutes later:

"Damn, my nose is still bleeding."


"Jisuk! Stop eating you damn popcorn."

"Don't wanna"

"Then eat more quietly!"


"Subin focus. Claiming he caught you off guard won't work a second time," said Mr. Park.

"Now since you both agreed, the battle will restart."

*Beep* (3)

*Beep* (2)

*Beep* (1)

Wooin made the first move again and aimed an attack towards Subin's head. She dodges it and Wooin continues sending telekinesis attacks at her to which she retaliates and throws icicles towards Wooin's head. Wooin, surprised by the incoming attacks, dodges it at the last second.

"Woah Ice?! Did she just throw ice?" Jiwoo asked.

"Yeah. Her awakened ability is ice," replied Jisuk.

"Is it possible to make ice with awakened powers?"

"Well, it's not as simple as it sounds… but still possible."

"Like this?" Chelsea and I both replied as we showed them ice forming on our hands which shocked them.

"Y-you tw-... *sigh* why do I even bother?" Jisuk said restless.

"How did you two make ice?" Asked Mr. Park.

"We just can," I replied and Chelsea nodded in agreement. His eyebrows furrowed in annoyance before going back to spectating the match.

"You've got some strong powers and pretty good moves, but that's all there is to it. It makes me sad that Mr. Park gave you an offer even though you're not even that good." Subin said as she threw more icicles at Wooin. Wooin destroyed her attacks, surprising her.

'Was that by chance?' She thought before launching more icicles at him. Wooin just like before destroyed them. 'Wah? It wasn't by chance?'

Wooin then launched an attack at Subin's head again and she dodged it. She then launched more icicles as a distraction before forming a dagger to cut Wooin in the knee.

"Wooin!" Exclaimed Jiwoo.

Subin continues slash Wooin who doesn't dodge any of it. "Hey, why don't you give up now. Though you weren't bad, you aren't anywhere near my level."

"That's bulls***!"

We all looked over to Jisuk who had a furious expression. "Hey Wooin, you're kidding me right?"

"Huh?" said Subin who is confused while Jisuk just continue. "Before, you jumped at me like you were going to kill me. What are you doing right now?!"

"Jisuk Yoo, what are you talking about?" questioned Subin, surprised.

"I was... Figuring her out." Replied Wooin.

"Now that's one hell of a way to figure her out. Hey Subin, you'd better get serious." Jisuk warned. 

"What are you talking about?"

"If you don't wanna get beaten, get serious. Even I don't BS it when I'm fighting him."


'If what he's saying is true, then…No way.' Subin thought before noticing Wooin displaying his true powers.

"Just so you know, he fought one-on-one with me the other day, though I still won."

Subin becomes shocked by what she hears before understanding why Mr. Park wanted to bring Wooin under the Union.

"Alright then, I'll do it for real this time. Show me those skills of yours that Jisuk, that arrogant punk was bragging about."

"What! Subin what the hell are you talking about? When did I ever rave about him?!" He says angrily.

"But that's what it sounded like to me."

"You're wrong then!"

Wooin starts blushing and we all noticed it.

"Y-You, why the hell are you blushing. You should be focusing on the match right now." Jisuk exclaimed.

"Jisuk shut the hell up. You're distracting me."

"What are you talking about? You're the one taking your sweet a** time?"

"But didn't I tell you to shut up?!"

"Whatever, just hurry up and fight. My popcorn is going bad."

"You jerk!" Subin said as she threw an icicle at his popcorn.

The popcorn box exploded making all of it go flying. This anger Jisuk as he attacked Subin, starting a brawl.

"Die you damn punk," she exclaimed to which he replied. "What? With those lousy skills of yours?"

{Honestly, I thought we came here for Wooin spar, not a lover's quarrel.}

{So you ship them too?} Questioned Chelsea.

{Well, more so platonically.} Chelsea hummed in agreement as we went back to watching their brawl.

Jiyoung eventually became annoyed by their actions which made Inhyuk and Mr. Park step in. They pulled the two barking dogs away from each other even though they struggle.

"Subin that's enough. Don't you remember the reason we came here." Said Mr. Park.

"Oh" she said as she looked at Wooin before pointing out.

"You passed my test. I've seen enough and decided that you have qualifications to join the Union."

"What a load of bullcrap! You're just scared of losing after using your energy on me. Don't act all high and mighty." Jisuk shouted. 

"Y-you shut up!"

They continued to bicker until Wooin said, "I'm not going to join the Union."

"What! How dare you reject the Union. Why, did you get a better offer and are weighing your options?" Subin exclaimed angrily.

"No, it's just that I don't know what belonging to a group really means yet."

"Our Union is the best in the country and our problems are zero to none. Do you realize how lucky you are to be part of such a group as an awakened one, huh?! The awakened world is dangerous and to not be affiliated in one..."

"I know. The Union seems like a good place, and I know very well how dangerous it is to be alone in the awakened world."

"And yet you still insist on flying solo?"

Wooin nodded in response before bowing to Mr. Park and saying politely, "Thank you for the offer, but for now I'm not looking to be part of a group. I'm sorry for taking up your time for such a matter."

"Hmm, if you change your mind, contact me anytime." Mr. Park replied.

"How stupid." Subin thought.


We all looked over to the sound of Jiyoung's high heels as she walked. Once she got all of our attention, she asked, "Is it all over now? If so, then clean up before you leave."

What she actually meant was Jisuk, clean up your popcorn.

Jiyoung walked away after saying that and as nobody wants to anger the country's strongest awakener, they replied, "Yes Ma'am!"


Back at Seo's Residence -

Chelsea Pov:

"Are you alright Wooin?" Jiwoo asked.

"Yeah, I am."

"Can I ask you a questioned?" Asked Jiwoo to which Wooin nodded in reply.

"How come you didn't join the Union?"

That was where Wooin explained how he met his professor and never made decisions for himself. He continues on to explain how he has always been alone and that now that he is responsible for his own decisions, he has to be cautious of what others think if he joined a group.

The mood was sullen until Jisuk out of nowhere said, "I understand."

This made us look at him weirdly while Yuna made a face saying, 'Learn to read the room.'

Jisuk looking at our reactions exclaimed, "What?! Why are you looking at me like that?"

Yuna and I just shake our head at his dumba** while he continues to argue with Jiwoo and Wooin about making those faces at him.



End of Chapter 9

Word Count: 1684

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