8 Meeting Subin


" " (talking)

' ' (thinking)

{} (talking telepathically)


Yuna's Pov:

Me, Chelsea and Kayden were just chilling like every other day when Jiwoo came home with Wooin and Jisuk.

{It seems they already met Subin.} I thought as both Chelsea and I noticed Wooin anxiousness.

We then looked to Jisuk as he was sitting down well mannerly.

"Um, Jisuk why are you sitting down like that. Isn't it uncomfortable?" Questioned Jiwoo.

"Not at all, I'm comfortable" he replied sweating bullets.

'These idiots, they have no idea' thought Jisuk as he looked to the big 'fat' cat wary.

Jisuk then bowed infront of Kayden with a peace offering of Cat Bites. We all watched this scene amusingly.

Later, Kayden and Jisuk left to have 'the talk' outside while Wooin and Jiwoo were busy trying to find out why Subin wanted with him. We eventually decided to take their mind off of the situation and feed stray cats.

As we go outside, you can once again see Jisuk on his knees giving Kayden more Cat Bites. Noticing our presence, he quickly got up and asked where we're going.

"To feed stray cats, wanna come along," said Jiwoo. Jisuk immediately said yes as he did not want to be left alone with Kayden.

While we were feeding the cats, Jisuk made an evil face which I assume had something to do with having a fat cat of his own like Kayden.

{Subin is going to arrive in 3, 2-} Chelsea started before being interrupted by a yell.

"Jisuk Yoo!"

We all turned to where the voice came from, and there came an angry Subin. "You dare play me for a fool."


"That's Wooin" she said pointing at Wooin.

"Oh...And?" He replied.

"And? That's all you have to say for yourself"

"Yeah, so what?"

"I asked if you knew who he was and you said you didn't know."

"True, but now you know"

"Jisuk Y-You..."

"What's wrong, wanna go at it right now?" He taunted.

"I don't see why not."

"Wait, you're looking for me right? So rather than lashing out at Jisuk, why don't you talk to me." Wooin said as he stands up.

"I see, Jisuk you bastard changed."

"Change you say."

"That's right. Before you never had any friends that stood up for you like this. Actually, I don't believe you had any around you that you called friends. Is that why you lied, for his sake."


"I see..." Replied Wooin as we looked at him with sad eyes.

"I- didn't. Stop saying 'I see' and looking at me with those weird eyes," he replied furiously.

"So, what did you want to talk to Wooin about?" Chelsea questioned.

"Our Union offer to accept him and he declined it." Subin said. 

"And what's wrong with that?" I questioned.

"T-that's because Mr. Park was the one that recommended him and he declined."

"I didn't decline it, I just asked for more time." Wooin said.

"That's the same thing!" She yelled.

"So what if he declined, isn't it his choice?" I questioned.

"Yeah, but I just don't see any reasons why he wouldn't want to join. Especially when Mr. Park was the one to recommend him."

"But isn't the invitation a bit sudden?" Jiwoo asked.

"And who the h*ll are you?" Subin turned towards Jiwoo.

"Me? I'm Wooin and Jisuk's friend," he replied.

"Friends? Now everyone thinks..."

"Hey Subin, don't you think that's enough?" Said Jisuk.


"It hasn't been long since they learned they were awakeners so they don't know stuff about personally being affiliated with groups like Shinwha and Union." Jisuk said which shocked Subin.

"I understand now. Things will settle if I reject the Union's invitation," said Wooin.


"If it hurts your feelings that much, I'll just go to Mr. Park and tell him."

Subin began to make a pissed off face when... "Mr. Park? Subin is bullying Wooin." Jisuk said on the phone with a devilish grin.

"Yeah and while we were at school she made a big scene. She's doing the same thing right now with Wooin" Jisuk continue.

"Hey! Jisuk what do you think you're doing?" Subin exclaimed while sweating a little.

"You hear that? She's screaming right now. I think she's lost it. Come here quickly as it's getting scary."

"You idiot! Stop it right now and hang up. Gimme your phone Jisuk!" She yelled.

"Ahh, someone help me from this lunatic."

The Seo siblings and Wooin just watched the scene awkwardly not knowing what to do before she ran away.


Back at Seo's Residence -

Other's Pov:

"So you're wondering whether or not you want to join a group?" Questioned Kayden to which Jiwoo nodded in reply.

"How about you two?" Kayden questioned the twins.

"I don't plan to join one for now or ever" Chelsea said.

"What she said" Yuna said pointing at Chelsea.

"And why's that?" Asked Kayden raising an eyebrow.

"Well I don't see the reason to join one as right now, I'm enjoying my freedom." Yuna said.

"Being affiliated means you will be restricted and under someone else's order. I rather live my life freely than like that." Chelsea said.

"Hmm, good answers." Said Kayden before continuing.

"You see Jiwoo. Just like your sisters you don't need to make a decision immediately. In the end do what you want." Kayden said gently.

"So what should I do?" Jiwoo questioned.

"Do what you want hyung," said Chelsea and Yuna nodded in agreement.

"Right now do you want to join any groups?" Yuna questioned.

"Um, currently I don't see myself belonging anywhere." Jiwoo replied.

"Then why bother worrying. You have your answer," said Kayden.

"I see" said Jiwoo before asking. "Oh yeah, are you affiliated Mr. Kayden?"

"No, because I'm strong" he replied.

"Woah so cool," said Jiwoo as he continues praising Kayden.

"I know I'm awesome," he said smugly.


Chelsea Pov:

The next day we were chilling till I got a text message saying Wooin and Subin are going to spar.

"Hey Mr. Kayden, Yuna." I said which got their attention.

"You guys wanna watch the spar between Subin and Wooin."

"Sure" they both replied.

Yuna picked up Kayden before we teleported right next to Jiwoo surprising everyone.

"Hey hyung" I said.

"Yuna, Chelsea how you guys get there?" He questioned.

"We teleported" we both said at the same time.

"Why?" He asked.

"To watch the spar, why else?"

"I see."

"Um, that is if we can?" I questioned looking at Jiyoung shyly to which she nodded.

I can see Yuna's smirk from the corner of my vision as I know she will definitely not let me hear the end of this.

Jisuk then came in excited to watch the spar with popcorn. We all moved towards the training area where Subin was already inside and Wooin just arrived.

"You still wanna fight even when Mr. Park said you didn't have to. I like your attitude," said Subin arrogantly. Wooin stayed silent while Subin continued.

"Guess I'll go easy on you even though I planned on beating you a**."

Jiwoo looking worriedly asked Inhyuk, "Is Subin strong?"

"She's probably one of the few awakeners in this country that can match Jisuk." Inhyuk replied as he kept looking at Kayden in Yuna's arms.

"C'mon let's get this match started" said Jisuk as he threw some popcorn in his mouth.

And just like that, the 'dance' between Subin and Wooin was about to begin.



End of Chapter 8

Word Count: 1246

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