
Affiliated vs Unaffiliated


" " (talking)

' ' (thinking)

{} (talking telepathically)


Chelsea's Pov:

Today's the day where the Unaffiliated students spar against the Affiliated ones. We were lined up and you can hear whispers in the crowd saying we're doomed. Since only 6 can participate, it was the Seo siblings, Wooin, Jeoungsu, and Gangwoo that participated.

The match with Gangwoo and Jeoungsu went the same as in the manhwa as there wasn't really much, they could do. Wooin's match was next, and he is going against someone from Halla.

"Next up is Woonyoung Ki of Halla and Wooin of the Unaffiliated!" The announcer said.

As Wooin step forward, he halted and said, "All of you guys keep your heads up and watch. This one's going to be worth watching."

*Beep* (3)

*Beep* (2)

*Beep* (1)

Woonyoung, thinking this was an easy match as Wooin was unaffiliated, didn't bother to take things seriously, just yawned as soon as the match started. Unfortunately, Wooin like always attacked first launching an attack directing at his opponent's face.

This shocked everyone as there was a burn mark left on Woonyoung's face. This made him angry, but he could not prepare an attack as Wooin used his telekinesis to bind him in place before creating an explosion where Woonyoung was standing.

Teachers, including students watched in amazement at how an unaffiliated student is as strong as them.

Woonyoung having lots of burns and cuts around his body was still able to continue the match. He flared up 3 spheres and launched them at Wooin. Wooin dodge 2 of them and repel the other one. This surprised Woonyoung, allowing an opening for Wooin to attack his right leg. This made Woonyoung hold his leg in pain not noticing Wooin flaring his energy for another attack. He launched a strong condense attack at Woonyoung making him look like a roasted pig, resulting in Wooin's win.

"The Winner is Wooin!"

The outcome of this match surprised everyone and made the unaffiliated students grateful they watched this match, leaving them in tears.

"Was this match worth it?" Wooin asked as he walked toward us.

"Yeah!" Jiwoo and Jihye said with happy tears on their face.

The next match was mines against a stuck up from Baekdu.

"Next up is Hyeonga Park of Baekdu and Chelsea Seo of unaffiliated."

*Beep* (3)

"We've met before, right?" Hyeonga said.

*Beep* (2)

I ignored her which anger her.

*Beep* (1)

Hyeonga sprinted towards me to land a punch at my stomach. I blocked by grabbing her arm before twisting it.

"ARG, you f***er, I'll end you!" Hyeonga yelled as she made a gravity field around me trying to hold me in place. 

I just stayed in place not feeling a thing. 

"You! How are you not affected by my gravity." Hyeonga exclaimed. 

"Maybe it's because you're weak." I said as I leisurely walked around yawning. 

"You trash unaffiliated are the weak ones." Hyeonga yelled while throwing condense energy balls at me. 

Not effective as they were extremely slow making it very easy to dodge all of them. 

"Is this all you've got?" 

"Shut up! I'm just getting started." Hyeonga replied savagely, increasing the pressure around me as she tried to slam a punch at my face. 

I flipped backwards twisting my body uniquely, dodging the attack with ease. Witnessing the way my body moved, made the spectators astonished at how flexible it is. Hyeonga paid no attention to how I did that and just continued sending attacks, hoping to tire me out as I kept dodging. 

"Is dodging all you can do?" Hyeonga ignorantly said. 

"No, it's just that you're not worth the attention." I said teasingly. 

"You weak a** unaffiliated dare to say such a thing." Hyeonga yelled. 

"Hey, just because I'm unaffiliated doesn't mean I am weak." 

"Yes, you are! And so are the rest of you unaffiliated kids. You guys are just wasted space." Hyeonga said obnoxiously. 

"You say that, yet you have yet to land a single hit on this blind weak little girl." 

"Shut up!" Hyeonga yelled.

"Why should I? I am just merely speaking the truth!" 

"Just watch. At the end of this, you'll be begging for me to stop." Hyeonga said. 

"Begging huh? We'll see." 

I smirked intently at this as I now have a new toy to play with. 

'Damn, I sound like a sociopath. Am I stable? Nah, since when was I ever sane.' I thought mysteriously. 

 Hyeonga made a mini dark hole that tried to suck me in. It didn't work as I copied her gravity to put pressure on my body. She became frustrated that none of her attacks seem to be working, so she decided to try and kill me instead. 

Hyeonga tried to restrict my movements so she can hurl the mini dark hole at me. Teachers seeing this tried to intervene as I would most likely die from contact if not for limitless. 

"CHELSEA!" Jiwoo, Jisuk, Subin, and many others exclaimed worriedly. 


The explosion happened due to the dark hole bouncing off my limitless and sucking up the training area. It apparently wasn't very stable and blew up. The effect of it left lots of debris and smoke. 

'God, I hate this damn smoke. Why is it always smoke? Thank god I don't have asthma even though I am not religious thank you god.' 

"Hyeonga! Good job for getting rid of trash." Sucheon said. 

'Hmm, the smoke has yet to clear up so they can't see me yet. What would happen if I played dead? That would be quite entertaining, but I have to show the unaffiliated that there is hope in getting strong. Of course, not as strong as me, Yuna, and hyung.' 

"It was easier said than done." Hyeonga replied arrogantly. 

{These people really are just going to assume you're dead?} Yuna questioned. 

{Well, can you blame them for have a stick way up their a**.} 

{Ha, you're right. Anyways, when are you going to make yourself known.} Yuna said. 

{I dunno. I actually kind of wanna watch them make a fool of themselves.} 

{Hm, do as you please, just hurry up as I still have my match that I want to get over with.} Yuna replied. 

"But it quite disappointing that you couldn't go through with my words. I really wanted to watch that trash beg." Sucheon said. 

"I'm sorry." Hyeonga said as she bowed. 

"It's not a problem, you got rid of trash in the end, so I have nothing to complain about." Sucheon replied arrogantly. 

"The winne-" The announcer began before being interrupted by a cough. 

"Ahem... Since when was I dead?" I asked as the smoke started to clear. 

My voice seemed to catch everyone but Yuna off guard. Not to mention having not a single scratch on my body in a mini crater. 

"You! How did you survive that?" Hyeonga exclaimed. 

"Didn't I already tell you, or do I have to spell it out for you to understand? You're weak!" I said teasingly. 

"Why you!" Hyeonga angrily said as she threw very small gravity spikes towards my direction. 

'It seems she's running out of gas.' 

"Are you brainless or what? If your ultimate attack earlier didn't even scrape me, what makes you think those weak a** ones will." I replied looking at her with an 'Are you Dumb' face. 

 "Shut up! I will not lose to unaffiliated trash." Hyeonga exclaimed exhaustedly as she begins to slow down her attacks. 

"Are you sure you're not the trash here?" 

Too tired to reply made her grunt in response. I took that as a sign to continue toying with her. 

'Nothing is better than breaking your toy after it is no longer of use.' I thought evilly and happily. 

"Now then, shall we end our little dance as there is no point in continuing, my little zombie." I said teasingly as her movement did look like that of a zombie. 

I gather a bit of electricity and strike an infinite amount of lightning at her. 


{Are you done yet?} Yuna asked impatiently. 

{Almost, I just need her to go on her knees and beg me.} I said like a happy child that just got a cookie. 

"Are you going to surrender? I can do this all day." I said boredly looking at my nails. 

"Arg NO!" 

"Suit yourself." 

Several minutes have gone by and you can see a bloody burnt body in the middle of a crater. Somehow Hyeonga was still 'alive' and conscious even after multiple weak lightning strikes. 

I was about to launch a couple more when she said, "STOP!" 

This made me raise an eyebrow while other people who expected this outcome still became stunned. 

"Finally broke?" I questioned as she nodded in reply.

"Beg me?" 

"Huh?" Hyeonga questioned. 

"Must I repeat myself? Go down on your knees and beg me." I said releasing a bit of pressuring making everyone sweat a bit. 

Hyeonga hesitated at first, before slowly got down on both knees and bowed down to me. 

"Please spare me, I beg of you." Hyeonga said frightening. 

*Clap... Clap... Clap* 

I slowed clap having an amused face. 

"Would you look at that. An affiliated kiddo asking for mercy by an unaffiliated one on their knees. Didn't you say I would be the one on my knees begging? The irony your situation has become." I coldly said with a wide smile that could give Madara's smile a run for his money. 

"The winner is Chelsea Seo!" 

This made the unaffiliated, Jisuk, Subin, and some teachers cheer for me as I walked away. I met up with Jiwoo, Yuna, Wooin, and the other unaffiliated students as they congratulated me. The next round was Jiwoo against Sucheon. 

{I wonder what the result of the next match will be?} Yuna questioned. 

{Did you forget that you can look into the future?} 

{I'm not that stupid to forget such a thing. Besides, I'm just wondering as hyung is much stronger than in the manhwa.} Yuna replied. 

{Well either way, if you're that curious of the result, you can always do that.} 

{If I were to do that then there would be no point in being here other than my match.} Yuna said. 

{I suppose you're right.} 

"Next up we have Sucheon Kang of Baekdu and Jiwoo Seo of the Unaffiliated!" 

"Wish me luck" Jiwoo said as the other unaffiliated students did so. 

*Beep* (3) 

"What's with that look on your face? Do you seriously think you can do what your friend and sister did?" Sucheon asked. 

{Why is it always the villains that have these long monologues.} Yuna complained. 

{To be fair, it's always the arrogant ones that think they're very powerful.} 

{Still annoying though.} Yuna said and I hummed in agreement. 

*Beep* (2) 

"I was surprised by their powers too, but there's not many awakened ones who can do that and I'm sure you're not one of them. Even if there's a chance you are, I'm 'The Sucheon Kang of Baekdu.' I'm not on the same level as Woonyoung of Halla or Hyeonga Park." Sucheon continue his monologue. 

*Beep* (1) 

Unlike Woonyoung, Sucheon was ready to use his awakened power from the very start. Sucheon put out his hand to increase the pressure on Jiwoo, but he had already disappeared from his current position. Jiwoo emerged in front of Sucheon and landed a strong a** thwack to his face. 

This made Sucheon lose focus for a second before pushing Jiwoo back with gravity. This allowed him to make space between Jiwoo and himself. Unluckily, the Seo sisters and Kayden were very strict on Jiwoo's training regiment, so such pressure was easy to walk off. 

Sucheon thinking Jiwoo was immobilized ran towards him and threw a punch to the right side of Jiwoo's head. Jiwoo catching sight of this dodged the attack moving his head to the left. Sucheon in dazed by what just happened allowed Jiwoo a clear opening at his face. 

Jiwoo thrust a powerful punch at Sucheon face but frowned as if that wasn't the attack he wanted to do. He then threw another punch, but the follow-up was the same. Jiwoo continued punching Sucheon at all angles trying to achieve the right punch. 

Sucheon furious that he currently amounts to that of a punching bag releases a strong gravitational pressure pushing Jiwoo a bit back. Of course, it was still very weak, but as long as Jiwoo did not let his guard down, he would be fine.

"How dare trash like you land a hit on me!" Sucheon exclaimed furiously as he attacked Jiwoo from a distance with very small gravitational balls trying to tired Jiwoo out as he dodges. 

Jiwoo dodges all of them thinking of how to counter Sucheon force field when he suddenly got an idea. Sucheon not knowing what he was in for put more pressure in the force field around him before he imperiously said,

"What do you think will happen if I get close to you?" 

As Sucheon slowly makes his way to Jiwoo, he suddenly disappeared from everyone but Yuna and Chelsea eyes. Jiwoo used maxed speed complemented with 'Black Flash' and broke through Sucheon force field landing a solid hit at his stomach. 

Sucheon got blasted away without anyone knowing what Jiwoo did as they missed his moved. Sucheon lays there on the ground lifelessly with black, red, and blue lightning residing the place where Jiwoo punched. 

"The Winner is Jiwoo Seo!" 

This shocked everyone as an unaffiliated just beat Sucheon Kang of Baekdu. Of course, it was not surprising to Seo sisters as they were more focused on the fact that Jiwoo successfully did 'Black Flash.'



End of Chapter 15 

Word Count: 2287

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